爱尔兰法律体系介绍(Introduction to the Irish Legal System)
[日期:2006-06-16] | 陕北小吃 来源:中国民商法律网 作者: | [字体:大 中 小] 环境管理专业 |
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This article forms the first of a ries of four articles prepared by the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland in cooperation with the Embassy of Ireland in Beijing, aimed at providing information on Irish law and practice. What follows is an account of the primary features of the Irish legal system focusing on the sources of Irish law. Forthcoming articles will provide information on the courts system and the role of the judiciary, the legal profession, the practice and substance of intellectual property law in Ireland, and particular cas of interest.
The Irish Legal System
Ireland’s legal system is somewhat unique. While it is derived from the English common law tradition, the past venty years have en the Irish legal system undergo a process of dynamic development at the initiative of both the judiciary and the legislature. The achievement of independence in 1921 marked a break from the British system and was followed by the enactment of the Irish Constitution by the People in 1937. This laid out the fundamental principles upon which the State was to be governed and also incorporated extensive fundamental rights provisions. Changes to the legal system have 30不惑
追逐打闹been introduced as a conquence of Ireland’s membership of the European Union, the most significant of which has been the subordination of national law to European law within its sphere of competence.
Sources of Law
The Constitution
爱尔兰宪法于1937年7月全民表决通过,是国家的高级法。爱尔兰语“Bunreacht na hEireann”,意思是“爱尔兰基本法”,任何与其发生冲突的习惯法和立法的规定都是没有法律效力的。它分为两个部分,第一部分规定了国家的立法、执法和司法机构。宪法强调了上述三个机构间权利的严格划分。第二部分明确规定国家将通过法律来保证公民的基本权利得到尊重和维护。宪法的解释和维护工作是由法院来做的,因此法院在国家制定社会政策方面起到了重要的作用。同样,法院在对制定有法律依据但在宪法中未明确规定的权利的
The Irish Constitution was adopted by popular referendum in July 1937 and is the superior law of the State. Its Irish language title is ‘Bunreacht na hEireann’ which means ‘basic law of Ireland’ and any common law or legislative rule which is found to be in conflict with it is invalid and conquently without legal effect. It can be divided into two parts, the first of which establishes the legislative, executive and judicial organs of the State. The Constitution insists upon a strict paration of powers between the three organs of State. The cond part articulates certain fundamental rights of the citizen which the State guarantees in and by its laws, to respect, defend and vindicate. The task of interpreting and upholding the Constitution has been entrusted to the Courts which have therefore had a significant role in shaping the social policy of the State. Similarly, the Courts have been instrumental in developing the doctrine of unenumerated rights which has its basis in the Constitution. It may also be of interest to note the recent incorp
oration of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which has introduced a new t of legal obligations for the State within the area of human rights. In the exerci of their judicial function the Courts are absolutely independent and subject only to the Constitution and the law.
Common Law
As a member of the common law family, Ireland’s legal system is characterid by its reliance on judicial decisions, which by virtue of the doctrine of precedent enjoy binding fo
rce of law. The common law, as a source of law, refers to a discernible body of law which has emerged from centuries of judicial decisions. While many areas of Irish law are still governed by common law rules, the current trend is towards putting most law on a statutory footing. In 1975 a Law Reform Commission was established with the task of reforming and modernising outdated aspects of Irish law. Many of its recommendations have been implemented in legislation.
Legislation 出师不利的意思
The legislative organ of the State is the Oireachtas (the National Parliament) which consi
sts of two Hous, Dáil Eireann (the Hou of Reprentatives) and Seanad Eireann (the Senate). As the popularly elected Hou, Dáil Eireann enjoys supremacy over the Seanad. A Bill must be pasd by both Hous before being signed into law by the President. Irish legislation falls into two categories. The first, primary legislation consists of Acts of the Oireachtas, also known as statutes. The cond category is called delegated or condary legislation which consists of measures enacted by a person or body to whom the Oireachtas has delegated legislative authority.