---------- to be drafted on Forwarder’s company name Letter Head -----------
承 诺 函
Letter of Commitment
日期 :(年/月/继发性高血压日)
Date: (Day/Month/Year)
致 :广东XX电器股份有限公司(以下称“XX公司”)
To省政府奖学金申请理由: Guangdong XX Electrical Appliances Holding Co., Ltd (Referred to hereafter as “XX”)
(货代公司名称),接受 (进口商名称)指定,为其承运XX公司与(进口商名称)交易项下的货物感恩节简笔画。我们和我们在履行承运合同中的合作公司确认将遵守合同义务。我们在此作如下承诺:
We, (Name of the Forwarder), is going to perform certain logistics works for and on behalf of (Importer Name) as appointed Carrier to delivery merchandi under transaction between XX and (Importer Name) . We and our related company involved in delivery process, acknowledge and confirm to obrve our contractual obligations. We hereby officially make a commitment as follows:
We shall strictly perform the Carriage Contract made by and between us. We warrant that your goods will not be relead to the any party without original Bill of Lading.
If we breach this Letter of Commitment, we shall assume full responsibility to reimbur XX the RMB equivalent of the value of goods or bear penalty of RMB 500000 for breach thereof (The higher one will be applied). The (Importer Name)refund XX entirely or partially on its own initiative could not relieve our liability. XX has recour against (Importer Name)for loss incurred, which shall not operate as a waiver hereof.长征时间
This Letter of Commitment shall be an inparable part of Carriage Contract, and have the equal legal effect with the contract. The person signing this letter is duly authorized by our company, which are fully aware of this commitment and willing to assume joint and veral guarantee liability.
Signature of legal reprentative of Forwarder:
Official al of Forwarder: