1Encourage discussion and speculation but do not confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They
will find out as they read the book that the answers are: Miss Polly Harrington is rich, lives alone (to begin with), isn’t friendly (to begin with), doesn’t like children (to
begin with), is happy (in the end).
Nancy is poor, friendly, loves children, has a big family.
Pollyanna is poor, friendly, happy, doesn’t have any parents.
Jimmy Bean is poor, friendly, doesn’t have any parents, is happy (in the end).
Mr John Pendleton is rich, lives alone (to begin with),
isn’t friendly (to begin with), is happy (in the end).
Dr Chilton is friendly, lives alone (to begin with), is
happy (in the end).
2Encourage discussion and speculation but do not confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They
will find out as they read the book that the answers are: Nancy works for Miss Polly Harrington.
Pollyanna is Miss Polly Harrington’s sister’s daughter.
Nancy and Pollyanna are friends.
Pollyanna and Jimmy Bean are friends.
Mr John Pendleton and Dr Chilton are friends.
Miss Polly Harrington and Dr Chilton were lovers.
pp. 8–9
b Pollyanna
c Nancy
d Miss Polly
e Nancy
f Miss Polly
g Pollyanna
h Nancy
i Pollyanna
j Miss Polly
1 b niece
c care for
d believe
e sure
f silly
2 b sad
c minister
d church
e buggy
f marry
g fair
1Encourage discussion and speculation but do not confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the next chapter that the things happen in it: a, c, e
pp. 14–15
1 b 2
c 1
d 3
2Pollyanna plays the ‘glad game’ about the things in Chapter 2:
b her red dress
c Aunt Polly not meeting her at the station
f her room in the attic with no pictures
h having bread and milk for supper
j sleeping with her aunt WORD WORK
1punish/carpet/guess/clothes/aunt/clot/supper/glad/ bell/climb/game/roof
2 b bell
c carpet
d climb
e clot
f supper
g guess
h clothes
i game
j Aunt
k glad
l roof
3Nancy’s brother: Algernon, Nancy’s two sisters: Florabelle, Estelle
1Encourage discussion and speculation but do not confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the next chapter that the
answers are:
a Jimmy Bean
b Mrs Snow
c John Pendleton
2Encourage discussion and speculation but do not confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the rest of the book that the answers are:
a Pollyanna tries to find a new home for Jimmy Bean.
She eventually persuades Mr John Pendleton to
如何去肝火have the boy.
中国美术教育b Pollyanna visits Mrs Snow when she is lying ill in
bed and makes her feel better.
c Pollyanna talks to Mr John Pendleton, becomes his
friend, and helps him when he falls in Pendleton
Woods and has an accident. She also helps him to
forget tho sad past times when he was in love with
Pollyanna’s mother but she wasn’t interested in him,
and when she married John Whittier, and left town. pp. 20–21
b T
c T
d F (Mrs Snow isn’t happy to
e Pollyanna at first.)
e F (Pollyanna meets John Pendleton in the street.)
f T
g F (Nancy is surprid when John Pendleton speaks
to Pollyanna.)
h T
i T
j T
1 b umbrella
c soup
d curtains
e chicken
f pink
2 b folks
c sick
d orphan
e real
f strange
g surpri
Encourage discussion and speculation but do not
confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the next chapter that the answers are:
a Mr Pendleton has a bad accident.
One of Aunt Polly’s friends is very sick and dies.
c Pollyanna can’t fin
d a hom
e for Jimmy Bean.
Aunt Polly gets angry with Pollyanna.
pp. 26–27
b Aunt Polly doesn’t go out becau she has a headache.
c Pollyanna talks to some women at the church
about Jimmy Bean.
d Mr Pendleton breaks his leg in an accident.
e Pollyanna phones the doctor from Mr Pendleton’s
f Aunt Polly goes to Boston to visit her friend.
g Pollyanna takes Mr Pendleton some jelly.
h Mr Pendleton is surprid becau Pollyanna is
Miss Polly’s niece.
i Dr Chilton es Miss Polly with a flower in her hair. WORD WORK
1 b Shall we go for a walk in the woods?
c Don’t put your books down on the ground!
d Ther
e are some big rocks in the road.
e The key is in the door.
2 b meeting
c ladies
d charity
e nd
Encourage discussion and speculation but do not
confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the next chapter that the
answers are:
b Mr Pendleton wants Pollyanna to live with him.
c Nancy tells Pollyanna, ‘Mr Pendleton an
d Aunt Polly
were lovers.’
d Mr Pendleton tells Pollyanna, ‘I loved your mother.’ pp. 32–33
a 4
b 3
c 6
d 2
f 5
Encourage discussion and speculation but do not
confirm or deny students’ guess at this stage. They will find out as they read the next chapter that the
answers are:
a Pollyanna has a bad accident.
b Jimmy Bean goes to live with Mr Pendleton.
c Jimmy Bean speaks to Aunt Polly about Dr Chiltern.
d Dr Chilton marries aunt Polly.
pp. 40–41
b 8
c 5
d 7
e 2
f 9
g 4
h 3
i 1
1 b My car doesn’t work, can you help me to push it?
c I felt ill so I took some medicine.
d When sh
e heard the sad news, tears started to run
down her face.
e My uncle Stan is married to my aunt Nancy.
2 b specialist
c forgive
d unconscious
e wedding
Open answers.
pp. 42–46
Character Map
1 a goes for walks in the woods – the ‘Does’ part of
the character map (bottom left)
b long fair hair – the ‘Looks’ part of the character
map (top left)
c carpets, curtains, an
d pictures – th
侮辱罪立案标准e ‘Likes’ part of
the character map (bottom right)
d eleven years old – th
e ‘Is’ part o
f the character
map (top right)
2page 7, lines 9–10 (fair hair, red dress, summer hat – in ‘Looks’)
page 10, lines 3–12 (plays the glad game / talks a lot – in ‘Does’)
page 11, lines 28–32 (climbs trees / is not afraid of
things – in ‘Does’ and ‘Is’)
page 12, line 24–29 (has old clothes / likes new clothes –
in ‘Looks’ and ‘Likes’)
page 16, line 20 to page 17, line 22 (visits sick people /
likes to help people / likes people – in ‘Does’ and ‘Likes’) page 19, lines 16–17 (is an orphan – in ‘Is’)
page 22, lines 14–22 (speaks to church ladies / goes to charity meetings – in ‘Does’)
page 34, lines 10–14 (writes to folks out west – in ‘Does’) If students want to find some more examples from
the book to match with things on the character map, here are more page references:
page 3, line 14 (is 11 years old – in ‘Is’)
page 11, line 3 (is poor – in ‘Is’)
page 13, lines 21–22 (likes sleeping in her aunt’s bed – in ‘Likes’)
page 18, lines 1–21 (likes people – in ‘Likes’)
page 19, lines 4–8 (likes animals – in ‘Likes’)
page 22, lines 3–4 (likes carpets, curtains and pictures –
in ‘Likes’)
page 22, line 23 (goes for walks in the woods – in ‘Does’) page 23, lines 21–22 (likes speaking to Nancy – in ‘Likes’) page 24, line 25 (sometimes says the wrong thing – in ‘Does’)
3Open answers.
4Open answers.
Accident Report
5k, b, l, g, i, d, a, e, c, h, f, j
6Yesterday afternoon Mr John Pendleton (42) had a bad accident as he walked near his big old family home in
Pendleton Woods. He fell from some rocks and broke
his leg. After the accident Mr Pendleton couldn’t move,
and he lay on the ground for some time.
Then Miss Pollyanna Whittier (11) arrived in the woods.
When she saw Mr Pendleton, she ran to help him.
He gave her the key to his hou and she went there
and phoned for a doctor. Then she went back to Mr
Pendleton and waited for help to come.
Not long after that, Dr Tom Chilton (40) arrived. He
thanked Miss Whittier for her help. Then he took Mr
Pendleton back home at once and fixed his leg.
Today Mr Pendleton is at home in bed, recovering from his accident.
7Open answers.
pp. 47–53
1 b Yes, she was.
c No, she couldn’t.
d Yes, sh
e did.
e No, she wasn’t.
f No, she didn’t.
g Yes, she could.
h Yes, she did.
i No, she didn’t.
j No, she wasn’t.
2 b Yes, she did.
c No, she didn’t.
d Yes, sh
e could.
e No, she wasn’t.
f Yes, she did.
g No, she couldn’t.
3 b How many
c Where
d How
e How long
f Which
g Who
h Why
i What
j When
4 b to think / thinking
c making
d looking
e to sleep
f smiling
g helping / to help
h to find
i to write
j to adopt
k to think
l reading
5 b at
c on
红枣银耳汤的功效与作用d on
e in
f behind
g by
h on
i by
j behind
6 b could
c was
d wanted
e went
f took
g came
h saw
i did
j put
7 b wore
c smiled
d thought
e walked
f found
g gave
h ran
i phoned
8 b She’s a rich woman with a big hou.
c She’s an angry woman with a young niece.
d Sh
e has no dress with nice colours on them.
e Pollyanna es a sad woman in a green dress.
f Pollyanna wants to e a happy woman with a
friendly smile.
9Open answers.
10 b her
c his
d its
e Their
f your
g their
h our
i her
j My