6.1 科技文体的特点及翻译要点
Practice 1
The laptop computer is a small, portable computer that’s light and small enough to hold on your lap. It is smaller than a luggage but larger than a notebook computer. A laptop usually weighs between 8 and 14 pounds, and when folded shut is about the size of a small briefca. Laptops can be plugged in or run on batteries, although the batteries must be recharged every few hours. Laptop computers u a thin, light weight display screen called a flat-panel display, rather than the cathode ray tube technology of larger personal computers. Laptop displays vary widely in quality. Typically, their display screens show fewer lines than displays on larger computers and can be difficult to read in bright light. Laptops are lf-contained units, having their own CPUs, memory, and disk drives. While more expensive than a desktop computer with equivalent computing power, a laptop can be ideal for the on-the-go ur who needs a cond, portable computer. Laptops aren’t always a suitable replace
ment for desktop computer, since they can’t be expanded or modified easily should your computing needs change. Also, the display is inferior to standard video graphics array(VGA)displays, although active matrix displays compete well except for size.[人民大学2004研]
Practice 2
Smartphones were once the best thing to happen to the tech industry. In the 11 years since the iPhone made its debut, smartphones have subsumed just about every other gadget and altered every business ultimately recording everything about how we understand media, politics and reality itlf. Smartphones, however, are insatiable. At a cognitive level, they are voracious vampires for your attention, and as soon as you look at one, you are basically captured. There are studies that bear this out. Adrian Ward, a marketing professor at the University of Texas, found工科考研
that the mere prence of a smartphone within glancing distance can significantly reduce your cognitive capacity. Your phone is so irresistible that when you can e it, you cannot help but spend a great deal of otherwi valuable mental energy trying to not to look at it. When you do give in, you lo your mind. You unlock your phone and instantly, almost unconsciously, descend into the irresistible splendors of the digital world, emerging 30 minutes later, stupefied and dazed.[广东工业大学2019研]
曾经,智能手机是科技行业的福音。在苹果手机首次亮相11年后,智能手机几乎纳入了其他所有的小设备,改变了从新闻、零售到出租车、电视等所有业务,并最终彻底改变我们对媒体、政治和现实本身的理解。但是,智能手机得寸进尺。在认知层面上,它是一只以注意力为食的贪婪吸血鬼,只要你看它一眼,基本上就会被它俘获。有研究证明了这一点。德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)商学院的营销学教授阿德里安·沃德(Adrian Ward)领导的一个团队发现,哪怕只是视野范围内有一部智能手机,就会显著降低你的认知能力。你的手机具有难以抵抗的魅力,一看到它,就要花费大量宝贵的精力努力不去看它。当你屈服时,你会失去理智。一旦解锁,立刻就神志不清,沉迷于数字世界无法抵挡的辉煌。持续30分钟后,竟会茫然不知所措。
Practice 3
As information technology, specially the smartphone, rapidly develops, people are overwhelmed by all sorts of information. As a result, “smartphone addicts” can be en everywhere ... during meetings, lectures and gatherings; in the worst
拙政园导游词cas, such as when driving, they can cau disasters.
Well, do people need to be inundated with so much information? We should remind ourlves that information doesn’t not equate to knowledge. Scattered information and fragmented reading not only cannot form anything uful in our minds but can rather actually interfere with our thinking, resulting in so-called “information overload”. Basically, information can be t ransformed into knowledge only when it is procesd for a certain purpo featuring with a structure. In other words, when integrated into an individual system, knowledge functions as a part of a holistic effect.
In terms of biological structure and functions the nsory organs of human beings are in fact no more developed than other highly evolved creatures, and yet humans can catch more of the esnce of the world, mainly due to their abstract thinking capacity and their language systems. The cret lies in systematized structures.
The core of a system is the structure which determines its nature and functions. Diamond and graphite(石墨), for example, are both made solely of carbons. However, their different arrangements of carbonaceous atoms result in the hardest and softest substance in the world. The same principle applies to our perceptual and knowledge systems, where the same amount of information may cau different effects. In a way, we may say “Knowledge is power”—But information is not.
So-called “prediction” or “knowing the rest by analogy” is generated
esntially by systematic analysis. Taking chemistry as an example, some gaps in the Periodic T able discovered by the Russian Chemist Mendeleyev predicted veral new chemical elements; three of which were found by other chemists fifteen years later. Similarly, the theoretical physicist Diac revealed that there were no electronic “bubbles” in a vacuum during his rearch into the nature of electrons, and then predicted that something called a “positron”(正子) might exist. In physics, many basic particles are found by way of repeated experiments bad on symmetrical theory, thus bridging the gap between the subjective and objective worlds. In arching one of the greatest mysteries in modem astrophysics—dark matter—the same law applies.
The transformation of “information” into “knowledge” requires ability. Information can be beneficial to our mental development only if it has been effectively screened, categorized and stored. Blindly “receiving” information, on the other hand, will put us in a passive position where creativity can hardly be initiated.
To be preci, a human’s intelligence therefore, doesn’t depend on how much information he or she has been expod to, rather, it is the ability to process information into personal constructive knowledge that counts.[江西师范大学2017研]