Cochlear implants: indications in groups of patients with borderline indications. A review.
期刊名称: Acta Oto-Laryngologica
作者: Quaranta, Nicola,Bartoli, Roberto,Quaranta, Antonio
天津特色小吃年份: 2004年节水征文
算命准吗能信吗期号: 第s552期
蛋炒饭步骤关键词: cochlear implant;elderly people
摘要:Cochlear implants (CI) reprent the current treatment for patients affected by profound nsorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Initially only deaf adult patients were considered to be candidates for a CI; however, the development of technology and matured experience have expanded the indications for cochlear implantation. Today, CIs are implanted in adults and children and broader indications are followed. There are, however, a number of patients who do not completely fulfill the current indications and who are potential candidates for CI. The duration of deafness and residual hear
大队长解说ing reprent prognostic indicators for
信的格式英语CI performance; however, the candidacy of children with residual hearing and prelingually deafened adults are still under debate. Anatomical variants such as cochlear ossification, cochlear malformation and