Unit 1
Task 2 Acontrarytoﻩimplicit asrtion lookup adapted
SustainunbiadIn the courseof metaphor clutter
B bolster credible impromptu sparingly anecdote
为什么有黑眼圈Credentials testimonyhypothetical paraphrasejuxtaposition
Task 3 Translation
C.1. The younger generation should continue to sustainand develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture.
2.Inthe course of preparing one’sspeech,oneshouldbe c learly aware of how one could makeeffective u ofstatistic sand examplestobolster
one’s point of view.
3. An impromptuspeech is oneof thespeaking skills that college students shouldlearn and developthrough practice.
4.By using simile and metaphor,you canmake your language morevivid and more attractive to your audience.
5. The proper examples you cite mighthelp reinforce theimpression on your listeners andmakeyour viewpoints more convincing.
6. When you arespeaking,youshould choose common and eas ywords and atthe sametime avoid clutter in youspeech.
7. Whenyou writea paper, citing the views fromsome expertsis agood way to make yourideas morecredible.
8. A good method of delivering a speechwill improve itsqual ity andwill help conveythe speakers’ ideasclearlyand in terestingly.
9. You shouldmot blindly u a word that you arenot sure abou t,andif you are notsure,look up the word in a dictionary.
10. Your language should adapt tothe particular occasion and audience. If your language is appropriatein allrespects, your speech issuccessful.
D.Beforeyou deliveran academic speech, youshould,first of all, get well prepared for it. Then,youshouldmake your major points clearin your speech,and your speechshould be well organized. Whenspeaking, youshould not speak toofast, andyour language should be explicit. Don’t alwaysread the notes you prepared beforehand.From time to time, youshould lookat your audience.On one hand,you can show your respect to your a udience,and on theother hand, you will be able to goonwith your speech more smoothly.
Unit 2
Task 2Vocabulary Development
devastatingposedmassive contributeto triple menaceliability connsus entails plausible plausibleportendpin downaggravating staggering
on a par with emergence resurgence detract frominadequacy
Task 3Translation
C.1.Energy u shouldbenefit globalsustainability so that i tcancontribute to long-term human well-being.
2.Today,thisconsensus hasgiven way toa variety of familystyles as aresultofpeople livinglonger, marryin glater, anddivorcing more.
3.Much of the current rearch entailsclo collaboration with industry, whichleads to a profitableexchange of personnel and ideas.
4.If wecannot pindown exactly what we are suppod to bema naging, howcan we manage it?
5. The magnitude of urban migration in recent years isevidence ofmore disturbing trends: the expanding gapbetween rich and poor, rapid populationgrowthand increasing environmental degradation.
6. The students perceived that the toxicity testingofan insectici de ison a par with thatof a cosmetic.锻炼腹部
7. Thispresentationdescribes alargesetofplausible goals,atleast oneof which should be achieved within years.
9. Even the verymediocrervices and foodat the beautyspot did not detractfrom
the enjoyment of the tourists.
10. Tofinance hertwodaughters whoare both at college,she began makinghandicraft to augmentthefamily income.
D. It is difficult to quantify the totalcontribution of all the factors to the monetarycosts of energysupply,in pa rtbecau factorsnotrelatedtothe environment are often entwined with environmentalones.For example, constructiondelays havebeen caud not justby regulatoryconst raints but alsobyproblems ofengineering, managementand quality control.Nevertheless,in theUS,environmentalim pacts have incread themonetarycosts of supplyingpetroleum products by at least25percent during the past20 years,and the costs ofgenerating electricityfrom coal andnuclear powe rby40percent ormore.
Task2Vocabulary Development
A. inother wordsenforcedregardless ofaddress in volved bordering on applied to suggestconvictionsavailable
B. subsequent whopping fatalities sporadicallypriortoprod turned upwhim nail crash
如何发布网站Task 3 Translation
B.在感恩节的周末,24小时内发生了2起车祸,撞死3人,使得过去2周里斯普林菲尔德城市道路上死亡人数上升到6人。本年度还剩下最后1个月,在斯普林菲尔德至少有17人死于车祸,其中包括上周在44号州际公路上撞死的来自芝加哥的一家三口。周日,斯普林菲尔德的一对夫妇,58岁的乔恩.保尔和59岁的詹尼特.保尔在南格林斯顿大道的2400街区被车撞死.据警察讲述,上午10点半左右, 乔恩.保尔南行的2001现代胜菲擦边撞上了一辆同样往南开的1995年出产的克莱斯勒柔斯,司机是27岁的查理.罗德,来自阿肯色州的山居。乔恩.保尔的车继续南行,撞在斯普林菲尔德国家公墓的砖墙上,又撞上了一根公用电线杆。斯普林菲尔德消防队把对夫妇从车里拉了出来,詹尼特.保尔杯当场宣布死亡,乔恩.保尔不省人事,被送到圣约翰地区医疗中心,之后也被宣布死亡。警察在调查现场时交通被关闭了4小时。
C.1.The statistics show thatfatal traffic accidents increaseby15 percent because ofthedeclineoftraffic citations. 2.Theresearchers pointout that the innocent areoften made to paythe price forthe carelessness ofdrivers. 3.Many peopleli
nk traffic accidentsto cellphone usage, alcohol and speeding violations.
4. Within four months of receiving atraffic ticket, adriver’s risk of being involved in acrash will be back up towh ere itwas before the citation.
5. Besidesenforcing highway safetylaws,there arelots of other things for the governmenttospend money on.
6.Though millions ofpeople die in traffic accidents every year, wehave come to accept it as a wayof life.
7.According to related reports,every year millionsofchildrenaround the world are permanently disabled in traffic accidents.
8.The tworearchers t out to see if there is a correlat ion between traffic tickets and trafficaccidents.
9.In a separate event, atraffic cop washitby a car and diedwhenwriting atraffic ticket.
10. Aftera brief rest, everything isback tobusiness a susual.
D.Using a driving simulator,someUSrearchers studied thedriving of40people. Some of them drovewhile talking on a cell phone,others navigated while drunk,and others drove withnosuch distractionsor impairments.The results showedthat there were three accidents in which the driversweretalking on cellphones---all of theminvolvinga rear-ending. The researchhas found that thotalking on the phone wh ile drivingare more sluggish.In addition, talking on the phonecan reduce reaction time by9percent interms ofb raking and 19percent in termsof picking up speedafter braking.
Task 2Vocabulary Development
Task 3 Translation
C. 1. Since womenoften thinkin terms of cloness and suppo rt,theystruggle toprerve intimacy.
2.Don’t let hermake mischiefbetween you- she is onlyjealous.
贴膜技巧3. Sexual harassment is anissue thatfrequently aris in theU.S. and that may strike you as peculiar, in part becauseyour country may not have similar laws.莱比锡会战
4. Thereisa considerablemeasure ofopposition both local ly andin the mediaagainstthe government’splanto build anothernuclearpower plant.Butthe government will get its wayinthe end.
5.The DivorceLaw Reform Union wasfoundedby a small group of prominent British male leaders who t about effectingDoyle’s reformplans.
6.In the early morning of April 15,1912,the Titanic,the w orld’s largest ocean liner atthe time, sank after striking an iceberg.Later investigation turned up atleast20cases of people having premonitionsof the disaster.
7.Ending a speech is the most difficult part formany speakers.
A conclusion with appropriatemoodand content requires a delicate touch.
8.The study thatEllen quotes as herscientific basis for men’s aversionto smartwomen is basedon astudybypsychologyrearchersat the University ofMichigan.
9.When youcommunicate, keep in mindthat eventhough English is consideredtheinternationallanguage of business, itis a mistake to assume that every businesspersonspeaksgoodEnglish.
10.Granted,futuredomesticrobots canhelp relievehousewives from heavyroutine
houhold chores.Butmoatfamilies cannot affordsuch a machineeven if itis available.
D.In her best-sellingbook YouJust Don’t Understand,DeborahTannenpoints out that, although Americanboysandgirls often play together, they spend mostoftheirtime playing insam e-xgroups.Shealso points out thatboys andgirls do pla ysamegames together,but their favorite games arevery often quitedifferent. Tannen and otherresearcherson this t opichave found that youngboys,say ages 8 though 12, tendtoplayoutsidethe hou rather thanin the house,and they play in large groups that are hierarchicallystructured.A group ofboys generally has aleader who tells theother boyswhat t odo and howto doit.It isby giving orders and makingthe