(Glossary of Fabrics)
Bedford cord(凸条布)
Rounded cords run in the warp direction with fine sunken lines between. The cord may be emphasid by wadding ends. The weave on the face of the cord may be plain or twill. Worsted yarns are generally ud for suitings and woollen yarns for heavy trours such as riding breeches, but there is no restriction on the choice of fibres that may be ud in this weave. In the lighter weights the construction may be ud for dress fabrics.(See Piqué.)
Broadcloth (阔幅布、府绸、绒面呢)
This term may be ud in one of three ways. It may simply refer to (a) suitings which are at least 135 cm wide in the finished state (b) lightweight poplin type fabric commonly ud as shirting in Canada and the USA, or (c) a heavily milled woollen cloth made in a twill weave from fine merino yarns. The fabric is given a dress-face finish.
‘A generic term for plain cotton cloth heavier than muslins.'
Cambric (细纺)
A fine lightweight, plain-weave cotton or linen cloth which has been fairly cloly woven and given a slight stiffening and calendering to produce a smooth surface. Printed, with a crea-resist finish, it is often ud for dress. Very lightweight cambrics (about 65g/m2) are ud for handkerchiefs.
Canvas (帆布)
This firm, rather stiff, strong warp-faced cloth is usually made in a cloly woven plain or double-end plain weave from cotton, flax, nylon, or polyester. Its weight can be varied over
a very wide range according to its intended u.
Velour or Velvet are terms applied to Axminster, Wilton, tufted and bonded carpets which have very smooth, level and velvet-like surfaces. The individual tufts are not visible in the denly packed pile.
Plush or Saxony are cut pile carpets with longer and denr pile than velour. Pile height is up to 15 mm. The tufts in the pile appear distinctly parate from each other.
Shag is a tufted or woven long pile carpet with a low tuft density. Cord has a short loop pile produced by tufting, weaving, or bonding Twist pile denotes a high folding twist in the yarn ud in tufting and weaving, giving a slightly mottled look to the surface.
Embosd or sculptured effects are developed by the combination of cut and loop pile.
Cament cloth (薄窗帘布)
早起的英文A weft-faced, plain-weave curtain fabric weight about 150g It may be woven from cotton or manufactured fibres.
A plain-weave cotton cloth made with a dyed warp and undyed weft, which gives the cloth a somewhat speckled appearance. Ud for dress.
Chee cloth(包布)
A cheap, soft, plain-cloth of open construction and light in weight. Its principal u is as chee wrapping.
文艺复兴美术三杰A term applied to woven cloth printed with a design having a soft, blurred outline. This is produced by printing the sheet of parallel warp yarns before weaving, with the result that the printed outline does not keep exact register during weaving, and the outline appears blurred in the woven cloth.
A term ud to describe fabrics with a high mirror-like lustre produced by waxing and polishing the cloth by mechanical means. If a cloth with a satin weave is ud, it further enhances the lustre by providing a very smooth surface.
A cut-weft pile fabric in which the pile forms cords running along the length of the cloth. It is generally made from cotton and the pile may be printed. A velveteen may be cut in such a way as to produce the appearance of corduroy.
Covert cloth (芝麻呢)
A warp-faced cloth with a fine, steep twill. Its chief characteristic is the mottled or speckled appearance produced by the u of grandrelle or mock grandrelle yarns in the warp only. Worsted yarns are often ud, although a quality with a worsted warp and a woollen weft is made. Covert cloth is particularly ud for light overcoats.
Fabrics in this group are characterid by having a surface which is crinkled or puckered to some degree due to the inclusion of crépe yarn. Such an effect may be produced either in woven or knitted fabrics.
Cretonne (大花型印花装饰布)
A printed fabric, heavier than chintz, commonly of cotton. It is usually unglazed and likely to carry a floral design. Ud for furnishings.
养发A warp-faced twill with dyed yarns, generally blue or brown, in the warp and a white weft. It is often made from cotton in a 3/1 twill weave and pre-shrunk during finishing for u in overalls and `denims'. Weights range from 200-300 g/m2. Brushed denim and stretch denim are also produced.
`Stonewash' finishing, applied to jeans and denims,
involves tumbling garments vigorously in a laundry-type washing machine containing pebbles and possibly bleach. The conquent effect is the now well-recognid non-pristine look, which is often graded by manufacturers to ensure uniformity of effect and quality in the garment.
A fabric, usually of cotton, that is checked or striped by corded effects which are made by weaving two or more threads as one.
Dobby (小花纹织物)
This is a mechanism applied to the loom that enables weaves and patterns to be produced that cannot be woven on a tappet loom, but are much less elaborate than tho obtained by Jacquard weaving. Fabrics so woven are referred to as dobby fabrics.
An imitation flannel made mostly from cotton. Both sides of the cloth are raid. It is ud as an interlining in tailoring.
Drill (卡其布)
A warp-faced twill similar to a denim but usually bleached or piece-dyed. It may be mineral khaki dyed for overalls. `Satin drills' are made in a 5-end satin weave.
A cloly woven, strong, plain-weave cloth similar to canvas and ud for similar purpos. The term also applies to tropical suitings.
A strong cotton cloth, similar to denim, made for overalls. A 3/1 or 2/1 twill is ud. The cloth may be yarn or piece-dyed.
A firm plain-weave, lightweight cloth of nearly square construction woven with dyed yarns to form a check. Commonly
made from cotton; ud for dress, tablecloths, etc.
Glen check or Glen Urquhart check (格纹布)
See Colour and weave effects.油画基础
Gabardine (华达呢)
A warp-faced cloth firmly woven in 2/1 or 2/2 twill with a greater number of ends than picks. The fairly steep twilllines can be clearly en, since the yarns ud are compact. The fabric is finished to give a clear, clean appearance. Gabardines are commonly made from worsted yarns, all-cotton yarns, unions of wool and cotton, and blends of various fibres. Gabardine to be ud for rainwear must be shower-proofed.
The cloth bears the name of the modified plain weave from which it is made. Fine ribs run in the warp direction of the cloth, which may be printed and is usually made from cotton.
A lightweight, plain-woven cloth of linen or cotton, of a soft, smooth, and sheer character. Spun yarns made from polyester fibres are also ud in this type of fabric.
Moleskin cloth (粗纹棉布)
This cloth, ud for workmen's trours, is very much like uncut velveteen. It is heavier than a beaverteen with about 140 picks per cm.
Dotted Swiss(点子花薄纱)
A fine, fairly stiff cotton muslin-type fabric with a clip-spot effect.
A cotton imitation of the wool flannel. Softly twisted yarns are ud in the weft, and the respond to the action of the raising machine. A nap is produced on both faces of the cloth. Flannelette weighs 180-200g/m2and is simiar to but heavier than winceyette. It may be piece-dyed, printed, or woven from dyed