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Federal Public Service
Decree No. 301, July 21, 2011
THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METROLOGY, INDUSTRIAL QUALITY - INMETRO, in exerci of its powers, conferred in § 3 of Article 4 Law No. 5966 of December 11, 1973, in Item I of Article 3 of Law No. 9933 of 20 December 1999, and in item V of article 18 of the Structure of the Authority, approved by Decree No. 6275 of November 28, 2007;
Considering the sub-item 4.2  f of the Terms of Reference of the Brazilian Conformity Asssment, approved by Conmetro Resolution No. 04, December 2nd  2002,  that is under Inmetro the power to establish guidelines and criteria for the activity conformity asssment;
Considering Conmetro Resolution No. 05, May 6th 2008, approving the Regulation of the Registration of Objects for the Compulsory Conformity Assment Programs, through the National Institute of Metro
logy, Standardization and Industrial Quality - Inmetro, published in Official Gazette of May 9th 2008, ction 01, pages 78-80;
Considering the Inmetro No. 491 of December 13th 2010, approving the procedure for granting, maintenance and renewal of the Registration of Objects, published in Official of the Union of December 15th 2010, ction 01, page 161;
Considering the importance of the Brazilian society, in the aftermarket, automotive components with minimum safety requirements, will address the following provisions:
Article 1. To approve the Conformity Asssment Requirements for Automotive Components, available on site v.br or at the address below:
Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial – Inmetro
Diretoria da Qualidade - Dqual
Divisão de Programas de Avaliação da Conformidade – Dipac
Rua da Estrela n.º 67 - 2º andar – Rio Comprido
CEP 20.251-900 - Rio de Janeiro –RJ.
微山湖在哪个省哪个市Article 2. Inform that the public consultation it has been originated the Conformity Asssment Requirements - RAC approved herein was relead by Inmetro Decree No 448 of November 22nd 2010, published in Official Gazette - DOU, November 24th 2010, ction 01, page 112.
Article 3. Establish, within the Brazilian System of Conformity Asssment - SBAC, the compulsory certification for automotive components, which must be implemented by Product Certification Body - OCP, accredited by Inmetro, depending on the requirements established in Conformity Asssment hereby approved.
Sole Paragraph - The Automotive Components covered by this legislation are:
Suspension Shock Absorbers, Electric Fuel Pumps for Otto Cycle Engines, Horns or Similar Equipment Ud in Road Motor Vehicles, Aluminum Alloy Pistons, Lock Pins and Rings (retention), Piston Rings, Bearings and Lamps for Motor Vehicles , for the replacement market, as defined in the Annexes of the requirements approved herein.
Article 4. Determine that from 18 (eighteen) months from the date of this Decree, the Automotive Co
mponents above shall be manufactured and imported only in accordance with the requirements approved herein and duly registered by Inmetro.
Sole Paragraph - from 06 (six) months counted from the end of the period prescribed in the introduction, the Automotive Components above should be marketed on the domestic market by manufacturers and importers, only in accordance with the requirements approved herein and duly registered by Inmetro .
Article 5. Establish that from 36 (thirty six) months from the date of this Decree, the Automotive Components above should be marketed in the domestic market only in accordance with the requirements approved herein and duly registered by Inmetro.
Article 6. Determining that the requirements Conformity Asssment hereby approved shall be applicable to components for the automotive aftermarket.
§ 1 shall be exempt from compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the requirements approved herein:
I - the components to asmbly lines for motor vehicles;
II - the automotive components to be ud in vehicles due to recall;
III - the automotive components of discontinued production vehicles until December 31st 1999.
§ 2 The automotive components of discontinued production vehicles from January 1st 2000 until the date of this Decree, and manufactured or imported before the deadline established in Article 4, may, within 36 (thirty six) months to be sold in the domestic market.
§ 3 The automotive components of discontinued production vehicle from January 1st 2000, manufactured or imported after the deadline t in Article 4, should follow the deadlines t in Articles 4 and 5.
§ 4 The automotive components of discontinued production vehicle, as described in item III, paragraph 1, which are compatible with the components for automotive vehicles referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, must meet the deadlines t in Articles 4 and 5.
§ 5 The components of low volumes of imports and production, for special vehicles, car collection or special application will be considered special components and should be analyzed by Inmetro on the need to meet the requirements approved herein.
Article 7. To inform the Automotive Components covered by this Decree shall have the proper registration with the current Inmetro to be sold in the country.
台风红色预警信号Article 8. Determine that all Automotive Components covered by this Decree shall have its packaging, at least the following information:
I - the month and year of manufacture;
II - (s) model (s), brand (s) and year (s) of vehicles to which they apply.
Article 9. Establish a requirement for manufacturers and importers, suppliers in the domestic market, eventually restore the samples collected in the markety by Inmetro or entities delegated by him for purpos of monitoring or verification of conformity.
Article 10. To inform the enforcement of the provisions of this Decre, the entire national territory, is the responsibility of Inmetro and public bodies linked to it by agreement of delegation.
Sole Paragraph - The inspection notice that the requirements approved herein shall apply to components manufactured after the deadlines t in Articles 4, 5 and 6 of this Order and the complementary t of decrees. Article 11. This Decree shall enter into force upon its publication in th
e Official Gazette.
Establish criteria for Conformity Asssment Program for Automotive Components-PAC, with a focus on safety, through the mechanism of compulsory certification, meeting the requirements specified in technical standards for each product mentioned in the annex to the conformity asssment requirements- RAC in order to reduce accidents on public roads.
CNPJ National Register of Legal Entities
NBR Brazilian Standard
RGCP General Requirements for Product Certification
Note: other specific acronyms are listed in the Annex for each product.
Inmetro Decree No. 457 of December 1st  2010 - Approves the General Requirements for Product Certification-RGCP
Inmetro Decree No. 491 of December 13th 2010 - approves the procedure for granting, maintenance and renewal of Object Registration
Standard ISO / TS 16949 - Quality management systems -- Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant rvice part organizations
Note: additional documents are cited in Annex specific to each product.
烹饪与营养教育For purpos of this RAC, are adopted the following general definitions, supplemented by RGCP ttings and the specific definitions contained in the annex of each specific product.
Automotive Component 4.1
It's all sorts of products applicable in road motor vehicles that has life.
The RAC us the compulsory certification as a mechanism for asssing conformity for Automotive Components.
6.1 Definition of the Certification System to be ud
The certification system ud for the products covered by this RAC is System 5 which is the bad on type testing, asssment and approval of the Quality Management System of the manufacturer, follow the manufacturer through audits and tests on samples taken in trade and manufacturer.
斑嘴鸭6.2 Initial asssment
6.2.1 Request for Certification
The supplier must submit a formal request to the OCP in accordance with the requirements of RGCP, along with: •Descriptive Memorial, as described in the annexes of specific RAC;
•documentation provided for the Initial Audit of Management Systems, as the table items 2 RGCP through physical or electronic;
•certified copy of the Social Contract of the supplier, with its amendments;
•copy of proof of registration with the National Register of Legal Entities CNPJ-;
•certified copy of the contract business relationship between manufacturer and supplier when the supplier is different from the component manufacturer to be certified.
6.2.2 Analysis of the application and documentation
Criteria for Analysis of Application and Compliance Documentation should follow the guidelines described in this RGCP and RAC.
6.2.3 Initial Audit Management System
The initial criteria for Audit Management System should follow the guidelines described in RGCP.
Note: The Management System can be assd according to the technical standard ISO / TS 16949, the same requirements are valid from the RGCP Table 2. Definition of tests to be performed
Upon completion of the initial audit at the factory, the OCP should perform sampling and testing t out in Annex-specific automotive components. Definition of sampling
The definition of sampling and criteria for acceptance and rejection must follow the terms and conditions t out in RGCP. Specific criteria are listed in Annex-specific automotive components. If the test sample of the Automotive Component meets the requirements in your specific annex is not necessary to test and inspect the samples and rebuttal witness. If the test sample is rejected, the test must be repeated, necessarily, in the counterproof and witness samples and both shall meet the requirements of specific attachment of automotive components. In ca of failure in counterproof and witness samples, it should be considered non-conformity and that family and / or model of the Automotive Component will have their certification suspended. Definition of the Laboratory
The definition of the laboratory must follow the conditions described in RGCP.
6.2.4 Treatment of non-conformities in the stage of Initial Asssment
The criteria for treatment of non-conformities in the stage of initial asssment should follow the conditions described in RGCP. finds any non-conformity on the audit of the Quality Management System of the production process, the supplier must submit evidence of the OCP implementation of corrective actions within a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.

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