After the hor has been bolted 挂牛头卖马肉
Food safety
After the hor has been bolted
Hor meat in the food chain is a wake-up call, not a calamity
TITUS ANDRONICUS avenged himlf on the barbarian queen Tamora by murdering her sons and rving them up to her in a pie. European food manufacturers did nothing so dreadful when they sold hor as beef in burgers and lasagne. Hormeat is not dangerous. Italian gourmets adore thin slices of prosciutto di cavallo. The Chine chomp half a million tonnes of horflesh a year. But if a product says “beef” on the label, it should be that.
电视机安装Some big names are now deeply embarrasd. Tesco, a British supermarket, Aldi, a German discounter, and Findus, a frozen-food manufacturer, all inadvertently sold the fraudulent flesh. It may have reached more than a dozen countries. Sellers withdrew the offending products and grovelled. Politicians fulminated. More test results are expected soon. (Update: On February 14th Britain's Food Standards Agency said that eight hors slaughtered in the country tested positive for the painkiller bute and six of them may have entered the food chain in France.)
That hors have strayed into the food chain does not show that the fencing has collapd. Food is vastly safer than it was a century ago, when food poisoning was a statistically significant cau of death (e chart). Rules tighten with each scare. After a deadly outbreak of a human version of mad-cow dia, caught from eating British beef in the 1990s, farmers had to give cows passports showing where they came from and where they had been. (Hors have passports, too, though the scheme is somewhat laxer.)
Big retailers and producers have brands to protect, so they are vigilant. When fraudsters are found to have diluted a pricey fruit juice with a cheaper one, or switched Basmati for ordinary rice, it is sometimes becau a supermarket has spotted something wrong. An audit by Tesco of its suppliers “is one of the most feared and respected things in the industry,” says Michael Walker, a food-safety consultant. “How come it didn’t pick this up?”
罚款通知单范本Tesco’s answer is that in one ca its supplier of frozen burgers disregarded a list of approved suppliers and its stipulation that the meat come from Britain or Ireland. But such mishaps have deeper caus.
Though prices of raw materials are going up, penny-pinching consumers refu to pay more for ready-meals. Retailers, equally unwilling to forgo profits, are putting relentless pressure on suppliers to cut costs. They in turn are frantically rejigging foodstuffs to be cheaper. “De-sinewed meat” (scraps mechanically parated from the carcass) emed a fitting ingredient for low-priced British hamburgers until last April. But then the European Commission banned most types of it. Patty makers may have looked abroad for an alternative.男人养精的食物
The mislabelled-mince saga reveals “just how convoluted” the supply chain can be, says Bryan Roberts of Kantar Retail, a consultancy. The ground-up hor that found its way into the own-label lasagne of Findus and Aldi was apparently slaughtered in Romania. Two intermediaries arranged its shipment to a French processor, Spanghero, which nt it to a factory in Luxembourg owned by Comigel, also French. “The more complex the food chain, the more difficult it is to control,” says Mark Woolfe, a former head of food authenticity at Britain’s Food Standards Agency.
贴错标签的传奇事迹揭示了“食品供应链是怎样让人发狂的”咨询顾问公司Kantar Retail的布莱恩•罗伯茨说。由罗马尼亚加工碾碎的马肉流入芬达斯和阿尔迪这样拥有自主千层面品牌的公司。随后两家公司安排送往法国一家加工公司,再流转到同样是法国一家公司Comigel在卢森堡建的加工厂。“食品链越是
This bedevils every industry with stretched-out supply lines. Walmart, an American retailing giant, had no idea that garment suppliers had subcontracted orders to a sweatshop in Bangladesh until it burned down, with conquences more awful than the queasiness felt by unwitting consumers of hormeat. A recent survey by PwC, a consultancy, found that retail and consumer-goods companies were less likely than other industrie s to e their supply chains as having “strategic” importance, treating them instead as ways to save money. The footloo relationships that food companies often have with suppliers can spring nasty surpris.
Even before the hormeat hoo-ha, there were rumbles of change. A report by Rabobank, a Dutch bank, urges food companies to move away from fleeting relationships with independent-minded suppliers and towards “dedicated” supply chains bad on long contracts and clo collaboration. W
almart’s IPL and Tesco’s Group Food Sourcing, which bypass middlemen and buy directly from producers, may be steps in that direction.
建筑层高Hors for cours
Retailers say auditors cannot be expected to catch the sort of fraud that may have let hormeat into the burger chain. The emphasis may well shift towards testing, both by agencies and by the industry. Food is already checked for pesticides, microbes, hea vy metals and drugs. One reason horburgers were not caught earlier is that a panic
about hormeat in salami in 2003 turned out to be an expensive fal alarm. Now testers will no doubt screen for the entire manifest of Noah’s ark.
Mr Roberts hopes that retailers will ea up in their unyielding quest for lower costs. However, that would require shoppers, too, to care less about prices. Good luck with that.