Lesson 9 合同法
Part One Contract and Contract Law 合同与合同法
婴儿生理性腹泻Contract, as we will u that term, ordinarily connotes an agreement between two or more persons—not merely a shared belief, but a common understanding as to something which is to be done in the future by one or both of them.
兰州住房公积金Sometimes, the term contract is ud also to refer to a document—the t of papers in which such an agreement is t forth.
For lawyers, contract usually is ud to refer to agreement that has legal effect; i.e., it creates obligations for which some sort of legal enforcement will be available if performance is not forthcoming as promid.
放量上涨Thus, it will sometimes be necessary to distinguish among three elements in a transaction, each of which can be called a contract: (1) the agreement –in-fact between the parties, (2) the agreement-as- written (which may or may not correspond accurately to the agreement-in-fact), and (3)the t of rights and duties created by (1) and (2).
Without trying at this point to state a short but comprehensive definition of law (if that were possible), it is perhaps sufficient to suggest that we will be surveying the ways in wh
ich such agreements are made and enforced in our legal system-the role of lawyers and judges in creating contracts, in deciding disputes that may ari with respect to their performance, and in fashioning appropriate remedies for their breach.上下针
In the Anglo-American legal system, a great number of things-both tangible and intangible-are susceptible of “ownership.”
规则意识的重要性A bulldozer, a diamond ring, the Empire State Building, “Gone With the Wind”— all may be the “property” of one person or group of persons, which means that the state will protect the right of the “owner” to u, enjoy, and even consume that thing, to the exclusion of all other persons.
The first-year property cour traditionally focus on the detailed rules that in Anglo-American law govern the ownership of “real property” (land and the buildings on it).
Later you will have the opportunity to explore bodies of law relating to ownership of other, less tangible, kinds of property such as copyrights, patents, shares of corporate stock, and negotiable instruments.
Any society that recognizes property rights must also address the question of how it shou
ld respond when someone violates tho rights.
And property rights are not the only kind of individual rights that may need legal protection.
Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct such as the infliction of physical injury or other interferences with their individual freedom or dignity.
The cours in criminal law and torts deal with different aspects of this question: Criminal
law focus on tho violations of personal and property rights that society deems rious enough to be deterred by threat of vere punishment for their commission (robbery, rape, and murder are obvious examples); tort law considers what remedy should be made available to the individuals so injured.
Becau of the nature of the conduct regulated, criminal law and tort law overlap to a great degree, but they are not congruent.
Many acts are criminal but not tortuous, becau they are offens not against individual
s but against the state—treason, for example, or tax evasion; others, such as slander, may be tortious but not criminal.
Where does contract law fit into this picture?
We have noted already that our society recognizes and protects a variety of types of property and personal rights.
Ownership of property ordinarily includes the right to u and consume the thing owned, but in many cas it will be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer, or “convey,” the right of ownership to some other person in exchange for something el of value (money, perhaps, or the ownership of some other property).