Kerberos Urname:
Plea circle your ction number:
Section Instructor Time
1Peter Hagelstein10am
2Peter Hagelstein11am
3Rahul Sarpeshkar1pm
4Rahul Sarpeshkar2pm
Grades will be determined by the correctness of your answers(explanations are not required).
Partial credit will be given for ANSWERS that demonstrate some but not all of the important conceptual issues.
You have two hours.
Plea put your initials on all subquent sheets.
Enter your answers in the boxes.
This quiz is clod book,but you may u one8.5×11 sheet of paper(two sides).
No calculators,computers,cell phones,music players,or other aids.
红船向未来4 Total /2
5 /25 /25 /25 /100
1. Block diagram [25 points]
Part a. Is it possible to reprent this system with a linear differential equation with constant coefficients?
Consider the system reprented by the following block diagram.
Yes or No :
If yes, enter the differential equation in the box below.
If no, briefly explain why not.
Part b.Determine the respon y(t)when the system starts at rest and the input x(t)= δ(t).
2. Unit-sample respon [25 points]
Consider a linear, time-invariant system who unit-sample respon h [n ]is shown below. n
h [n ]=
12 n/2
n =0,2,4,6,8,...,∞0otherwi
Part a. Is it possible to reprent this system with a finite number of poles?
Yes or No :
If yes, enter the number of poles and list the pole locations below. If a pole is repeated k times, then enter that pole location k times. If there are more than 5poles, enter just 5of the
pole locations.
If there are fewer than
5poles, leave the unud entries blank. #of poles:
If no, briefly explain why not.
Part b.Is it possible to implement this system with afinite number of adders,gains, and delays(and no other components)?
Yes or No:
If yes,sketch a block diagram for the system in the following box.
If no,briefly explain why not.