爱用英语怎么说Ultransitive and Fully Reversible NO2 Gas Sensing Bad on p-Type MoTe2 under Ultraviolet
期刊名称: Acs Sensors
作者: Wu Enxiu,Xie Yuan,Yuan Bo,Zhang Hao,Hu Xiaodong,Liu Jing,Zhang Daihua
缁怎么读年份: 2018年
关键词: interface interaction;UV illumination;NO2;gas nsor;p-type MoTe2
真有美人鱼吗摘要:Theunique properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials make thempromising candidates for chemical and biological nsing
applications.However, most 2D material nsors suffer from extremely long recoverytime due to the slow molecular desorption at room temperature. Here,we report an ultransitive p-type molybdenum ditelluride (MoTe2) gas nsor for NO2 detection with greatly enhancednsitivity and recovery rate un教授推荐信
歌颂祖国的散文der ultraviolet (UV) illumination.Specifically, the nsitivity of the nsor to NO2 is dramaticallyenhanced by 1 order of magnitude under 254 nm UV illumination as comparedto that in the dark condition, leading to a remarkable low detectionlimit of 252 ppt. More importantly, the p-type MoTe2 nsorcan achieve full recovery after each nsing cycle well within 160s