Despite a cooling of the economy,high-technology companies are still crying out for skilled workers.The Information Technology Association of America projects that more than 800000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year.The lack of qualified workers pos a huge threat to the y.
The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country's agrarian age(农村时代)education system fails to prepare students in the primary and condary grades for the 21st century work.Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem.A less tangible(明确的)but equally powerful cau is an
antique(过时的)classification system that divides the workforce into two camps:white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers.关于正义的名言
柔佳日记>工作周记Blue-collar workers emerged in the United States during the Industrial Age as work moved from farms to factories.White-collar office workers became a significant class in the twentieth century,outnumbering(多于)the blue-collar workers by mid-century.
Corporations increasingly require a new layer of knowledge worker:a highly skilled multi-disciplined ta ent.who combines the mind of the white-colar worker with a solid grounding in mathematics and science(physicschemistryand biology).
The"gold-collar”workersso named for their contributions to their companies and to the economy as well as for their personal earning ability-apply their knowleage to technology.The gold-collar worker already exists in a wide range ofjobs.The maintenance technician who tests and repairs aircraft systems at American Airlinesthe network
administrator who manages systems and network operations at Procter&Gamble(宝洁公司);the engineering technologist who assists scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and the advanced-manufacturing technician at Intel can all be regarded as gold-collar workers.
评残What does the word“projects”in the first paragraph mean?