LOGO | PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 表现评估表 For Supervisory Positions 主管级 |
Name姓名: | Date Joined入职日期: | ||||||||||||||
Position职位: | Period Covered评估期: | ||||||||||||||
Date of Appraisal 日期: | Apprair评估人: | ||||||||||||||
Purpo of this Appraisal评估目的 | ❑1st month (试用期的第1个月) | ❑2ed month (试用期的第2个月) | ❑3rd month(试用期的第3个月) | ❑Semi-annual 半年度评估 | ❑Annual 年度评估 | ||||||||||
PERFORMANCE RATING SCALE表现评分范围 | |||||||||||||||
1 - Outstanding杰出 2 - Exceeds Requirements超出要求 3 - Meets Requirements符合要求 | 4 - Needs Improvement需要提高 5 - Does Not Meet Requirements不符合要求 | ||||||||||||||
Note: See CONDITIONS FOR THE FIVE RATING SCALE to define and justify employee’s rating per dimension. 注: 见后页的评估要点描述,以便确定和判断员工每个方面的评估分数 | |||||||||||||||
SELF ASSESSMENT / 自我评估 | |||||||||||||||
1.List significant tasks that you accomplished and rate according to performance. 列出你在职期间的主要贡献或职责,并自我评估 | |||||||||||||||
2.How would you rate your overall performance during the period in review? 你是如何评价自己的这段期间总体表现的? | |||||||||||||||
❑Outstanding杰出 ❑Exceeds Requirements超出要求 ❑Meets Requirements符合要求 | ❑Needs Improvement 需要提高 ❑Does Not Meet Requirements不符合要求 | ||||||||||||||
3.What on-the-job problems and difficulties have you encountered during this rating period? What were the conquences of the problems to the performance of your job? 你认为你在工作中遇到的最大的困难和问题是什么?这些对你的工作表现有什么影响? | |||||||||||||||
On-the job difficulties encountered工作中遇到的困难 | Outcome/Result导致的结果 | ||||||||||||||
Check the appropriate box that best describes the performance of the employee. 细阅如下内容并找选出最符合该员工表现的一项 | |||||
1.PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION ABILITY 计划和组织能力 | ❑Habitually able to anticipate, maintains very high efficiency and effectiveness level in the department. 总是能够参与和保持部门很高的效率和效益。 | ❑Meets efficiency and effectiveness level in the department. 能够满足部门高效率和效益的要求。 | ❑Meets efficiency and effectiveness level基本达到效率和效益的要求 | ❑Efficiency and effectiveness sometimes fall short of job demands. 有效率和效益,但有时候达不到工作需求 | ❑Totally inefficient and ineffective. 完全没有效率和效益 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
2.DELEGATION 授权 | ❑Has a high trust in staff’s capability; always delegates as much as possible with good follow-up.非常信任员工的能力;总是尽可能多的授权给员工,并跟踪 | ❑Delegates most work that can be handled by subordinates.将大多数可以完成的工作授权给下级 | ❑Delegates sufficiently. 较充分的授权 | ❑Occasionally prefers to do work which can be delegated to subordinates. 偶尔做一些本来可以授权给下级的工作 | ❑Has low trust in staff, handles all details himlf/herlf .对员工有很低的信任度,个人处理所有的细节 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
3.ROLE MODELLING模范作用 | ❑Excellent lf-discipline; gains respect from all and inspires good teamwork. 非常优秀的自我约束;尊重所有人,并善于激励团队成员 | ❑Sets good examples for staff and peers. 为员工树立好的榜样 | ❑Meets standards required for the function. 达到要求的标准 | ❑Occasionally fails to meet standards required for the function. 偶尔达不到要求的标准 | ❑Sets bad examples. 树立坏的榜样 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
4.ADHERENCE TO COMPANY POLICIES, RULES & REGULATIONS 加强和遵守公馆的规章制度 | ❑Outstanding support and compliance for company policies, rules and regulations and code of ethics 非常支持并能执行公馆的规章制度 | ❑Exceeds requirement on policies, rules and regulations and code of ethics. 超出公馆规章制度的要求 | ❑Meets requirements on company policies, rules and regulations and code of ethics. 能够达到公馆的规章制度的要求 | ❑Needs guidance to obey company policies, rules and regulations and code of ethics. 需要人管理才可以遵守公馆的规章制度 | ❑Despite guidance rendered, shows little attempt to obey hotel policies, rules & regula-tions & code of ethics. 不管如何引导,显示很少的努力去服从公馆的规章制度 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
5.JUDGEMENT/ DECISION MAKING判断力/决策能力 | ❑Exceptionally good decisions bad on thorough analysis of problems; able to handle new situations and challenges. 能够彻底的分析问题并能做出非常好的决定;能够处理新的情形和挑战 | ❑Us good common n and sound reasoning; usually makes good decisions. 有好的判断力并听起来合理;通常能够做出好的决定 | ❑Judgment usually good in routine situations; needs direction in a new situations. 在日常情况下有好的判断力;但在新的环境下需要指导 | ❑Judgment sometimes not bad on facts and sound reasoning. 有时不根据事实判断且听起来合理 | ❑Consistently poor judgement; jumps into conclusions without sufficient knowledge; confud by new situations. 一直保持差的判断力;没有充分的了解便做出决定;被新环境所混淆 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
6.CONTROL 控制力 | ❑Consistently meets targets t even under unfavorable climate; able to maximize utilization of resources. 即使在不愉快的条件下也一直能够达到目标要求;能够最大化的利用资源 | ❑Always meets t targets and has good control over utilization of resources. 总是能够达到目标要求并在资源的利用上有好的控制 | ❑Generally meets targets t and have control over utilization of resources. 通常能够满足目标要求并能控制资源的利用 | ❑Has difficulty in meeting some targets.在一些目标上有困难 | 诺曼门❑Always unable to meet targets t. 总是不能够达到目标要求 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
7.PERSONALITY AND RELATIONS WITH OTHERS. 性格及和他人关系 | ❑Always works in harmony with others; excellent team player.总是和同事和睦的工作;优秀的团队合作者 | ❑Friendly and helpful; works well with others. 友好的,有帮助的;和同事合作愉快 | ❑Most relationships are generally harmo-nious under normal circumstances. 在正常的情况下和大多数的同事合作愉快 | ❑Difficult to work with at times; some-times antagonize others. 有时很难合作;有时因为愤怒和人起争执 | ❑Quarrelsome and caus friction, very difficult to work with. 容易和人争执而引起摩擦,和其合作非常困难 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
8.CUSTOMER SERVICE ORIENTATION 对客的服务意识 | ❑Goes beyond call of duty to be courteous, helpful and accommo-dating. Pleasant disposition. 超出礼貌的、要帮助的和随和的要求。有令人愉快的性格 | ❑Always courteous and helpful even when under pressure. 总是有礼貌和有帮助的,即使是在压力之下 | ❑Generally courteous and helpful except when under pressure. 通常是有礼貌并有帮助的,除非在压力之下 | ❑Occasionally discourteous and unhelpful. 偶尔有不恭敬和拒绝的行为 | ❑Discourteous and unhelpful. Lacks tact and diplomacy resulting in varied complaints.元纪 没有礼貌,没有帮助性。缺乏机敏和交际能力以导致各种投宿 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
9.TECHNICAL SKILLS 专业技术 开开心心过大年 | ❑Skills exceeded job requirement; always willing to try out new ideas. 要超出工作需求的专业知识;总是乐意尝试新的主意 | ❑Skillful in all aspects of the job. 熟知工作各方面的专业知识 | ❑Skills basically match almost all job requirements. 差不多熟知工作要求的基本知识 | ❑Insufficient skills in some aspects. 在一些方面不够熟练 | ❑Insufficient skills in all aspects. 在各方面都不太熟练 |
福字为什么要倒着贴 |
COMMENTS评语: | |||||
10.TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 培训和发展 | ❑Active member of the Training Council. Personally involved in the development of every potential staff. Ensures OJT is carried out in needed areas.在培训小组中很活跃。个人参与每个有潜力员工的发展。确保在所需方面做好目标培训 | ❑Trains and act as mentor to own staff; consistently looking after development of department. 培训并是员工的良师。不断的照顾部门的发展 | ❑Sufficient on-the-job training is conducted within the department without being asked. 在没有被要求的情况下给员工做足够的在职培训 | ❑Occasionally conducts training. Does not plan ahead nor consistently develop employees with potential. 偶尔举办一些培训,但没有提前计划,也没有发展有潜力的员工 | ❑Does not have training skills. Has no interest in training and staff development. Conducts training only when requested. 没有任何培训的技巧。在培训和员工的发展方面没有任何兴趣。只有在要求时才给员工培训 |
COMMENTS: | |||||
1.STRENGTHS长处 Indicate what favorable qualities or attitude does the employee have that can help him excel in the performance of his job.指出员工 对他个人发展有帮助的长处和态度 |
Plea provide additional sheets if necessary.如果需要请加纸 |
Plea provide additional sheets if necessary.如果需要请加纸 |
Select the overall performance rating that best describes the employee’s performance for this appraisal period. 选择最符合该员工的评估 | |||||||||||
❑Outstanding 杰出 ❑Exceeds Requirements 超出要求 | 恶露是什么颜色❑Meets Requirements符合要求 ❑Needs Improvement需要提高 | ❑Does Not Meet Requirements 不符合要求 | |||||||||
SIGNATURES签名 | |||||||||||
I have reviewed my performance appraisal and have discusd it with my supervisor. 我已理解并和主管讨论过以上评估内容 | |||||||||||
精卫填海读后感 | |||||||||||
Employee’s Signature员工签名 Date日期 | Supervisor’s Signature主管签名 Date日期 | ||||||||||
POTENTIAL IDENTIFICATION潜力识别 (To be completed and viewed only by the reviewer and reviewer’s Department Head只限该员工和他的部门经理) | |||||||||||
Has the employee demonstrated the potential for advancement? 该员工显示出发展潜力了吗? | ❑Yes是 | ❑No否 | |||||||||
Is the employee willing to move to another ction/department? 该员工愿意被调往其它部门吗? | ❑Yes是 | ❑No否 | |||||||||
Recommended Future Position/s 建议将来可从事的职位 | Training Required 所需培训 | Target Date 预计日期 | |||||||||
COMMENTS评语 | |||||||||||
DEPARTMENT HEAD’S COMMENTS部门经理意见 | |||||||||||
母鸡老舍 | |||||||||||
Name/Signature姓名/签名 | Date:日期 | Plea provide additional sheets if necessary如果需要请加纸 | |||||||||
PT MANAGER’S COMMENTS人事培训部经理的意见 | |||||||||||
Plea provide additional sheets if necessary如果需要请加纸 Name/Signature名字/签名 Date:日期 | |||||||||||
有关春天的古诗 |
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