玫瑰花素描Text 10
How to Camp out 怎样在野外露营
Camping out is not in itlf a game,野营本身并不是一种游戏,
but it would be hard to imagine a more delightful way for people who enjoy going back to the heart of nature.
1. Before going into camp there are many things for the camper to learn if he does not know how, and one of the things is how to make a fire. If one has matches, kindling and wood there is no trick in making a campfire, but there is a good trick in making a fire where there are no matches and the wood is green or wet.
在去野营之前,野营者要学很多东西---如果他们不知道怎么做的话,这里包括生火.如果一个人有火柴,火引,和烧柴的话,去点个火并不需要什么窍门. 但是,如果在没有火柴,而且烧柴也很青很湿的情况下,生火就要有点技巧了.
2. Our own Indians get fire by rotating a hard upright stick in a cup-shaped hollow of lighter wood, in which dry charcoal or the shavings of punk were placed. Cotton and any other substances that catch a flame easily would answer as well.This is getting fire by friction。
我们的印第安人,通过旋转 一根垂直在杯状凹槽的木头上的硬木棍 来生火凹槽边上放着干木炭或干木碎儿.当然,也可以是棉花和其它易燃物.这就是钻木取火.
3. Every hunter in the West and among the Indians and Mexicans of two continents now carries a flint and steel, and a dry substance to catch and retain the spark. This substance with a full outfit can now be had in most stores that supply sporting goods, and every camper should have a supply.
现在,西方的的每个猎人和 两个大大陆之间的印第安人和墨西哥人都用一个打火石和一些干燥的东西去点火,用它当火种.现在,这些东西和其它全套野营装备,在很多商店里都有卖,这些店通常卖一些体育用品和每个露营者应该要的物品.
4. Camps are either temporary, that is changed from day to day, or they are permanen and may be visited year after year, or they may be ud for a few weeks at a time. Temporary camps are the ones we are considering, and the can be elaborate"' or very, very simple. I prefer the latter, and I am sure the boys will agree with me.
5.During the autumn and when the weather is dry and the nights not too cool, the best way to camp is in the open, sleeping on beds of boughs, about a roaring fire, and with one
财务经理人blanket under and another over. 在秋天天气很干燥,夜
晚也不太冷最好去找个开阔的地言野营,睡在树枝做成的床上,床上铺一张毯子,再盖一张,边上,点个大火堆,然后用树枝铺个床,床上铺一张毯子,躺在上面,再盖一张毯子.... 父亲节英语
6. Small dog tents, like the ones our soldiers carried in the Civil War, are cheap and very convenient. Each man carried a ction, and two made a tent, into which two men crawled when it rained, but in dry weather they preferred to sleep in the open, even when it was freezing.
7. Shelters of boughs, arranged in an A-framed fashion from a ridge pole make good temporary shelters and are first rate as windbreaks at night.
8. A shack built of crosd logs requires some time to build and some skill to make , but it is not beyond the reach of any boy who has en - and who has not - an old-fashioned log shanty.
去建这种由木头交叉成金字塔式的小屋需要一些时间和技巧.但这对于一个看过甚至没有看过古式小木屋的人来说 并不难.
IF LOST 要是迷路了
4月3日9. But all boys, even trained foresters, are apt to get lost in strange woods. Every one, however, should know what to do in such a circumstance. As a rule the denr growth of moss on trees is on the north side. This knowledge may help find the direction, but it is better to carry a small pocket compass
几乎所有的男孩子,即使是被训练过的林务员,也很容易在陌生的森林里迷路.然后,在这种情况下,每个人都知道要做什么.跟据一般规律,树上苔藓长得密集的地方是北面.这些知识也许能让我们找到方向,不过,最好还是带一个袖珍指南钟吧. 紫藤花下
煎鳕鱼的做法10. When the sky is clear, the sun and the stars help to guide the cour, and if they are followed one is saved from traveling in a circle,as the lost are pretty sure to do in a den forest.
11. If twigs are broken from bushes they will rve to show the cour to tho out arching. A good plan is to follow down the cour of a stream, which always flows into a larger body of water and will lead to some abode If a hill is accessible, the lay of the land may be had from its summit.
如果从小树林里 将能 帮助 没法找到出路的人们 一个很好的办法就是顺着细流而下.这细流通常会流进一些大的水域而且会把人带到有人住
. In any event, should you be lost, do not get rattled. You will be misd in camp and a arch will be made by your friends. If you have to stay in the woods all night, make the best of it. Others have made the best of it by sleeping near the foot of a tree or beside a log. It will be more cheery if you can make a fire without danger to the woods.
13. Now the camping outfit, including enough provisions for the propod stay, must be carried, and unless the stay is to be short, a wagon or pack animals should be provided for this purpo. For a journey of ten miles or more I would not advi you to make the pack load more than two hundred pounds, though I have known mules to carry three hundred pounds at a pace of twenty miles a day over rough trails.
14. If the pack is heavy, it may be lightened by having each camper carry his own blankets in a roll, with the ca resting on the right shoulder. I would advi each to carry a canteen if there is danger of your being long away from good water.
如果包袱太重了,叫每个露营者把他们的铺盖卷起挂在右肩上,也许这样能减轻负担 如果有离食用水很远的危险,我建议每个人带上一个水壶.
15.You should have the following articles: A long-handled frying pan, a broiler; a tin coffee pot; a long iron fork; a long iron spoon; some cheap tin cups, plates and spoons, and some forks and knives.
16. Do not depend upon the fish and game for food supply, but take along some boneless bacon and fat pork, which are good for a relish with whatever fish or fresh meat you may cure. Then you should have some good ground coffee in a tightly clod box. Some tea in a screw-top glass prerve jar, sugar, salt, prepared flour, corn meal, rice, beans, oatmeal,condend milk, evaporated
cream,crackers, and as much canned or dried fruits as you can transport without overloading - the are not necessa
ries, but all of them will come handy.
一起吃,会吃得更香.然后,你应该要用盒子装一些咖啡末,盖紧它.用个拧盖式玻璃杯装一些茶叶, ...... 糖,加盐于,精面粉,玉米,大米,豆子,燕麦片 , 炼乳,干乳酪,饼干如果不会超载你就尽可能多带一些罐装好了的或干的水果.--这些都不是必须品,不过这些东西都是唾手可得的.
17. Worth Remembering. It is not well for a lot of boys, no matter how strong and intelligent, to go off camping unless one of them has had practical experience in that kind of life.