
更新时间:2023-07-05 19:41:51 阅读:24 评论:0

of 23 May 2017霸气的壁纸
supplementing Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council by specifying principles of and guidelines forgood manufacturing practice for investigational medicinal products for humanu and arrangements for inspections
(Text with EEA relevance)党支部鉴定意见
欧盟托管法案(EU)2017/1569    2017年5月23日
Havingregard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
Havingregard to Regulation (EU) No 536/2014 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal products for humanu, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC[1],and in particular Article 63(1) thereof,
Whereas: 鉴于
(1)  The good manufacturing practice forinvestigational medicinal products for human u ensures that there isconsistency between batches of the same investigational medicinal product udin the same or different clinical trials, and that changes during thedevelopment of an investigational medicinal product are adequately documentedand justified. The manufacturing of investigational medicinal products prentsadditional chall
enges comparing to the manufacturing of authorid medicinal productsbecau there are no fixed routines, there is a variety of clinical trialdesigns and conquently packaging designs. Tho challenges are due to theneed, often, of randomisation and to disgui the identity of theinvestigational medicinal products for the purpo of clinical trial(blinding). The toxicity, potency and nsitising potential of investigationalmedicinal products for human u may not be fully understood at the time of thetrial, and the need to minimi all risks of cross-contamination is thereforeof even greater importance than for authorid medicinal products. Becau ofthis complexity, the manufacturing operations should be subject to a highlyeffective pharmaceutical quality system. 学习计划500字
(2)  Good manufacturing practice as regards bothmedicinal products authorid to be placed on the market and investigationalmedicinal products are bad on the same principles. The same manufacturingsites will often manufacture both investigational and medicinal productsauthorid to be placed on the market. For that reason the principles andguidelines of good manufacturing practice for investigational medicinalproducts for human u should be aligned as much as possible with thoapplicable to medicinal products for human u.
(3)  In accordance with Article 61(5) ofRegulation (EU) No 536/2014 certain process do not require the authorisationreferred to in Article 61(1) of that Regulation. In line with Articl
e 63(2) ofRegulation (EU) No 536/2014 good manufacturing practice for investigationalmedicinal products does not apply to tho process.
(4)  For the manufacturer to be able to complywith good manufacturing practice for investigational medicinal products,cooperation between the manufacturer and the sponsor is necessary. Likewi,for the sponsor to comply with the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 536/2014cooperation with the manufacturer is necessary. Where the manufacturer and thesponsor are different legal entities, the obligations of the manufacturer andsponsor vis-à-vis each other should be specified in a technical agreementbetween them. Such an agreement should provide for the sharing of inspectionreports and exchange of information on quality issues.
英语自我介绍结尾(5)  Investigational medicinal products importedinto the Union should be manufactured by applying quality standards at leastequivalent to tho in the Union. For this reason, only products manufacturedby a third country manufacturer that is entitled or authorid to do so inaccordance with the laws of the country where the manufacturer is located,should be allowed to be imported into the Union.
最美公主(6)  All manufacturers should operate an effectivequality assurance system of their manufacturing or import operations. Such asystem in order to be effective requires the implementation of a pharmaceuticalquality system. Good documentation constitutes an e
sntial part of a qualityassurance system. The documentation system of manufacturers shall enable thehistory of the manufacture of each batch and any changes introduced during thedevelopment of an investigational medicinal product to be traced.

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