Number1. S:Is this your pen? T:Yes, it is.
Number 2. S:Is this your pencil? T:Yes, it is.
Number 3. S:Is this your book? T:Yes, it is.
Number 4. S:Is this your watch? T:Yes, it is.
Number5. S:Is this your coat? T:Yes, it is.
Number6. S:Is this your dress? T:Yes, it is.
Number7. S:Is this your skirt? T:Yes, it is.
Number 8. S:Is this your shirt? T:Yes, it is.
Number 9. S:Is this your car? T:Yes, It is.
Number 10. S:Is this your hou? T:Yes, it is.
Number1. Is this your pen? S:Yes, it is.
Number 2. Is this your pencil? S:Yes, it is.
Number 3. Is this your book? S:Yes, it is.
Number4. Is this your watch? S:Yes, it is.
Number5. Is this your coat? S:No, it isn't.
Number 6. Is this your dress? S:Yes, it is.
Number7. Is this your skirt? S:No, it isn't. 鹅肉怎么做好吃
Number 8. Is this your shirt? S:Yes, it is.
Number9. Is this your car? S:Yes, it is.
Number 10. Is this your hou? S:No, it isn't.
Number11. Is this your suit? S:Yes, it is.
Number 12. Is this your school? S:No, it isn't.
Number 13. Is this your teacher? S:Yes, it is.
Number 14. Is this your son? S:No, it isn't.
Number 15. Is this your daughter? S:Yes, it is.
Number8. T:That's a Volvo. Is it a Swedish car or a French car?
S:It isn't a French car. It's a Swedish car.
Number 9. T:That's a Peugeot. Is it a French car or a Swedish car?
S:It isn't a Swedish car. It's a French car.
Number 10. T: That's a Mercedes. Is It a German car or a Japane car?
S:It isn't a Japane car. It's a German car.
Number 11. T:That's a Toyota. Is it a Japane car or a German car?
S:It isn't a German car. It's a Japane car.
Number 12. T:That's a Daewoo. Is it a British car or a Korean car? 好玩的单机手游
S:It isn't a British car. It's a Korean car. .
Number 13. T:That's a Mini. Is it an American car or an English car?
S:It isn't an American car. It's an English car.
Number 14. T:That's a Ford. Is it a Swedish car or an American car?
S:It isn't a Swedish car. It's an American car.
Number 15. T:That's a Fiat. Is It an Italian car or an American car?
S: It isn't an American car. It's an Italian car.
Number 11. T:What's his job? Is he a policeman or a taxi driver?
S:He isn't a taxi driver. He's a policeman.
Number 12. T:What's her job? Is she a policewoman or an air hostess?
S:She isn't an air hostess. She's a policewoman.
兔子怎么剪Number l3. T: What's his job? Is he a taxi driver or a policeman?
S:He isn't a policeman. He's a taxi driver.
Number 14. T:What's her job? Is she an air hostess or a policewoman?
S:She isn't a policewoman. She's an air hostess.
Number 15. T:What's his job? Is he a postman or a milkman?
S:He isn't a milkman. He's a postman.
Number 16. T: What's her job? Is she a nur or a houwife?
S:She isn't a houwife. . She's a nur
Number 17. T: What's his job? Is he a mechanic or a hairdresr?
S:He isn't a hairdresr. He's a mechanic. 女人肾虚怎么调理
Number 18. T:What's his job? Is he a hairdresr or a mechanic?
S:He isn't a mechanic. He's a hairdresr.
Number 19. T: What's her job? Is she a houwife or a nur?
S:She isn't a nur. She's a houwife. 白切鸡怎么做
Number 20. T:What's his job? Is he a milkman or a postman?
S:He isn't a postman. He's a milkman..
Number11. T:Is that man fat or thin? S:He's not thin. He's fat.
Number 17. T:Is Steven hot or cold? S: He's not cold. He's hot.
Number 20. T:Is that air hostess young or old? S:She's not old. She's young.
Number 12. T:Is that woman thin or fat? S:She's not fat. She's thin.
Number 18. T:Is Emma cold or hot? S:She's not hot. She's cold.
Number 14. T:Is that policewoman short or tall? S:She's not tall. She's short.