Part 1单选.
1.old English period 作家的写作特点(alliteration, frequent u of kenning ?)
2.The Period of Anglo-Saxon is 重章叠唱AD450-1066.
3. Alexander Pope
Why can’t he get formal education? (他是Catholicism,disable, )
He belongs to Scriblerus Club (涂鸦社). He lives in enlightenment(英国启蒙运动时期古典主义诗人)
主要代表作:An Essay on Criticism; Essay on Man; The Rape of the lock; The Dunciad.
First novel: Oliver Twist
Tale of 2 cities 描述了: This is a novel telling about individual destinies in a gigantic and turbulent social change like the French Revolution.
5.Daniel Defoe
He is a father of English novel for Robinson Crusoe
He was arrested becau wrote sth against Tory(本来是在Tory 党工作,但他政治上偏向Whig)
6. Emma 嫁给了Mr George Knightley(不是John Knightley)
Jane Austen第一部小说的nickname是A lady
She usually writes about young girls dilemma in love and marriage.
Characters in her novel(小说中的女主角均追求与男子思想感情的平等交流与沟通,要求社会地位上的平等权利,坚持独立观察、分析和选择男子的自由。)
7. John Keats翻译了Aeneid
8. The height of Lilliput is 6 inches.
9. Jonathan Swift
作品中,Yahoo’s country is Houyhnhnms.
His belongs to Church: the Church of England
10. Mary Ann Evans 的笔名是George Eliot
Her greatest writing is Middle march.
在哪个杂志社工作了2年 (Westminster Review?)
10. Shelly was expelled from Oxford university for his pamphlet(The necessity of Atheism),该书 against the church.
11. “water,water everywhere” 这首诗作家是Sammuel Coleridge
Another name sailor is mariner.
12. Samuel Johnson
Publish the first English dictionary (Dictionary of the English language) when did the dictionary publish? 1755
25. 岁结婚时,他的妻子46岁。
His longest poem in English language is (THE VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES)
He works in which magazine? Gentleman’s Magazine
He makes a friend who later wrote the biography. (James Boswell)
13. Thomas Hardy
First novel: <The poor man and the lady>
One of the book’s chapter, the man sold his wife, the book is The may or of casterbridge.
<Tess of the D’Urbervilles>中 what happened to D’Urbervilles,She was hanged. And It’s his most famous novel .
He received rewards from which king? (Victoria)
14. Shakespeare(16末17初 文艺复兴时期)
Where did he born? Stratford-upon-Avon.
Who is his wife,( Anne Hathaway) 8 years older than Shakespeare.
How many plays did he wrote? 38
There are 5 parts in his act.
15. The most famous Victoria novelist is Charles Dickens
16. Figure of speech.
Beauty keep her lust eyes. (personification)
17. “India harsh money” refers to bribe(贿赂)
18. John Donne and George Herbert are the reprentatives of the Metaphysical Poets.
19. Byron is the first one to u heroic couplet.
20. Which play is the 莎翁’s historical play. (Henry 4)
21.Henry Fielding is father of English novel.
22.Jane Austin is writing at which century. (18末-19初)
23.Charles Dickens is famous for realistic/children in his writing.
24.Alexandria pope famous for ( rationalism) and introduce sweet pastoral poems.
25.Victorian age is famous for novel Writing。
26.Robinson Crusoe describe what kind of hero. (what makes him a hero is his ability to survive alone for over 25 years on an island.)
27.Lycidas belongs to John Milton.
28.The greatest poet in middle period is Geoffrey Chaucer.
29.In modern fiction, Virginia Woolf praid james joyce (她很欣赏在其时代的年轻作家是james joyce)
30.If winter comes, will spring be far away is said by Shelly.
31.Jonathan Swift is famous for which writing style? (pro satirist)
32.Gulliver's Travels criticizes 做好自己的事contemporary reality the corruption of the English government, society, science, religion, and man in general.
33.<The rape of lock>of Alexandria pope is bad on a quarrel
Which Is between Lord Petre and Miss Arabella Fermor. The former had t aken a lock of the hair of the latter against her will ,which started a vere feud between the 2 families.常用成语
Part 2 填空
1. Oliver cromwell maintain: The poorest he that is in England has a life to live as the greatest.
2. Wat Tyler led the peasants to open up the waste land in veral parts in England.
爱的权利3. As soon as the bourgeois won the victory over the king, they parated into four groups: ??
4. The revolution of 1688, also called Bourgeois Revolution of England, Puritan Revolution ,Glorious Revolution, It caud England become constitutional monarchy.