Expression, characterization, and site-directed mutagenesis of UDP-glycosyltransfera UGT88A1 from Arabidopsis thaliana
期刊名称: Bioengineered Bugs
作者: Jingyuan Weng,Liangliang Chen,Yinchu Cheng,Yan Li,Honghua Jia,Hua
Zhou,Ping Wei
作者机构: College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing
Tech University, Nanjing, China
年份: 2019年惊蛰
期号: 第1期
中国拳击关键词: Quercetin;quercetin-4′-O-glucoside;site-directed mutation;uridine
diphosphate glycosyltransfera 88A1编童话故事作文三年级
爨文化冰草菜摘要:Quercetin-4′- O -glucoside is one of the major quercetin derivatives in the mature red onion bulb. It has an adjuvant effect on allergies, asthma, arthritis, and cancer. The prent study aimed to u uridine diphosphate glycosyltransfera
88A1 (UGT88A1) from Arabidopsis thaliana to achieve the enzymatic synthesis of quercetin-4′- O -glucoside from quercetin. The results showed that UGT88A1 was most active at pH 9.0. The optimum temperature of UGT88A1 for synthesizing quercetin-4′- O -glucoside was 45°C, which was a little lower than that for synthesizing quercetin-3- O -glucoside (50°C). One mutant, V18R, of UGT88A1 was obtained by site-directed mutation and showed a greater affinity ( K m 0.20 mM) and twice the enzyme activity (552.3 mU/mg) towards quercetin compared with the wild-type enzyme (0.36 mM and 227.6