
更新时间:2023-07-05 13:18:49 阅读: 评论:0

Lesson 3 The power of Habit
Word List
1.duke n. a nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest
grade of the peerage in Great Britain 公爵
duke(公) marquis/ marquess(侯爵) earl (伯) viscount (子爵) baron (男爵)
2.fashion v. give shape or form to; make形成
train or influence into a particular state or character 塑造
< fashion the clay into bricks把泥土制成砖头
fashion sb. into a fine sportsman把某人培养成优秀运动员
3.discharge  v. relea, as from confinement, care, or duty 释放;使退伍
< discharge a patient允许病人出院;discharge a soldier让士兵退伍
4.whereupon conj. in clo conquence of which 随之/于是
< The instructor entered the room, whereupon we got to our feet.
He saw me coming, whereupon he offered me his at.
5.gutter n. a channel at the edge of a street or road for carrying off surface water 排水沟,
6.cavalry n. troops trained to fight on horback 骑兵
7.evolution  n. a ries of planned movements按照计划的行动; 操练
蒸饺做法8.bugle n. 军号,喇叭
9.alternative n. choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities 两者择一
a. available in place of sth; other 另一可选择的
11.prently ad. in a short time; soon不久,一会儿
< She will arrive prently.她一会儿就到.
12.bewilder v. confu, especially with numerous conflicting situations, objects, or statements
< I was bewildered by the maze of streets in the city.我被市里错综复杂的街道弄糊涂了。
(labyrinth/ maze)
The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us.
I was bewildered by too much choice.
bewildering a. bewildered a. bewilderment n. (in bewilderment)
13.fly-wheel  n. a heavy-rimmed wheel on a revolving shaft(轴) to regulate machinery or
accumulate power整速轮/飞轮/调速轮(in the text) a regulating force
14.agent n. one that acts or has the power or authority to act 行动者
a force that caus a change引起变化的力量
an authoritative command or order 命令
a regulation, especially one enacted by a city government 法规
17.therein adv. in that place, time, or thing 在那儿在那里,那时或在那件事中
in that circumstance or respect 在其中在那环境中或在那个方面
詹姆斯投篮18.deckhand n. 甲板水手
19.nail v. keep fixed, motionless, or intent 使固定
< Fear nailed me to my at.恐惧使我坐在凳子上动弹不得.
21.nurture n. & v. bringing up培养(educate, train, cultivate, nourish, rear)
< n urture a student's talent培养学生的才能develop
Nurture your mind. 发展你的心智cultivate, develope
We teachers should nurture the children‘s mind.
She nurtured the child as if he had been her own.她把那孩子当作自己的来养育。rear
nature and nurture本性和教养, 遗传和环境
The two sisters had received very different nurture.这俩个姊妹接受过极不同的教育。
22.stratum n. (singl.) a level of society compod of people with similar social, cultural, or电竞文推荐
economic status 阶层(class) strata pl.
24.cleavage n. splitting, division 裂缝或分裂
25.by-and-by ad. some future time or occasion 将来
< a critical point in the campaign活动中最重要的一点
白羊和水瓶a critical decision重大的决定
27.vocalization n. 发声法
vocalize v. produce with the voice 用嗓音发
vocal    a. relating to the voice 声音的
极品闺蜜e.g. He has transferred from the army to the navy.他从陆军转到海军。(vi.)
He has been transferred from Beijing to Shanghai.他已从北京被调到上海。(vt.)
This worker wants a transfer to another post.这个工人要求调换工种。(n.)
29.better n. a superior, as in standing, competence, or intelligence 较优者
30.unlearn v. get rid of 去除/ forget遗忘
< try to unlearn smoking竭力改掉抽烟的习惯
31.nasality n. nasal accent鼻音
nasal n. & a. relating to the no 鼻的
32.vice n. an undesirable habit不良好的习惯
33.ware n. an article of commerce 商品
34.swell n. one who is fashionably dresd or socially prominent衣着时髦或社交卓越的
< society swells社会头面人物
35.invisible a. impossible to e; not visible 看不见的
visible    a.
the process of moving under the influence of this attraction 引力作用
37.array v. dress in finery打扮
38.clad    a. dresd穿着的;被覆盖的(p.p. of clothe)
< warmly clad 穿得暖和的
a motorcyclist clad in leather穿着皮外套的摩托车手
The woods on the mountain sides were clad in mist.
< He contrived to get past the guards unnoticed.想办法不被守卫发现
Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
40.ally n. one in helpful association with another助手,支持者
v. place in a friendly association, as by treaty 联盟
< England allied with France. 英国和法国结成同盟。
France and England were allies in the war. 法国和英国在这次战争中是同盟国。
41.fund  v. furnish a fund for 资助,为…提供资金
< fund the space program资助太空计划
42.capitalize v. supply with capital or investment funds提供资金
< capitalize a new business为一个新的企业注入资金
43.acquisition n.
acquire v. get by one's own efforts 取得
< acquire proficiency in math在数学上达到熟练水平
She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.所见古诗带拼音
Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to
impress the society.有些人回到学校去接受教育,是想再取得一个学位或一张文凭,以
Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition. 这辆摩托车是我最新购置的。
cond language acquisition
44.disadvantageous    a. detrimental; unfavorable不利的
< in a disadvantageous position处于不利的地位
be disadvantageous to sb.对某人不利
哈梵45.plague n. a cau of annoyance; a nuisance 纷扰
a sudden destructive influx or injurious outbreak 突然的灾害
< a plague of locusts蝗虫灾害; a plague of accidents不测之灾
a plague of rats 泛滥成灾的老鼠
46.custody n. care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge 照管
< The father was given custody of the children. 父亲获得对孩子的监护权。
The stolen car is now in police custody. 被盗汽车目前由警方保管。
A father has the custody of his children when they are young.
孩子年幼时, 做父亲的有监护的责任。
His car was held in the custody of the police.他的汽车被警察扣压。
47.automatism n. automatic action 自动行为
48.indecision n. reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind; irresolution 犹豫不决,举
< His indecision caud him to lo the chance of a new challenging job.
< an express plan一份特殊计划
50.volitional a. 意志的
volition n. the power or faculty of choosing; the will 意志力
Structural Analysis of the text
Theme: Although developed after birth, habit becomes actually no less an inborn quality of a human creature than his character, and can powerfully control his behavior. (尽管是后天形成的,习惯如同人的性格,实际上是一种天性的东西,可以控制人的行为。) Para 1 thesis argument (Duke‘s famous remark)
Para 2    a humorous story to support argument (cited from another well-known figure – in this ca Prof. Huxley, who humorous story may well rve as a footnote to the duke‘s proposition.)
Para 3 examples of his own to strengthen argument
(Having thus stated his ca for the power of habit, the author is now ready to explore other aspects of the topic.)
Para 4 the relation of habit to society (Thanks to the power of habit, society is able to keep different people in different occupations or positions, and is thus saved from collap into disorder.)
Para 5    a distinction in age between the formation of intellectual and professional habits and the formation of personal habits (He claims that personal habits, such as your accent, your manner of standing or moving and your habit of wearing clothes, are formed even
earlier in one‘s life, and their firm fixedness is clearly evident in tho who later move to    a higher social class.)
Para 6    a piece of advice (We should take advantage of, rather than struggle against, the power of habit. The author urges us to form, as early as possible, as many good habits as we can, so that our behavior may be decisive and our conscious mind may be freed from the burden of daily routine and applied to more uful work.)

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