Writing Assignment for This Unit:
Read Topic I and write an essay bad on either of the following statements
Moving Back Home With Your Parents After College Is a Good Preparation for Children to Secure a Better Future. (250-300 words)
大学毕业后回家与父母一起是为就为了孩子做好准备,以确保更美好的未来。 (250-300字)
Moving Back Home With Your Parents After College Is Just an Escape from Their Responsibilities? (250-300 words)
大学毕业后搬回家与父母一起是逃离他们的责任? (250-300字)
Topic I
Moving Back Home With Your Parents After College – How to Make It Work
At some point in your life, you have likely heard the phra, “You can’t go home again.” However, as popular as the saying may be, it’s entirely wrong: Millions of young adults are moving back home to live with their parents, sometimes with children of their own.
According to a 2011 Pew Rearch Center Report, the country is now experiencing “the largest increa in the number of Americans living in multi-generational houholds in modern history.” More than 10% of all houholds (11.9 million) include members of multiple generations, the majority of which were an adult child living with a parent. The number of children returning home has become so commonplace that they have earned the appellations “baby gloomers” and “boomerangs.”河北考试官网 One of every four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 indicated that they had returned to live in their parents’ hou after being independent; one in five of tho between the ages of 25 and 34 reported the same.
When a child returns home as an adult, it is rarely voluntary; rather, it is the conquence
of too little or no income, high debt, and/or poor income prospects. Young people, even tho with college degrees, have borne the brunt of the Great Recession’s impact on the job market. Only 54% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 are currently employed, the lowest employment rate for the group since the government began keeping track in 1948. Furthermore, the unemployment rate for young college graduates has exceeded 19% for the past two years, with no signs of improvement.
Tho who have jobs typically earn wages substantially lower than in the year 2000, and they are likely to take 10 to 15 years to make up the difference, according to a 2012 report by the Economic Policy Institute. In 2010, the average college graduate owed $25,250 in student loans, up 5% from the year before – and the number is likely to continue to ri.
While the prospects of parents and their adult child living together generally excites none of the participants, it can be tolerable and even enjoyable if the parties anticipate the potential problems, consider the situation to be “temporary,” and agree upon responsibilities and behaviors to alleviate possible tensions.
Parents Coping With a “Boarder”
“It’s just not fair,” complained Sue to her husband Al about their adult son Tripp living with them in the movie 出征仪式“Failure to Launch.” “We were good parents and now we’re suppod to be done!”
Many parents have a similar reaction when learning that their child will be moving back home. Unless they had experienced a similar predicament in their own lives, parents frequently assume that the child has somehow 烹调“screwed up” and is therefore responsible for his or her inability to find a job or afford an apartment. However, this is not necessarily true. Parents should recognize that the unprecedented number of adults moving back to live with parents is more likely the conquence of the integrated international economic system and its widespread outsourcing, increasing automation, and the tepid recovery of the 2009 global recession.写新闻的作文
According to Katherine Newman, dean of the school of arts and sciences at Johns Hopkins University and author of “The Accordion Family: Boomerang Kids, Anxious Pare
nts and the Private Toll of Global Competition,” the conditions have led to “more long-term unemployment and real structural weakness in the labor market. That has had a significant effect on new entrants to the labor market.” In other words, your child is more likely the victim of circumstances than lf-inflicted actions.
While the parent-child relationship is one of the longest lasting social ties human beings can establish, it usually includes some tension and aggravation in the best of circumstances, usually over relationships, finances, houkeeping habits, and lifestyles. Recognizing that your child has become an adult, capable of making his or her own decisions and accepting their outcomes, can be difficult according to Dr. Marion Lindblad-Goldberg, professor of psychiatry at University of Pennsylvania. “Parents can relate to their adult children when they’re away from home…But in the home, particularly if it’s the same home, the kid goes from being 28 down to 25 to 20 and ends up at 7.”
Falling into old patterns of communication and habits is destructive, guaranteeing that the experience will be unpleasant for all parties. Mothers should be particularly aware of unso
licited advice, as adult sons and daughters report more tension with their mothers than their fathers. Parents need to keep in mind that their children are no longer little boys or girls who need to be told what to do, but grown men and women.风往北吹原唱
recdAn adult child returning home can be a huge inconvenience and even a financial burden, but remember that coming back to live with Mom and Dad wasn’t where your child expected his or her future to lead either. All parties – Mom, Dad, and adult child – need to respect one another’s needs, boundaries, and authority to make the new circumstances work.
Adults With New Rules
Adults who return home to live with their parents often expect to behave similarly as when they lived alone, but in better financial circumstances. After all, they have been on their own, in charge of their own schedules, and able to come and go as they plea with whomever they want for a time. Being asked to conform to rules in place when they were 16 is, in their opinion, unreasonable and unwarranted. They may view the arrangement as temporary and think of themlves as guests, not as family members with responsibilities to others in the houhold.