EM 1110-1-4001
3 Jun 02
Chapter 7
Commissioning and Start-up
a.The objectives of the commissioning and start-up pha of a remediation system are to:
2.check that the equipment operates as specified;
母婴安全3.facilitate making any necessary modifications in the system bad on obrvations of
site conditions that are different than expected during system installation; and
4.gather and evaluate initial operational data.
b.This chapter prents an overall strategy to follow in preparing a Start-Up Plan to carry out commissioning, shakedown, and start-up activities of an SVE or bioventing system. The system designer or operator preparing this plan is encouraged to keep in mind that each individual SVE/BV system is different and therefore may require a greater (or lesr) degree of attention than is described here for the average system. In any ca, a start-up plan (or procedure) should be prepared that takes into account the system's design objectives and complexity. The plan should include:
•checklists listing each component or parameter that will be tested (samples are provided in this chapter);
•the minimum number of hours that each system, operation or parameter should be tested; and
•how each component or system should be tested (i.e., what measurements should be made).
At the end of the start-up pha, the entire SVE or bioventing system should be capable of being handed over to the owner or operator and be able to operate normally according to specifications.
c.SVE/BV systems are often implemented at sites contaminated with gasoline and diel range hydr
ocarbons. In the sites especially, the Site Safety and Health Plan (SSHP) for the start-up activities must make provisions for safety monitoring relative to flammable materials. Start-up is typically the time when the highest concentrations of VOCs are prent in the soil pores. The concentrated vapors may either be extracted by SVE systems or “pushed” by injection systems into adjacent areas, and may exceed the concentration deemed to be acceptable (i.e., may approach the lower explosive limit (LEL), and eventually create explosive conditions). Combustible atmospheres must not be allowed to develop or must be carefully controlled if they do exist. Flame ionization detectors (FIDs), tuned to the appropriate hydrocarbon product or component, should be employe
d. Combustible gas indicators (CGIs) may also be ud, but only if oxygen levels are also being monitored. CGIs can produce fal readings if the level of oxygen falls below the minimum level required for the instrument to function properly. For other compounds, such as nonflammable chlorinated solvents, field monitoring devices should be ud to evaluate any health and safety concerns that may ari from a leak or failure during the start-up of the system. At this point in the planning process, the procurement of any required air emission or water discharge permits should be completed or underway.
EM 1110-1-4001
3 Jun 02
7-2.Collection of Baline Data
a.In order to evaluate the operation of the SVE/Bioventing system and the future progress of the remediation, data describing subsurface conditions collected during operation will be compared to data describing subsurface conditions before remediation began. Since the operation of the system may affect many of the conditions mi-permanently, it is critical that such baline data be collected prior to start-up. Much of the necessary baline data will have been collected as part of the site characterization (e Chapter 3) or during pilot testing activities needed to design the SVE/BV system (e Chapter 4). However, the data might not have been collected extensively enough across the site or recently enough to describe conditions prior to initiating remediation. Therefore, the start-up plan should begin with a review of the existing baline site data and provision for collection of any “missing” data.
(1)To help in the evaluation, planning and gathering of baline data, Table 7-1, Baline Data Checklist, should be reviewed in detail. It lists the data that should be collected and analyzed before
start-up of the system. As with any sampling, analysis and monitoring program, a site specific and specialized Baline Monitoring Sampling and Analytical Plan (SAP) should be prepared that specifies:
•the type and number of samples and/or baline parameters to be collected;培训档案
•methods of data collection;
•sample and measurement locations;
•the analytical methods; and可爱小猫图片
•QA/QC requirements.
b.If the remediation strategy totally or partially relies on bioventing, biological indicators such as counts of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria, carbon dioxide and oxygen measured in subsurface probes and in extracted soil gas should be part of the SAP. To ensure project efficiency and consistency, this SAP should be prepared in a comprehensive manner so that it will also control the sampling and analys during the start-up and operations and maintenance phas of the remediation.
EM 1110-1-40013 Jun 02
Table 7-1
Baline Data Checklist Checklist Item
Completion Date最贵的酒店
Vado zone gaous methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration variations
Vado zone oxygen demand (for bioventing systems)
Vado zone soil samples: contaminant concentrations, and moisture content Vado zone soil gas VOC concentrations (SVE wells and monitoring points)
Bacteria enumeration in soil and/or groundwater (optional), and nutrient levels in vado zone (optional)Groundwater levels without applied vacuum
“natural’ variation (if any) soil gas pressure under different atmospheric pressure conditions
Frequency and Data “quantity (how many locations, etc.)” = depends on how recently such data was collected as part of the site investigations, site size, budget, clean-up levels, etc.
7-3. Equipment Shakedown and Testing
a. The shakedown and testing process is comprid of three primary activities:
• Pre-commissioning check;
• Functional performance tests of individual components;
• Pre-start-up, functional performance system testing of the combined components (including actual soil vapor extraction or bioventing as warranted to test the system).
This ction will discuss the cloly related phas. Section 7-4 will prent guidance on the actual start-up and demonstration of the operation of system(s) before handing over the system to the O&M contractor.The checklists shown in Table 7-2 and 7-3 are adapted from USACE Guide Specification 01810,Commissioning and Demonstration for Soil Vapor Extraction Systems.
(1) Pre-commissioning checkout . This is an inspection to verify that all the components of the system,below and aboveground, have been properly installed. A checklist for the pre-commissioning activities and functional performance component testing is prented in Table 7-2. The commissioning tests should be performed according to the agency’s protocols or the system start-up plan. Any deficiencies must be corrected and retested to meet contractual or technical requirements. The pre-commissioning checklist is a working document that allows the system installer and evaluator to asss if an aspect of the system meets requirements (MR), or requires further action (AN). If further action is needed the team (or Contracting
EM 1110-1-4001
3 Jun 02 Officer) determines what action, when it will be completed by, and who is responsible. The checklist will be initialed by the appropriate team member at completion and acceptance of a particular item.
(2)Any building foundations should be checked to verify that they were placed properly, aled properly (if they are coated for containment reasons), and protected from damage while curing. Some equipment can be nsitive to level, particularly if it has level controls, weirs, or baffles designed to skim, parate, or otherwi control liquids in the system.
昼思夜想(3)The system's piping and instrumentation (P&I) diagram is the best document to u to verify that all equipment and piping are installed as designed. As-built drawings should also be created and updated as necessary. Electrical systems should be checked to verify that wiring has been completed correctly and according to the applicable code(s). The electrical One-Line Diagrams and Wiring Diagrams are good documents to u to verify electrical and instrumentation systems. Protective covers on rotating equipment should be in place. This is also the time to verify that all the required equipment specified in the SSHP, as well as equipment lockouts, safety valves and/or other pressure relief devices, and site curity devices are properly installed.
b.Functional performance tests of individual components. The equipment functional performance tests should only commence after all the pre-commissioning checks have been performed successfully. Table 7-2 contains suggested equipment tests that should be considered for listing in a specific checklist prepared for the startup of the system. The equipment functional performance test
s should be carried out in a manner to duplicate the vendor's recommended procedures. If no vendor procedures are provided, performance test methods must be developed to meet the information needs specified in the checklist. The tests should be consistent with the detailed procedures for operating all the equipment to be included either in the site-specific operating manual or the SSHP. If the aboveground system has been asmbled elwhere, some of the tests can be carried out before the system is transported and installed on-site.
c.Pre-start-up, functional performance system testing (of the combined, above ground components). After the pre-commissioning checks and individual component testing has been successfully completed, the testing of the entire system is performed to verify integrity prior to actual operation. The functional performance testing begins with subsystems and ends with the complete remediation system passing its performance specifications and contractual requirements testing. Any deficiencies with the system must be corrected and performance checks successfully completed before the system can be accepte
(1)The checklist in Table 7-2 also includes the testing that needs to be done in this system performa
nce test pha. Once the equipment and electrical systems are tested and certified ready for operation, electrical systems can be powered up in preparation for testing equipment and control systems. Analog controls are electrically tested with signal generators to verify operating ranges. Where controls provide ON/OFF signals, switches can be manually tripped to test control loops. Testing of control systems should proceed from this point to verify operability. If there are safety shutdown quences in the control systems, they should be tested to be sure they are installed and functioning properly. Motors that can be started with hand switches should be turned on to test rotation of rotating equipment. All interlocks, motor starters controlled by interlocks or a PLC (programmable logic controller) and other relationships between equipment should be tested to determine if the respons are consistent with the design logic.