
更新时间:2023-07-04 10:53:35 阅读: 评论:0

1 序言
简单说,海上货物保险的历史是十分悠久,早在意大利的《Florentine Ordinance 1523》就已经有记录。在英国,首次有关货物的保单出现在1555年。到了1601年,英国议院就通过了第一次的立法去针对海上保险,名为《An Act Concerning Matters of Assurances Ud Among Merchants》。在19世纪海上贸易大增,这带来有关法律的很大发展。在英国法院,例如是Mansfield 勋爵等著名法官以及陪审团(当时英国法院的民商事案件有关事实的争议也是由陪审团来审理)等,累积了2,000个判例,慢慢建立了海上保险的法律体系。这些判例给Mackenzie Chalmers大法官编成成文法,这就是1906年《英国海上保险法》。
针对货物保险,早在1795年,英国议院就把保单标准化并去收取印花税。在该规定下,船舶与货物保险是分开,船舶是“S”Form (S显然是代表Ship),货物是“G”Form(G显然是代表Goods)。到了1779年,在一个大会中劳合社保险人同意去把保单合并为S.G.保单,毕竟是两种保单所承保的海上风险都是很接近。S.G.保单使用了近200年,而且在1906年《英国海上保险法》是被列为First Schedule,可以说是地位崇高。但开始有了批评,例如在先例Middows Ltd. V. Robertson (1940) 68 Lloyd’s Rep. 45就被批评为是“clumsy, imperfect and obscure”。在The “Anita” (1970) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 365,Mocatta大法官批
评说“It cannot be beyond the writ of underwriters and tho who advi them in this age of law reform to devi more straightforward and easily comprehended terms of cover”。
在先例The “Salem” (1982) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 369,Kerr大法官批评说:“marine policies are notoriously ill-drawn.”。而最关键性的就是联合国贸易发展委员会(UNCTAD)于1975年发表的报告,其中对S.G.保单有十分尖锐的批评,并建议联合国去拟定新的保单作为替代。有关这方面在笔者与汪鹏南教授所著的《英国海上保险条款详论》第3-5页有详论,请参阅。
英国保险市场为了去比UNCTAD先一步,在1982年由著名的海事律师Donald O’May先生拟定了一份新的海上保险保单,以及去合并相关的协会条文,去完全替代劳合社标准S.G.保单。这种保单的格式是名为MAR Form (Lloyd’s Marine Policy),它的内容相对简单,不像S.G.保单去包括了许多的内容(像列明承保风险,救助费用等)。这些内容都是在附加的协会条文内。MAR Form只是针对一些主要的事项,例如是受保人的名字(name of assured),船舶名字(vesl),承保航次或保险期间(voyage or period of insurance),保险标的(subject-matter insured),约定保险价值
(agreed value),投保金额(amount insured hereunder),保费(premium)以及有关的条文,特别条件与承诺性保证条文(clau, endorments, special conditions and warranties)。MAR 基本上就是一个框架协议(framework agreement),它共有四页纸,其中一页主要内容包括上述所讲的
主要事项。另外还有一页是填写“Definitive numbers of the Syndicates and proportions”,该页的备注是“The List of Underwriting Members of Lloyd’s mentioned in the above Table shows their respective Syndicates and Shares therein, and is deemed to be incorporated in and to form part of this Policy. It is available for inspection at Lloyd’s Policy Signing Office by the Assured or his or their reprentatives and at true copy of the material parts of it certified by the General Manager of Lloyd’s Policy Signing Office will be furnished to the Assured on application.”。如果投保的是海上货物运输的一切险,就会在“Claus endorments special conditions and warranties”中去合并协会货物条文。在同一个地方也会去加上其他承保的条文(例如是协会战争条文或者是协会罢工条文)。上述简单的内容介绍就显示了MAR与劳合社标准S.G.保单不同的地方,后者的前身就是份完整的保单,所以有不少内容是针对承保的风险,然后去附上协会货物条文,只为了去增加一些承保的风险或者去排除在S.G.保单中本来承保的风险。这一来,S.G.保单变得有点不伦不类。但在MAR,由于它只是个框架协议,所以是不去针对承保风险,只需要去合并协会货物条文(一切险)就已经足够。
也可以说MAR Form只是一件“外衣”(jacket),真正保险合约的内容是在合并的协会条文。而针对货物保险,这些合并的条文包括了“协会货物条文(一切险)”(Institute Cargo Claus [A] 1/1/82,这在2009年有了更新);“协会战争条文(货物)”(Institute War Claus [Cargo] 1/1/82);“协会罢工条文(货物)”(Institute Strikes Clau [Cargo] 1/1/82);“协会战争条文(空运货物)”(Institute War
Claus [Air Cargo]);“协会战争条文(邮寄)”(Institute War Claus [Sending by Post]),等。这些条文会稍后介绍。
在海上货物保险,由于越来越多的大批量的生意(volume business),做法上也有了改变,就是伦敦市场越来越少以MAR Form的保单去承保个别航次的付运。替代的做法是承保一段较长的时间,例如是半年或一年不等,甚至是没有期限(但有条文允许保险人或者受保人去给一个通知终止保险合约)的开口/预约保单,去承保所有或是大部分受保人在这一个期间去做出的付运与相关商业活动。伦敦市场包括劳合社的开口/预约保单的标准格式是名为Market Reform Contract或简称MRC,在本章第4 段会有进一步介绍。这种保险合约会是更加全面去针对受保人在保险期间遇到的所有风险,而涉及海上货物运输的开口/预约保单都会去合并有关的协会货物条文、协会战争险条文(货物)、协会罢工条文(货物)等。
2 开口/预约保单的做法(Open Cover)
开口/预约保单在订约自由下是可以各种形式出现。第一种是“选择性的开口保单”(facultative open cover),这一种是对双方都没有约束力,受保人可以选择是否去宣告某次货物的付运,而保险人也是可以选择是否接受该次宣告货物的承保。这种开口保单没有约束力,好像一般商业合约中的无约束力意向书。
第二种就是“受保人选择宣告保险人必须接受的开口保单”(facultative/obligatory open cover)。这种保单是允许受保人选择性的做出宣告,而保险人是必须接受,只要有关的付运是在开口保单的保险范围内。从保险人角度看这种安排显然会有危险,即受保人选择性的宣告一些风险大的付运。也会有开口保单去把这两种形式合并在一起,例如是有关货物的海上运输或它的付运是属于必须宣告与接受,不存在任何一方有选择权。但如果涉及了储存(这会是受保人由于各种原因突然有这样的需要,例如一批货物到了卸港卖不出去而需要长期储存,但也会不需要),就可以是让受保人有权选择是否去投保/加保。在先例Glencore International v. Alpina Insurance (2004) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 111中针对货物的储存,有关的规定是“Including, if required, storage and blending prior to shipment or after final discharge in Land Tankers, Refineries, and storage in barge(s)…”。
第三种就是“标准/必须接受的开口保单”(Standard/Obligatory Open Cover),这是最常见的做法,就是保险人与受保人一达成开口保单,受保人必须宣告每次的付运并去做出保费的支付,而保险人也必须接受承保,只要有关的付运是在开口保单的保险范围内。
2.1第一种:选择性的开口保单(Facultative Open Cover)
已经在较早时提到过,说这种开口保单只是好像一般商业合约中的无约束力意向书或框架协议(framework agreement),它根本不是有约束力与最终的保险合约。受保人与保险人所同意的也只是程序上的机制(procedural mechanism)去为将来个别付运的保险合约达成奠定基础。而事后每次受保人的宣告,保险人接不接受还是要看他每次的表态。如果接受的话,双方在那时才算是订立了保险合约。反正是大家都有权去选择:Societe Anonyme d’Intermediaries Luxembourgeois v. Farex Gie
(1995) Lloyd’s Rep IR 116。在这种开口保单下,受保人在每次宣告的时候有自动作出全面批露的责任:Berger and Light Diffusrs Pty Ltd. v. Pollock (1973) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 442。
在这里也可以去提另一种相同的做法,就是劳合社的保险人或伦敦保险公司授权给一家保险公司或是保险经纪人去接受某些风险,例如是海上货物保险。这种做法可称为是line slip。它的定义可见先例Balfour v. Beaumont (1982) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 493,Webster大法官是这样说:河南志愿>烟花爆竹污染>加州理工大学
“A line slip is an authority (known in the London market as a facility) given in writing by a number of underwriters which enables the leading underwriter (or writers) to agree to proposals for insurance of risks within a prescribed class on behalf of all underwriters subscribing to the line slip provided that the propod insurance is within the scope of the terms of the authority.”。
另在先例American Airlines v. Hope (1974) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 301, 304,Diplock勋爵关于授权保险经纪人是这样说:
“[The broker] takes the slip in the first instance to an underwriter whom he has lected to deal with as leading underwriter, i.e., one who has a reputation in the market as an expert in the kind of cover required and who lead is likely to be followed by other insurers in the market. If it is the first contract of insurance covering that risk in which a particular underwriter has acted as leading underw
riter it is treated as an original insurance. The broker and the leading underwriter go through the slip together. They agree on any amendments to the broker’s draft and fix the premium. When agreement has been reached the leading underwriter initials the slip for this proportion of the cover and the broker then takes the initialed slip round the market to other insurers who initial it for such proportion of the cover as each is willing to accept. For practical purpos all the negotiations about the terms of the insurance and the rate of premium are carried on
between the broker and the leading underwriter alone.”。代代果
2.2 第二种:受保人选择宣告保险人必须接受的开口保单(Facultative/ Obligatory Open Cover)
这种形式的保单已经较早时简单介绍过,在这里去给一些权威的定义。在先例Ionides v. The Pacific Fire & Marine Insurance Company (1871) LR 6 QB 674,Blackburn 大法官是说:
“The contract of an underwriter who subscribes a policy on goods by ship or ships to be declared is, that he will insure any goods of the description specified which may be shipped on any vesl answering the description, if any there be, in the policy, on the voyages specified in the policy, to which the assured elects to apply the policy. The object of the declaration is to earmark and identify the particular adventure to which the assured elects to apply the policy. The asnt of the insurer is n猛龙电影
ot required to this, for he has no option to reject any vesl which the assured may lect; nor is it necessary that the declaration should do more than identify the adventure, and so prevent the possible dishonesty of a party insured, who might intend to apply the policy to particular goods, so that they should be at the risk of the assurers, and he could come on them if there was a loss; and then, when tho goods had arrived safely, to pretend that he intended to apply the policy to another t of goods still subject to risks…”。
它比稍后会介绍的标准/必须接受的开口保单的缺点可以贵族院先例Aneco v. J & H (2002) 1 Lloyd’s Rep. 157去显示(内容虽然针对再保险,但道理一样),如下:“Fac/Oblig treaties are naturally less attractive to reinsurers than quota share treaties. They are subject to the obvious risk that the insurer will retain good business for his own account and cede poor business to the treaty. There is, or at least is assumed to be, no obligation of good faith on the part of the ceding party when exercising his discretion whether to cede or retain a risk. The only constraint upon him is that he must exerci some restraint if he wishes to maintain a good reputation in the market and any hope of doing future business with existing and prospective reinsurers.”。

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