Some full-time music criticsspend their lives curating playlists they hope become popular. President Barack Obama outdidthem all last week in between briefings by nior aides and rounds of golf with friends onvacation here.
马萨诸塞州埃德加敦――一些全职乐评人一辈子都在致力于编纂音乐播放列表,希望它们能够走红。上个星期,贝拉克•奥巴马总统(Barack Obama)一举超越了他们,而他的播放列表是在听取资深助理的简报,以及来这里与朋友们打高尔夫球的间隙中做出的。
For the cond year in a row, Obama relead his summer vacation music and reading lists.And within a day, Obama’s playlist was the most listened-to on Spotify, other than thoorganized by the global music streaming rvice itlf. That level of popularity occurs onlywhen listeners do more than sample the songs, but actually enjoy the t, said JonathanPrince, a Spotify spokesman.
这是奥巴马连续第二年公布自己的暑期音乐和阅读清单。不到一天时间,奥巴马的播放列表就成了Spotify上收听最多的个人列表,不算这家全球流媒体音乐服务商自己编辑的各种列表。Spotify的发言人乔纳森•普林斯(Jonathan Prince)说,听众们不仅仅是试听里面的歌曲,而是喜欢整个列表,只有这样才能解释它的受欢迎程度。
“For a playlist to hit No. 1 globally on its own out of nowhere is just bananas,” Prince said. “If hewants a job curating music when this presidential gig is over, we’d take him in a cond. That’svery impressive.”
While Prince said that Spotify could not yet measure how Obama’s lections this year hadinfluenced the popularity of particular artists, his picks last year led streams of the band LowCut Connie to increa 2,906 percent overnight and tho of the hip-hop duo ReflectionEternal to jump 798 percent.
班会活动方案>抗冻蛋白普林斯说Spotify还没有估计出奥巴马今年选的歌能在多大程度上影响到具体艺人的流行程度,他只是举了去年的例子,奥巴马选择的Low Cut Connie乐队的播放量一夜之间就增长了2906%,嘻哈二人组ReflectionEternal则跃升了798%。
Obama is in the final months of his presidency, aware of the expiration date for his hold overthe national conversation — especially during a fiery presidential election ason. Perhapsbecau of the widespread disquiet over both major parties’ nominees, Obama’s ownpopularity has been steadily rising and is now above 50 percent. Admiration for Obama isparticularly high among young adults, or tho 18-29 who are so coveted by TV and radioadvertirs.
That popularity has made him unusually influential culturally, a power he and Michelle Obama,the first lady, take riously. She was an early champion of “Hamilton,” the Broadway musicalthat has since become a cultural phenomenon. He interviewed Marilynne Robinson for an articlein The New York Review of Books, an unusual presidential effort to bolster the career of aliterary novelist.
人们对他的欢迎令他在文化上显得格外重要,他和第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马(Michelle Obama)也一贯重视这种力量。她是如今已经成为文化现象的百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)的早期支持者。他则为《纽约书评》(The New York Review of Books)采访了玛丽莲•罗宾逊(Marilynne Robinson),很少有总统会这样支持一位文学小说家。
Barack Obama got high marks from veral music critics for his summer playlist choices, in partbecau he mostly avoided politically expedient lections. There were no songs, f
or instance,from wildly popular artists like Adele, Ariana Grande, Justin Timberlake or Rihanna.
贝拉克•奥巴马的夏日播放列表受到了若干乐评人的高度好评,部分是因为他基本上避免了政治上讨好的选择。比如说,歌单里没有阿黛尔(Adele)、爱莉安娜•格兰德(Ariana Grande)、贾斯汀•汀布莱克(JustinTimberlake)和蕾哈娜(Rihanna)这样一些最热门的歌手的作品。
The president’s musical taste — which includes surf rock, soul, blues and hip-hop — is open-minded, even eclectic. However, there is one notable exception: Missing for the cond yearin a row was even a nod to country music, widely played in Southern states where Obamacould benefit from more people relating to him.
“This is not a politician’s playlist,” said Rob Sheffield, a music columnist for Rolling StoneMagazine. “It’s a list of someone who, if they were a full-time music lover or a full-time musicarchivist, would be an extremely good playlist.”
“这不是一份政客的播放列表,”《滚石》(Rolling Stone)杂志的专栏作家罗布•谢菲尔德(Rob Sheffield)说,“这份列表即便出于一位全职音乐爱好者或全职音乐收藏家之手,也不失为一份极好的歌单。”
White Hou officials insisted that the picks were made solely by the president.
Among TV shows, Obama is known as a fan of “Entourage,” “Breaking Bad” and “Game ofThrones.” His favorite books tend toward elegiac literary fiction, and Stevie Wonder is oftenlisted as the family’s favorite performer and is often invited to entertain at private familyparties.
2020年高考人数目前已知奥巴马喜欢的电视剧包括《明星伙伴》(Entourage)、《绝命毒师》(Breaking Ba情侣游戏
d)和《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)。他喜欢的书倾向于伤感文学小说,史蒂夫•汪德(Stevie Wonder)经常被列为这家人最喜爱的歌手,也经常受邀在他们的私人家庭派对上演出。
周公解梦免费查询大全查询Before playing on Aug. 5 at Obama’s 55th birthday party, singer Leon Bridges said Obamaexcitedly told him that he had “gotten ready” that morning by listening to Bridges’ tune“Smooth Sailin’.”