1. Pick up litter - 捡拾垃圾
We need to pick up litter from the park to keep it clean.
梅雪争春未肯降 2. Sweep the paths - 扫地路径
We should sweep the paths to remove any debris or fallen leaves.
3. Trim the bushes - 修剪灌木丛
The bushes need to be trimmed to keep them from becoming overgrown.
4. Water the plants - 浇水植物
The plants in the park need to be watered regularly to keep them healthy.
5. Mow the lawn - 修剪草坪
读书分享卡 The grass in the park needs to be mowed to keep it looking neat and tidy.
6. Empty the bins - 清空垃圾箱
5个数字 We should empty the bins in the park to prevent them from overflowing.
7. Wipe down the benches - 擦拭长椅
工资税计算 The benches in the park should be wiped down regularly to keep them clean.
8. Clean the toilets - 清洁厕所
The toilets in the park should be cleaned thoroughly to maintain hygiene.
9. Repaint the playground - 重新涂刷游乐场
The playground equipment may need to be repainted to keep it looking bright and fresh.
10. Prune the trees - 修剪树枝
The trees in the park may need to be pruned to keep them from becoming too large or overhanging paths.菱鲆