
更新时间:2023-07-05 20:04:33 阅读: 评论:0

With approval pro-cess, you can auto-mate the approval of records , such as opportunity dis-counts, PTO re-quests, expen re-ports, and even job candidates. U this checklist to help you plan your approval process.
Available in:Enterpri,Unlimited, and Developer Editions
Plan each approval process carefully to ensure a successful implementation. Review the following checklist about preparing the appropriate information before creating your approval process.•Prepare an approval request email template.
•Determine the approval request nder.
•Determine the assigned approver.
•Determine the delegated approver.
•Decide if your approval process needs a fi lter.
•Design initial submission actions.
•Decide if urs can approve requests from a wireless device.
•Determine if urs can edit records that are awaiting approval.
•Decide if records should be auto-approved or rejected.
•Determine how many levels your process has.
•Determine the actions when an approval request is approved or rejected.
What email template do you want to u for approval requests?
The email template you specify on an approval process is ud when notifying urs that an approval request is assigned to them.You can u the default email offers if it is appropriate for your approval process, or you can create your own email template.
Include the appropriate approval process merge fi elds to link directly to the approval request.
For details about using merge fi elds, e “Merge Fields Overview” in
online help. If your organization has enabled email approval respon, the default email
template includes instructions for replying to an email approval request by typing approve, approved,yes,reject,rejected, or no in the fi rst line of the email body, and
optionally adding comments in the cond line. For details on email approval respon and the default template, e “Customizing Work fl ow and Approval Settings” in online help.
三国三大战役Determine who should be the nder of approval requests.
The approval request noti fi cations are automatically nt from the ur who submitted the record for approval.You have the option to assign a different return email address to the noti fi cations. Determine what email address to u.
Who will be responsible for approving requests?
Requests can be approved or rejected by any of the following:
•  A ur or queue that the approval request submitter choos.
•  A queue speci fi ed by the administrator.
© Copyright , inc. All rights rerved.Last updated:November 27, 2010
污作文•  A ur listed in the Manager standard fi eld on the submitter's ur detail page.
•  A ur listed in a custom hierarchy fi eld on the submitter's ur detail page.
•Any combination of urs and related urs (urs listed in a standard or custom fi eld on the submitted record) speci fi ed by the administrator.
Each step in your approval process can assign approval requests using any of the options.
Should approval requests be delegated to another ur for approval?
An approval request can be approved by a designated delegate for the approver. However,
you have the ability to disable this option. Determine if you want to allow delegated urs to
approve requests.Then, for each ur, populate the Delegated Approver fi eld on the幼小衔接教案
ur's detail page.
What records should be included in this process?
Determine what attributes a record must have to be included in your approval process. If
necessary, create the custom fi elds to store this information so that you can u it in your fi lter
移动充电宝criteria. For example, if you want to include expen records from your headquarters of fi ce
only, create a custom picklist fi eld called Office Location that has two options:“HQ”
and “Field.”Then, your fi lter criteria for the process would specify that records must have
“HQ” in the Office Location fi eld to be included.
What should occur when a record is fi rst submitted for approval?
巴东海滩When urs submit a record for automatically locks the record so
that other urs cannot change it while it is awaiting approval.You can still add campaign
members to campaigns locked for approval.
Decide if you want other work fl ow actions to occur when a record is fi rst submitted, such as
email alerts, tasks, fi eld updates, and outbound messages.The actions belong on your list
of Initial Submission Actions.
Should urs be able to approve requests from a wireless device?
Determine if you want to require urs to log in to approve requests.
Alternatively, you can t up your approval process to allow urs to approve requests remotely
using a wireless browr.
Who can edit records that are awaiting approval?
Records submitted for approval are automatically locked. Urs with the “Modify All”
object-level permission for the given object, or the “Modify All Data” permission, can always
unlock a record and edit it. However, you may also specify that the currently assigned approver
can edit the record as well.You can still add campaign members to campaigns locked for
Should records be automatically approved, rejected, or skipped bad on certain criteria?
感谢致辞简短You can t entry criteria for each step of your process, and con fi to
automatically approve, reject, or skip the process if a record does not meet that entry criteria.
For example, all expens submitted with an Amount less than $15 are automatically approved.
How many people need to approve the requests?
An approval process can have veral layers of approvals. Determine how many urs need to
approve requests and in what order.
Should any actions take place when a request is approved or rejected?
You can t up to 40 additional actions to take place when a request is recalled, approved, or
rejected at each step, up to 10 of each of the following types:
Assigns a task to a ur you specify.You can specify the Subject, Task
Status,Priority, and Due Date of the task.世界十大酷刑
Email Alert
Us an email template you specify to nd an email to a designated
Changes the value of a lected fi eld.You can specify a value or create Field Update
a formula for the new value.
Sends a message to an endpoint you designate.You can also specify Outbound Message
a urname and the data you want to include in the message.
Additionally, you can t up to 40 additional actions to take place when a record has received
all necessary approvals or is completely rejected.

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