Chapter Two topic ntence
Chapter TwoTopic Sentence
I Parts of a topic ntenceStructurally, the topic ntence is compod of two parts: the topic and the controlling idea. The topic is what a paragraph is about, or what a paragraph discuss; the controlling idea is what the writer intends to communicate about the topic. In other word, controlling idea is ud to limit the topic.
三到六岁儿童发展指南II What is a good topic ntence?A good topic ntence is neither too general nor too specific.
Example 1: In Hemingway's story “Soldier喝柠檬蜂蜜水的4大禁忌’s Home”, : , Kreb tells his mother that he wants no part of God's Kingdom. . 这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写,无法展开段落。
绯红的意思 这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写,无法展开段落。小孩磨牙
Example 2: Let me tell you something about : overpopulation. . 这个句子太笼统,作为一个段落的主题太大,难于驾驭。拼读英语
Example 3: Why has the world population been : increasing so rapidly in the last decades? ? 这个句子是个较好的主题句,作者用“ 这个句子是个较好的主题句,作者用“the reasons for overpopulation in the last decades”,从“原因” 原因” , 时间” (cau)和“时间”(time)两方面限制了主题,能在 ) )两方面限制了主题, 一个段落内论述。