成都活动策划颁布日期:19480306 实施日期:19580317 颁布单位:日内瓦
The States parties to the prent Convention hereby establish theInternational Maritime Organization (hereinafter referred to as theOrganization )。
PART I Purpos of the Organization
Article 1
The purpos of the Organization are:
21朵玫瑰花代表什么意思(a)To provide machinery for co-operation among Governments in thefield of governmental regulation and practices relating to technicalmatters of all kinds affecting shipping engaged in international trade;toencourage and facilitate the general adoption of the highest practicablestandard
s in matters concerning the maritime safety,efficiency ofnavigation and prevention and control of marine pollution from ships;andto deal with administrative and legal matters related to the purpos tout in this Article;
(b)To encourage the removal of discriminatory action and
unnecessaryrestrictions by Governments affecting shipping engaged in internationaltrade so as to promote the availability of shipping rvices to thecommerce of the world without discrimination;assistance and encouragementgiven by a Government for the development of its national shipping and forpurpos of curity does not in itlf constitute discrimination,provided that such assistance and encouragement is not bad on measuresdesigned to restrict the freedom of shipping of all flags to take part ininternational trade;
(c)To provide for the consideration by the Organization of mattersconcerning unfair restrictive practices by shipping concerns in accordancewith Part II;
(d)To provide for the consideration by the Organization of anymatters concerning shipping and the effect of shipping on the marineenvironment that may be referred to it by any organ or specialized agencyof the United Nations;节约粮食简笔画
(e)To provide for the exchange of information among Governments onmatters under consideration by the Organization.
PART II Functions
Article 2
In order to achieve the purpos t out in Part I,the Organizationshall:
(a)Subject to the provisions of Article 3,consider and
makerecommendations upon matters arising under Article 1 (a),(b)and (c)thatmay be remitted to it by Members,by any organ or specialized agency ofthe United Nations or by any other intergovernmental organization or uponmatters referred to it under Article 1 (d);
(b)Provide for the drafting of conventions,agreements,or othersuitable instruments,and recommend the to Governments and tointergovernmental organizations,and convene such conferences as may benecessary;
(c)Provide machinery for consultation among Members and the exchangeof information among Governments;
(d)Perform functions arising in connexion with paragraphs (a),(b)and (c)of this Article,in particular tho assigned to it by or underinternational instruments relating to maritime matters and the effect ofshipping on the marine environment;
(e)Facilitate as necessary,and in accordance with Part X,technicalco-operation within the scope of the Organization.
make现在分词Article 3
In tho matters which appear to the Organization capable ofttlement through the normal process of international shipping businessthe Organization shall so recommend. When,in the opinion of theOrganization,any matter concerning unfair restrictive practices
byshipping concerns is incapable of ttlement through the normal processof international shipping business,or has in fact so proved,and providedit shall first have been the subject of direct negotiations between theMembers concerned,the Organization shall,at the request of one of thoMembers,consider the matter.
PART III Membership
Article 4
Membership in the Organization shall be open to all States,subject tothe provisions of Part III.
Article 5
Members of the United Nations may become Members of the Organizationby becoming parties to the Convention in accordance with the provisions ofArticle 71.
Article 6
States not Members of the United Nations which have been invited tond reprentatives to the United Nations Maritime Conference convened inGeneva on 19 February 1948,may become Members by becoming parties to theConvention in accordance with the provisions of Article 71.
Article 7
Any State not entitled to become a Member under Article 5 or 6 mayapply through the Secretary-General of the Organization to become a
Memberand shall be admitted as a Member upon its becoming a party to theConvention in accordance with the provisions of Article 71 provided that,upon the recommendation of the Council,its application has been approvedby two-thirds of the Members other than Associate Members.
Article 8
Any Territory or group of Territories to which the Convention has beenmade applicable under Article 72,by the Member having responsibility forits international relations or by the United Nations,may become anAssociate Member of the Organization by notification in writing given bysuch Member or by the United Nations,as the ca may be,to the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations.
Article 9
An Associate Member shall have the rights and obligations of a Memberunder the Convention except that it shall not have the right to vote or beeligible for membership on the Council and subject to this the word Member in the Convention shall be deemed to include Associate Memberunless the context otherwi requires.Article 10
No State or Territory may become or remain a Member of theOrganization contrary to a resolution of the General Asmbly of theUnited Nations.
PART IV Organs
Article 11