Level(* * *) 等级( 巅峰等级 )
Strength 力量
Dexterity 敏捷
Intelligence 智力
Vitality 体力
Armor 护甲值
Damage 伤害值
微喇牛仔裤Damage Incread by 伤害加成
Damage Incread by Skills 技能伤害加成
Attacks per Second 每秒攻击次数
Critical Hit Chance 暴击几率
Critical Hit Damage 暴击伤害
Block Amount 格挡值
Block Chance 格挡机率
Dodge Chance 闪躲机率
Damage Reduction 伤害减免
Physical Resistance 物理抗性
Cold Resistance 冰寒抗性
Fire Resistance 火焰抗性
Lightning Resistance 电击抗性
Poison Resistance 毒素抗性
Arcane Resistance 秘法抗性
Holy Resistance 神圣抗性
Crowd Control Reduction 控场减免
Missile Damage Reduction 远程伤害减免
Melee Damage Reduction 近战伤害减免
Maximum Life 生命值上限
Total Life Bonus 总生命值加成
Life per Second 每秒生命恢复
Life Steal 生命窃取
Life per Kill 击杀生命恢复
Life per Hit 击中生命恢复
Health Globe Healing Bonus 生命球效果加成
Bonus to Gold / Globe radius (金币与生命球) 拾取距离加成
Movement Speed 移动速度
Gold Find 金币寻获量
Magic Find 魔宝寻获率
Bonus Experience 经验加成
Bonus Experience per Kill 击杀经验加成
+(416-500) 体能 +(416-500)Vitality
+(416-500) 力量 +(416-500)Strength
+(416-500) 敏捷 +(416-500)Dexterity
+(416-500) 智力 +(416-500)Intelligence
+(6-10)% 伤害 +(6-10)% Damage
+(60-80)-(120-160) 点伤害 +(60-80)-(120-160)Damage
+(10-15)% 生命值 +(10-15)%Life
+(373-397) 护甲值 +(373-397)Armor
+(10-12)% 移动速度 +(10-12)%Movement Speed
+16% 格挡机率 +16%Chance to Block
+(32-35)% 怪物金币掉落量 +(32-35)%Extra Gold from Monsters
攻击速度提高 (5.0-7.0)% Attack Speed Incread by (5.0-7.0)%
寻获魔法物品机率提高 (25-50)% (25-50)% Better Chance of Finding Magical Items
对精英怪的伤害提高 (25-30)% Increas damage against elites by (25-30)%
精英怪所造成的伤害降低 (12.0-16.0)% Reduces damage from elites by (12.0-16.0)%
所有技能的冷却时间缩短 (5.0-8.0)% Reduces cooldown of all skills by (5.0-8.0)%.
受到的近战伤害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from melee attacks by (6.0-7.0)%
受到的远程伤害降低 (6.0-7.0)% Reduces damage from ranged attacks by (6.0-7.0)%.
爆击伤害提高 (26.0-50.0)% Critical Hit Damage Incread by (26.0-50.0)%
爆击机率提高 (4.5-6.0)% Critical Hit Chance Incread by (4.5-6.0)%
每秒恢复 (1864-2476) 点生命值 Regenerates(1864-2476) Life per Second
控场类有害效果的持续时间缩短 (20-40)% Reduces duration of control impairing effects by (20-40)%
生命之球与药水恢复量 +(20001-29713) Health Globes and Potions Grant+(20001-29713) Life.
金币与生命之球拾取距离延长 (10-20) 码 Increas Goldand Health Pickup by (10-20) Yards.
杀死敌人时掉落生命之球的机率提高 (3-4)% Enemies you kill have a (3-4)% additional chance to drop a health globe.
击中时有机会造成 (10-20)% 的范围伤害 Chance to Deal(10-20)% Area Damage on Hit.
击中生命恢复 +(1551-1980) +(1551-1980) Life per Hit
击杀生命恢复 +(4252-5942) +(4252-5942) Life after Each Kill
击杀怪物获得的经验值 +(140-200) Monster kills grant +(140-200) experience.
使所有能量的消耗减少 (5-8)% Reduces all resource costs by (5-8)%.
镶孔(1) Sockets (1)
无视耐久度的毁损 IgnoresDurability Loss
等级需求降低 (2-30) Level Requirement Reduced by (2-30)
+5% 生命窃取 +5% ofDamage Dealt Is Converted to Life
近战和远程攻击者每次击中受到 (1525-2000) 点伤害 Ranged andmelee attackers take (1525-2000) damage per hit
先祖召唤的效果会持续到他们死亡为止 Callof the Ancients last until they die.
(34.0-39.0)% 机率引发流血,在 5 秒内造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害 (16.0-21.0)%chance to inflict Bleed for (300-400)% weapon damage over 5 conds.
+(7-8) 圣怒上限 (只限圣教军) +(7-8) MaximumWrath (Crusader Only)
+(7-8) 怒气上限 (只限野蛮人) +(7-8) MaximumFury (Barbarian Only)
+(8-10) 戒律上限 (只限狩魔猎人) +(8-10) MaximumDiscipline (Demon Hunter Only)
+(13-14) 精气上限 (只限武僧) +(13-14)Maximum Spirit (Monk Only)
+(7-9) 秘能上限 (只限秘术师) +(7-9) MaximumArcane Power (Wizard Only)
+(120-150) 法力上限 (只限巫医) +(120-150)Maximum Mana (Witch Doctor Only)
消耗每点精气可获得 (126-148) 点生命值 (只限武僧) Gain(126-148) Life per Spirit Spent (Monk Only)
每秒精气凝聚提高 (2.17-3.00) 点(只限武僧) IncreasSpirit Regeneration by (2.17-3.00) per Second (Monk Only)新字成语
秘能恢复率每秒提高 2.00 点 IncreasArcane Power Regeneration by 2.00 per Second
爆击时获得 10 点秘能(只限秘术师) CriticalHits grant 10 Arcane Power (Wizard Only)
每次击杀时获得 30 点法力 Grants 30 Manaper Kill
法力恢复率每秒提高紫荆花树 (12.00-14.00) 点 (只限巫医) Increas ManaRegeneration by 12-14 per Second (Witch Doctor Only)
憎恨恢复率每秒提高 (1.35-1.50) 点(只限狩魔猎人) Increas Hatred Regeneration by(1.35-1.50) per Second (Demon Hunter Only)
消耗每点圣怒可获得 (276-327) 点生命值新婚贺卡 (只限圣教军) Gain (276-327) Life per Wrath Spent(Crusader Only)
圣怒恢复率每秒提高咏荆轲 (1.85-2.00) 办公桌朝向的最佳方位点(只限圣教军)Increas Wrath Regeneration by (1.85-2.00)per Second (Crusader Only)