The resource-bad view of the firm: Some stumbling-blocks on the road to understanding sustainable competitive advantage 期刊名称: Journal of European Industrial Training
作者: Fahy,John
作者机构: Department of Management & Marketing, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
年份: 2000年
期号: 第2/3/4期abab词语
关键词: Competitive advantage;Economic theory;Resources;Strategy机房设备>病句练习
摘要:The resource-bad view of the firm (RBV) is an important, emerging theory of firm heterogeneity. It is well grounded in industrial economics and has benefited in its development from a multiplicity of contributions by management writers. But like any developing body of knowledge, it is not short of confusion, ambiguity and conceptual and empirical difficulties. This paper provides an integrated review of the resource-bad view of the firm in an effort to eliminate much of the ambiguity
哈密瓜简笔画cpu降温caud by weak taxonomies and the inconsistent and conflicting u of terminology. It provides a detailed insight into the logic of the RBV and illuminates its contributions to the debate on the nature of competitive advantage. The paper then evaluates the status of some ongoing debates that are germane to our understanding of competitive