
更新时间:2023-07-06 02:55:47 阅读: 评论:0

生活, 工作
天气骤然变冷, 让人有点措手不及. 今天早晨起床时, 我已经明显感觉到冬天真的到来了. 于是, 我拿出了一件外套穿上, 再去上班.
上班的路上, 看到大家都裹着厚厚的大衣, 行色匆匆. 走到地铁时, 已经是8:40分了. 如同往常一样, 地铁里人潮汹涌. 而我每天坐的罗宝线, 人更是多得让人目瞪口呆. 好不容易挤进地铁, 有一种想窒息的感觉, 因为里面挤得大家都好像背靠背一样. 大部分人都是上班一族, 我也不例外. 挂包的带子不小心又断了, 书包里的雅思辅导书散落一地. 那一刻我感到特别困窘, 因为人太多了, 我居然连腰也弯不下来. 幸好旁边一位女士让出位置, 而且帮我把书捡起来. 当我连声道谢时, 她问我: “你要考雅思出国吗? 是深大的学生?” 我摇摇头笑着说: “ 我曾经是深大的学生, 但现在不是了. 我现在不是要考雅思, 我是雅思老师.” 她听了感到有点吃惊, 同时旁边的人都向我投来好奇的目光, 让我感到有点不好意思.
列车终于到了岗厦站. 出站时仍然是一片人潮, 想站上扶梯也要等好一阵子. 走出地铁口时, 看到大家都匆匆忙忙地赶着上班, 我突然感慨良多. 原来, 深圳速度, 只会越来越快. 大家都在为生计而奔波, 忙得不亦乐乎. 哪怕工作有很大压力, 我们也会迎头而上. 很多人, 包括我在内, 都经常抱怨工作忙或者压力大, 可是仔细想想, 很多时候, 我们的压力是自己给自己的, 忙碌也是自己给自己的. 好比拿我自身作例子. 其实如果我想工作轻松点并不是一件难事, 也不会说缺钱花. 可是我就是想赚多点钱, 于是只要培训中心有课安排给我, 我就毫不犹豫地去上. 上完课后如果有人私下想请我教雅思而且报酬可观的, 我也会安排时间去做. 于是, 我经常忙得吃饭也要狼吞虎咽, 而且时不时还要在肯德基或者麦当劳吃午餐或者晚餐. 另外, 时不时又有什么校园招聘宣讲会或者笔试面试, 我还要找时间去参加. 反正从国庆到现在, 我好像没有放过什么假了, 连周末也是在忙碌中度过的. 今天晚上在地铁上, 我算了一下自己一个月的公交费, 平均每天要差不多15块钱, 一个月要用450块钱, 还真的吓一跳.篮球运球动作要领
明天是周六, 可是我仍然有一天的课. 有时想想还真的挺累的. 不过看到学生很用功的学习, 我也感到很安慰. 有时我真的挺同情他们的, 一天到晚都在备考雅思, 连我这个老师都受不了, 他们却可以一如既往地学习. 想到这里, 我就由衷地佩服他们! 可能他们以前没有好好努力学习外语, 所以现在要付出巨大的艰辛. 但是, 他们现在 “迷途知返”, 正在为了理想而不懈
奋斗. 他们此刻的毅力真的让我深受鼓舞! 特别是此刻我正在找工作的途中遇到不少挫折, 但当我在课上看到他们专注的表情时, 我就会精神焕发, 觉得生活一片光明, 因为我和他们一样, 都在为了自己的理想而前进着.
明天, 又将会是崭新的一天.食品卫生法
Chine factories choke on complex cocktail
By Jamil Anderlini,Rahul Jacob in Beijing,in Hong Kong
At the Winfire cigarette lighter factory in the eastern Chine city of Wenzhou, Hannah Sun, the foreign trade manager, does not need economic data to know that manufacturing in China is struggling.
Earlier this year, a big overas client stopped new orders at the company becau of global uncertainties, forcing the factory to sack about 40 of its 100-strong workforce.
“The situation is even wor for shoe manufacturers,” Ms Sun says. “This is normally a v战略群组
爬山的说说ery busy time for them but this year lots of shoe factories have just stopped production altogether and many migrant workers have been fired and returned home.”
Millions of factories like Ms Sun’s are being squeezed on all sides by rising costs, labour shortages, shrinking margins and a collap in new orders from overas. Many small manufacturers face going out of business thanks to government policies and immutable demographic and economic forces that make low-end production in China increasingly untenable.
China’s official purchasing managers’ index for November shows this trend playing out across the country as the manufacturing ctor, which officially makes up about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, contracted for the first time in almost three years. The index, relead on Thursday, fell to 49.0 in November, down from 51.4 in October, dropping below the 50 reading that parates expansion from contraction. Readings for new orders and new export orders point to wor to come, with factories already laying off workers, buying fewer raw materials and cutting production.
“China’s PMI tells a simple story: an across-the-board, deepening slowdown in the country’s manufacturing ctor,” said Stephen Green, head of rearch for greater China at Standard Chartered.
The first and most obvious reason for the slump in manufacturing is the decline in global demand, particularly from embattled economies in Europe. David Liu, president of Luca Angelo Leather Product in the southern industrial town of Dongguan, says his company’s exports to Europe have dropped by up to 40 per cent in the last two months and, although orders from the domestic market have held up, his costs are rising.
“Suppliers ask for payments without delay and that adds to our finance costs,” Mr Liu said. “Banks are strictly controlling loans to [small and medium-sized enterpris] and many of my friends are considering cutting production.”人与动物1
Mr Liu’s comments highlight the longer-term challenges facing manufacturers of low-tech products in China’s coastal manufacturing belt, which until recently was better known as the workshop of the world. Falling orders come as many companies face higher prices for
raw materials, restricted access to credit and greater environmental compliance and labour costs. For years, Beijing has promoted policies aimed at moving manufacturing up the value chain and actively discouraged the state-owned banking system from lending to small, low-tech producers such as Winfire. But with a huge portion of Chine manufacturing still in low-end industries such as textiles, rising costs and inadequate access to credit mean many producers are being slowly strangled rather than climbing the technology ladder.

本文发布于:2023-07-06 02:55:47,感谢您对本站的认可!



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