Art Institute of Chicago宿组词语
Explore the Art Institute, Chicago’s world-class art muum and the cond-largest in the United States, with this Fast Pass Admission ticket. Situated in Grant Park, the muum is listed as one of Chicago’s must-e sights owing to the incredible range of impressionist, post-impressionist, modern and contemporary works.
What to Expect
Start your visit any time during the muum’s regular hours of operation. Once inside, download the new Art Institute of Chicago mobile app, using the muum’s free Wi-Fi. Explore the Art Institute’s unsurpasd collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces(杰作).
Explore JourneyMaker, a new digital tool that allows your family to create its very own tour of the muum, located at the Ryan Learning Center.
Then head over to the muum’s celebrated Modern Wing, a quick stroll(溜达) across an eye-catching bridge from the main building. Inside you’ll have the chance to admire one of the world’s premier collections of modern and contemporary art, including celebrated creators like Pablo Picasso, Henri Matis, Jackson Pollock, Marc Chagall and Gerhard Richter.
Continue your visit with a look at the muum’s range of European and American decorative art items, Asian art and a collection of architectural, graphic(书画的) and industrial design.
Cancellation(取消) Policy
The admission is 30 dollars. If you cancel at least 7 days in advance of the scheduled departure, there is no cancellation fee. If you cancel between 3 and 6 days in advance of the scheduled departure, there is a 50 percent cancellation fee. If you cancel within 2 days of the scheduled departure, there is a 100 percent cancellation fee.
1. What makes Art Institute of Chicago a must-e sight?
A. Its special location. B. The unique buildings.
C. The large range of its works. D. The Fast Pass Admission ticket.
2. What are you expected to do first when you enter the muum?
文明礼仪A. Download a mobile app. B. Explore Journey Maker.
C. Take part in art activities. D. Explore the website of the muum.
3. How much cancellation fee will you pay if you cancel 4 days before the scheduled departure?
A. 15 dollars. B. 20 dollars. C. 25 dollars. D. 30 dollars.
Mr. Utterson was a lawyer who was good-natured to his friends. His companions were usually distant relations from his own family, or friends that he had known for a long time.
One friend in particular was Mr. Richard Enfield, a distant relative, and a well-known man in London. The two men were very different, but they always went for a long Sunday walk together. People who saw them out on their walk reported that they rarely spoke. However, they would even cancel other appointments in order to go and enjoy their walks without interruption.
One day, while they were out on their walk together, they were strolling (漫步) along a small quiet street. It was all clean and attractive except for one building two storeys high.
As they pasd, Mr. Enfield asked Mr. Utterson if he had ever noticed the dirty door, becau it reminded him of a very strange story.
“No,dm杂志” said Mr. Utterson. “What story was that?”
“Well,” replied Mr. Enfield. “Once, I was coming home this way at about 3 am on a dark winter’s night, and the whole area was very quiet and derted. But then suddenly I saw two people. One was a small unpleasant-looking man walking along this street at a good speed. The cond was a small girl, about eight or nine years old, running as fast as she could. Well, the two met at the corner and ran into each other. The unusual thing was that instead of stopping and apologizing, the little man, quite on purpo, stamped (踩) hard on the girl as she lay on the ground, screaming with pain.”
“It was a terrible thing to e. I shouted out and chad the man, caught him and brought him back to where he had knocked down the girl. The noi had attracted a small crowd of people, including some of the girl’s family, who were very angry with the man. He did not apologize, nor was he sorry for what had happened. We all told him that we would ma
ke a lot of trouble for him if he did not pay for his actions.”
“The man agreed to pay one hundred pounds to the family. As he did not have that amount of money with him, he said he had to go and get a cheque. He went to the hou with the door we are looking at now, and came out with another man’s cheque for almost one hundred pounds at four o’职业价值观测评clock in the morning? Therefore we made him stay at my hou until the banks opened. Then we went to cash the cheque. I handed it over mylf and was sure that it would be a forgery, but to my surpri, it was real.”油漆危害 梦见毛驴