16.4如果供应商或其任何关联⽅违反了本第16.3 条项下的保证与承诺,该等保证与承诺均应视为重要的且在本合同有效期内持续做出,买⽅应当有权⽴即退出或终⽌与供应商的进⾏中的交易协商谈判,如果已经签署了相应的合同,则买⽅有权⽆条件解除与供应商签订的该等合同。供应商还应向买⽅赔偿由此给买⽅造成的全部损失(包括但不限于合理的律师费⽤)。买⽅亦可永久性取消供应商作为买⽅的潜在商业伙伴的资格。
If Party B or any of its Affiliated Persons breaches any of the warranties or commitments in this Section 16.3, each of which is deemed to be material and continuously made throughout the term of this Contract, then, Party A shall be entitled to immediately withdraw from or terminate the relevant legal transaction existing with Party B and the right to cancel all negotiations with Party B without any condition. Party B shall also indemnify Party A for all its loss caud by the above breaches of Party B (include but not to attorney fee). Party A may also permanently remove Party B from consideration as a potential business partner to Party A.
16.5 披露与沟通Disclosure and Communication
a) 如果出现符合16.3 g)条所描述的情况,请通过以下途径向北京奔驰合规办公室进⾏信息披露:
紧急会议When the situation described in article 16.3 g) occurs, plea contact with BBAC compliance office to disclo related information through the following ways:
In the event Party B or its employees are aware of any unethical behaviors of any of our employees, Party B or its employees are obliged to report the issue to the Business Practice Office (BPO) of Party A. Party A or its employees shall not take revenge on Party B or its employees for any reasons. Party B who reports honestly and acts with probity will be given priority when it is in the same condition as other candidates for carrying out business with Party A in the future. BPO will maintain strict confidentiality concerning all reports and related information, and can also ensure anonymous treatment upon your request.
c)⽆论何种情形,在不违法法律法规和政府部门书⾯⽂件的前提下,未得到买⽅书⾯许可,供应商均不得向第三⽅或公众提供任何涉及买⽅商业信息的⽂件资料(包括但不限于16.3 c)所述的调查报告或内部处理决定)
上海去哪里玩No matter in which situation, without Party A’ s admission in writing, Party B couldn’t provide any document which involves Party A’s commercial information (including but not limited to reports or internal decisions as described in article 16.3 c) to any third party or public, under the legal rules and government documents.
16.6 供应商应协助并全⼒配合戴姆勒或任何戴姆勒集团公司遵守适⽤法律。供应商应当允许戴姆勒及其代表在正常办公时间内检查并复印供应商与在本合同基础上的交易相关的账簿和记录,以证实供应商是否遵守本条款的声明、保证与承诺。Supplier shall assist and cooperate fully with the efforts of Daimler or any Daimler Group Company to comply with the Applicable Laws. Supplier shall permit Daimler and its reprentatives during normal office hours to examine and make copies of Supplier's books and records relating to transactions bad on this Contract, to verify compliance by Supplier with the reprentations, warranties and covenants of this clau.
16.7 买⽅致⼒于构建以诚信为基础的合规⽂化,在⼀切商业⾏为中秉持“公平”、“公开”、“公正”的商业原则,并倡导所有的商业伙伴与其⼀道共同维护合法、合规的良好商业环境。北京奔驰官⽅认证微信公众号“合规微平台”已⾯向公司内员⼯及外部商业伙伴开通,欢迎您关注并了解买⽅的合规管理及合规⽂化建设成果,分享您的合规关切。请扫描右侧⼆维码关注“北京奔驰合规微平台”。
BBAC is committed to establish a corporate culture bad on integrity, follows the principles of “fairness”, “openness” and “justice” in all business activities, and hopes all its business partners join it in maintaining a legitimate and compliant business environment. “BBAC Compliance WeChat Platform”, an authorized public WeChat account, has been relead to BBAC employees as well as its business partners. Plea follow it to learn about the compliance management and compliance culture construction status in BBAC, and share with BBAC your compliance concerns. Plea kindly scan the QR code on the right to follow “BBAC Compliance WeChat Platform”.
Supplier shall meet: adherence to applicable laws and regulations (particularly, in respect of labor, trade union, prohibition of child labor and forced labor, environment, occupational safety and health, etc.), adherence to legal standards and environmental rules (including preventive environmental protection), and taking corporate social responsibility.
In ca Supplier needs to enter BBAC premis, Supplier shall contact Safety, Environment Protection & Corp. Service team of BBAC and conclude Safety Agreement as well as strictly obey the claus thereof.
Supplier shall obrve BBAC corporation administrative rules and safety management regulations at BBAC premis.
BBAC and Supplier implement integrated environmental protection, which deals with the caus, asss the environmental impact of production process and products in advance and integrates the into corporate decisions. Products and production process are designed on holistic principles to make them environmentally compatible and to u resources as sparingly as possible.
If requested by Purchars, the Supplier shall sign an additional Letter Agreement Regarding Integrity with Purchars.
17.1 在本合同届满之⽇,各⽅可以且仅可以以书⾯形式延长合同期限。
Upon the expiration of the term, the Parties can extend it by written agreement only.
Upon the occurrence of any of the following events to a Party, the other Party may unilaterally terminate this Contract by a written notice to such Party with immediate effect:
The Party fails to comply with any of the obligations, provisions and conditions of this Contract, and such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after it has received a written notice from the other Party; or
b) ⼀⽅变为破产或资不抵债,或⾯临清算或解散,或变为⽆法清偿到期债务或根据适⽤法律被解散。
The Party becomes insolvent or bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for liquidation or dissolution, or becomes unable to pay its debts as they become due or is dissolved in accordance with applicable law.
17.3 买⽅有权在任何时候,出于任何原因,以提前两(2)个⽉书⾯通知的⽅式终⽌本合同,⽽⽆需告知供应商该等原因。Further, the Purchar have the right to terminate this Contract any time by giving two (2) months prior written notice to the Supplier for any reason and without the need for notifying that reason to the Supplier.
Sections 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19 and this Section 17.5 shall survive after the termination of this Contract.
This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. If this Contract has an international sales nature, the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods of April 11, 1980 shall be excluded.
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall first be resolved through friendly consultation. If such dispute can not be resolved within thirty (30) days after the initiation of the consultation, each Party may sub
mit the same to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) for arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the CIETAC then being in force which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference to this clau. The tribunal shall consist of two arbitrators of which each Party shall appoint one arbitrator and the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC. In ca the Parties can not agree on the arbitrator to be appointed, all three arbitrators of the tribunal shall be appointed by the Chairman of CIETAC. The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be Chine and the arbitration procedure shall be held in Beijing. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties. The losing Party shall bear all costs and expens of the arbitration.
During the period when the dispute is being resolved, except for the matters in dispute, the Parties shall in all other respects continue performing their obligations under this Contract.
20.1 通知。任何⼀⽅根据本合同规定的要求⽽发出的通知或其他通讯均应以中、英⽂书写,并通过专⼈或国际上认可的专递服务,或通过传真送达或发送⾄另⼀⽅在采购合同中的地址或另⼀⽅经过告知
和女孩子聊天Notice. Notices or other communications required to be given by either Party pursuant to this Contract shall be written in
Chine and English and delivered in person or nt by an internationally recognized courier rvice or by facsimile to the following address of the other Party or to such other address as may from time to time be designated by the other Party through notification to such Party. The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:
(a) 如果通过专⼈递送,以专⼈递送的当⽇视为送达⽇期;
Notices given by personal delivery shall be deemed effectively given on the date of personal delivery;
(b) 如以国际间认可的专递服务⽅式发送,应以该等⽂件交由专递服务公司保管后的第三⽇为送达⽇期;以及
Notices nt by an internationally recognized courier rvice shall be deemed effectively given on the third day after the date deposited with such courier rvice;
(c) 如⽤传真发出,送达⽇期为相关传真的发送确认单所⽰发送⽇后的第⼀个⼯作⽇。
Notices given by facsimile shall be deemed effectively given on the first working day following the date of transmission as indicated on the transmission confirmation slip of the document in question.
This Contract ts forth the entire agreement of the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and expressly limits acceptance to the terms and conditions stated. In the ca of any discrepancy between the Purcha contract, this Contract and Other Relevant Contracts, this signed Purcha Contract shall prevail.
Further Assurances. Each of the Parties agrees to expeditiously execute such documents and perform such further acts as may be reasonably required or desirable to carry out or to perform the provisions and purpos of this Contract.
Amendment. Noamendment to this Contract shall be of effect unless agreed in writing by the Parties.
Waiver. No waiver of any provision of this Contract shall be effective unless t forth in a written instrument signed by the Party waiving such provision. No failure or delay by any Party in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Contract shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exerci of the same preclude any further exerci thereof or the exerci of any other right, power or remedy. Without limiting the foregoing, no waiver by any Party of any breach by the other Party of any provision hereof shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subquent breach of that or any other provision hereof.
Severability. If any provision of this Contract is determined invalid or unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such provision
shall be vered from the body of this Contract and the remainder thereof shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
20.7转让。未经另⼀⽅事先书⾯同意,任何⼀⽅均⽆权向其关联机构之外的其他任何实体转让其在本合同项下的任何权利和义务。买⽅保留推荐、否决、选定第三⽅的权利。买⽅同意分包时,供应商应当在签署分包合同之后⽴即,且分包商开始⼯作之前将分包合同的复印件提交给买⽅。分包后,供应商仍对合同相关的所有货物和/或服务承担质量担保和保修等义务。Assignment. Without the prior written connt of the other Party, neither Party may assign any of its rights or obligationshereunder to any party. When BBAC has connted to the placing of subcontracts, copies of each subcontract shall be nt by Supplier to BBAC immediately upon signing and prior to commencement of work by the subcontractor. The Supplier shall still undertake all obligations such as the quality assurance and warranties in connection with this Agreement after the subcontract.
20.8抵销。买⽅有权在任何时候以买⽅对供应商的任何索赔或收费抵销在本条款项下应向供应商⽀付的任何到期款项。Setoff. Purchars shall have the right at all times to toff any amount due or payable to the Supplier hereunder against any claim or charge Purchars may have against the Supplier.
20.9承继⼈。本合同对各⽅的承继⼈均有约束⼒,且本合同仅为各⽅、各⾃的承继⼈及其经允许的受让⼈的利益⽽订⽴。Successors. This Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties, their respective successors and permitted assigns.
20.10 副本。本合同可由各⽅签署⼀份或多份副本,每⼀份副本均将被视为原件,各份副本共同构成⼀份完整签署的⽂件。Counterparts. This Contract may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall be deemed one single instrument.
20.11 语⾔。本合同以中⽂书写,英⽂翻译(如适⽤)仅为参考。若发⽣歧义,以中⽂版本为准。
Languages. This Contract is written in Chine language with an English translation (if applicable) for referenceonly. In ca of any discrepancies between the Chine language and the English translation, the Chine version shall prevail.
20.12 .供应商应拥护买⽅在MBST36/08条款中特别规定的可持续性与环境保护相关的标准与要求。
The Supplier shall adhere to the standards and requirements of Purchars regarding sustainability and environmental protection as specified in or directly by using the following internet address:
附件⼀、服务要求和标准Requirement and Standards of Goods and/or Services
Supplier shall supply Goods and/or perform the Services in a professional manner and promptly correct, at no additional charge, no errors or deficiencies in the Goods and/or Services. Before each payment by Purchar to Supplier in accordance with payment conditions, Purchar or designated third parties shall evaluate the Goods and/or Services provided. The provision of Goods and/or Services shall be deemed to have been completed and accepted upon issuance by Purchar or designated third parties of a notice confirming that the Goods and/or Services have been received and inspected and initially accepted.