Delegation is the actual process of assigning job activities and corresponding authority to specific individuals within the organization.
If you have a difficult task give it to a lazy man, he will find an easier way to do it. Remember that you can delegate the authority, but you cannot delegate the responsibility记住你可能授以职权,但你不能授以职责.
Delegation is an old idea ud in the traditional management model传统的管理模型【See: Traditional Management Model】. The idea was to make sure that responsibility and authority were equal for every job对每份工作,职责与职权相等.
Empowerment is a core concept of the new management model 【See: New Management Model】. In the new-generation adaptive organization, delegation is replaced by empowerment and responsibility by ownership.
自由泳打腿口诀授权有三个必要而有关的特性:任务指派、职权授予、建立责任感。 According to Newman and Warren, the delegation process consists of three steps, all of which may either obrvable or implied.
(1)Assigning specific duties to the individual
In all cas, the manager must be sure that the subordinate who is assigned specific duties has a clear understanding of what the duties entail. Whenever possible, the activities should be stated in operational terms so the subordinate know exactly what action must be taken to perform the assigned duties.
(2)Granting appropriate authority to the subordinate
That is, subordinate must be given the right and power within the organization to accomplish the duties assigned完成分配的工作.
(3)Creating the obligation for the subordinate to perform the duties assigned
The subordinate must be aware of the responsibility to complete the duties assigned and must accept that responsibility.
Guidelines for making delegation effective
Below are some guidelines for making delegation effective:
(1)Give employees freedom to pursue tasks in their own way
(2)Establish mutually agreed upon results and performance standards for delegated tasks
(3)Encourage employees to take an active role in defining, implementing, and communicating progress on tasks
(4)Entrust employees with completion of whole projects or tasks whenever possible
(5)Explain the relevance of delegated tasks to larger projects or to department or organization goals
(6)Give employees the authority necessary to accomplish tasks
(7)Allow employees 潜规则女下属access to all information, people, and departments necessary to perform delegated task
(8)Provide training and guidance necessary for employees to complete delegated tasks satisfactory
(9)When possible, delegate tasks on the basis of employee interests
炖鱼怎么做小学少先队组织机构 少先队组织由少先队大队部及各中队组成,其成员包括少先队辅导员、大队长、中队长、小队长、少先队员,为了健全完善我校少先队组织,特制定以下方案: 一、成员的确定 1、大队长由纪律部门、卫生部门、升旗手、鼓号队四个组织各推荐一名优秀学生担任(共四名),该部门就主要由大队长负责部门内的纪律。 2、中、小队长由各班中队公开、公平选举产生,中队长各班一名(共11名),一般由班长担任,也可以根据本班的实际情况另行选举。小队长各班各小组先选举出一名(共8个小组,就8名小队长)然后各班可以根据需要添加小队长几名。 3、在进行班级选举中、小队长时应注意,必须把卫生、纪律部门的检查学生先选举在中、小队长之内,剩余的中、小队长名额由班级其他优秀学生担任。 我被亲弟弟4、在班级公开、公平选举出中、小队长之后,由班主任老师授予中、小队长标志,大队长由少先队大队部授予大队长标志。 二、成员的职责及任免 1、大、中、小队长属于学校少先队组织,各队长不管是遇见该班的、外班的,不管是否在值勤,只要发现任何人在学校内出现说脏话、乱扔果皮纸屑、追逐打闹、攀爬栏杆、乱写乱画等等一些违纪现象,都可以站出来制止或者报告老师。 2、班主任在各中队要对中、小队长提出具体的责任,如设置管卫生的小队长,管纪律的小队长,管文明礼貌的、管服装整洁的等等,根据你班的需要自行定出若干相应职责,让各位队长清楚自己的职权,有具体可操作的事情去管理,让各位队长成为班主任真正的助手,让学生管理学生。各中队长可以负责全班的任何违纪现象,并负责每天早上检查红领巾与校牌及各小队长标志的佩戴情况。 3、大、中、小队长标志要求各队长必须每天佩戴,以身作则,不得违纪,如有违纪现象,班主任可根据中、小队长的表现撤消该同学中、小队长的职务,另行选举,大队长由纪律、卫生部门及少先队大队部撤消,另行选举。 4、各班中、小队长在管理班级的过程中负责,表现优秀,期末评为少先队部门优秀干部。 |
三七粉主要治什么病 |