FCR - Introduction
When Maersk Logistics, acting as agents for the consignee, have received the goods and all necessary documentation and payment of charges from the ller, we issue a Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt (FCR). The ller will u the FCR to confirm to the buyer and/or the bank that he has delivered the goods for shipment and that the carriage is being arranged by Maersk Logistics.
Maersk Logistics will arrange the ocean transport and the ocean carrier will issue a B/L (or SWB). The B/L (or SWB) is ud to obtain relea of the goods at destination.
It is also possible to combine the u of the FCR with a Hou B/L or Hou SWB if the customer is using a NVOCC to supply ocean carriage. If Maersk Logistics is the NVOCC and has issued a HBL or HSWB, there is no need to also issue a FCR unless there are specific reasons to do so (for example that the vendor’s L/C requires a Maersk Logistics FCR).
In many ways the FCR document looks similar to the Bill of Lading and Hou Bill of Lading. But it is distinctly different than a B/L, SWB, HBL or HSWB in that it does NOT evidence a contract of carriage.
A FCR cannot replace the B/L, SWB, HBL or HSWB. It is always ud together with one of the documents.
FCR - Issuing Party为啥买i3不i5
A Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt (FCR) is issued by a freight forwarder who is acting as agent on behalf of the consignee.
FCR – Functions
The FCR functions as:
1. Receipt for the cargo
Following functions are NOT applicable to the FCR:
2. Evidence of contract of carriage
3. Document of title
退学申请书格式1. Receipt for cargo
The FCR is a receipt by the agent / forwarder that the goods are in his custody.
The FCR does not confirm shipment and can therefore be issued before the carrier B/L has been issued.
2. The FCR is NOT evidence of contract of carriage
The FCR does not evidence of a contract of carriage with the ocean carrier, freight forwarder or NVOCC. The evidence of contract of carriage will be the document issued by the ocean carrier (ie. the B/L or SWB) or the NVOCC (HBL or HSWB).
3. The FCR is NOT a document of title and it not ud at destination
The FCR is NOT a document of title. It cannot be negotiated, and it cannot be endord to other parties. The consignee cannot be “to order” and the consignee’s name must be entered in full.
电子游戏的危害生死疲劳There is no requirement that a FCR is prented at destination to obtain relea of the goods. The relea of the goods takes place bad on the B/L (or SWB). In fact, the FCR is ldom ud at destination. It is primarily a document for origin u.
Although the client’s SOP specifies that a FCR is to be issued together with a Sea Waybill, there may be a few situations where a vendor insists to receive a document of title / a negotiable document, a Hou Bill of Lading (DSL Star Express B/L) can be issued instead of the FCR but it requires:
a. Confirmation from consignee (MLOG acts as agents for the consignee. We should therefore ek confirmation from the consignee before we issue a different document than the FCR.
Preferably, we ask the consignee to ensure that the shipper (and his bank and L/C) will accept the FCR instead of a HBL.
But, sometimes it can be difficult to change a L/C after is has been issued. The consignee may therefore ask that a HBL is issued for this shipment. The consignee should ensure that future L/Cs require a FCR instead of a document of title)
b. If a HBL is issued, the carrier SWB or B/L must not be consigned to the same person as the HBL. If Maersk Logistics issue a HBL, the carrier bill must be consigned to Maersk Logistics, not the customer.
c. Clear notification and follow-up with Maersk Logistics at destination (If a HBL is issued instead of a FCR, MLOG at destination must receive a duly endord original HBL at destination before the goods are relead to the consignee. MLOG at origin must ensure that MLOG at destination is made aware of this requirement.
For customers that usually operate under FCRs, it is an unusual situation to have a HBL i
nvolved in the shipment. MLOG at destination will therefore not be aware of the relea requirements under the HBL unless they receive clear notification from MLOG at origin).
始字组词FCR - Originals and Copies
The FCR is not a document of title and an original is not needed to effect relea of goods at destination. As such, there is no reason why the FCR should be issued as an original document.
However, often the shipper (and the bank) will insist to receive an original FCR and therefore the FCR is often issued in 3 originals and a reasonable number of copies.
It is actually more correct to issue 1 original FCR and a reasonable number of copies (but 3 originals is market practice in some areas of the world today).