A: Excu me, I heard that my flight has been delayed. Is it true?
B: Yes, I'm sorry to inform you that your flight has indeed been delayed.酸菜肥肠
口碑营销A: That's unfortunate. How long is the delay?
B: At the moment, the delay is estimated to be about three hours.鸡粪有机肥
A: Three hours? That's quite long. What should I do now?
B: Since the delay is significant, our airline will provide accommodation for pasngers in such cas. We will arrange a hotel room for you to stay overnight.
A: That's good to know. Will the airline cover the cost of the hotel?
B: Yes, the airline will cover the cost of the hotel. You will just need to provide your flight det
ails and identification at the hotel reception.安吉攻略
A: Thank you for arranging that. Can you plea let me know where the hotel is located?
B: Of cour. The hotel we have booked for you is located near the airport, about a 10-minute drive away. We will provide you with a shuttle rvice to and from the hotel.
A: That's convenient. What time should I be back at the airport tomorrow?
B: Plea be at the airport at least two hours before your rescheduled flight time. This will give you enough time for check-in and curity procedures.
A: Alright, I will make sure to be there on time. Thank you for your assistance.
B: You're welcome. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, plea don't hesitate to ask. Safe travels!