老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea)简介

更新时间:2023-07-03 22:10:56 阅读: 评论:0

老人与海(The Old Man and the Sea)简介:
冬菜是什么>张望造句七夕节的风俗The Old Man and the Sea recounts an epic battle between an old, experienced fisherman and a giant marlin said to be the largest catch of his life. It opens by explaining that the fisherman, who is named Santiago, has gone 84 days without catching any fish at all (although a comment made at some point in the book reveals that he had previously gone 87 days without catching one). He is apparently so unlucky that his young apprentice, Manolin, has been forbidden by his parents to sail with the old man and been ordered to fish with more successful fishermen. Still dedicated to the old man, however, the boy visits Santiago's shack each night, hauling back his fishing gear, feeding him and discussing American baball — most notably Santiago's idol, Joe DiMaggio. Santiago tells Manolin that on the next day, he will venture far out into the Gulf to fish, confident that his unlucky streak is near its end.
Thus on the eighty-fifth day, Santiago ts out alone, taking his skiff far into the Gulf. He ts his lines and, by noon of the first day, a big fish that he is sure is a marlin takes his bait.
Unable to pull in the great marlin, Santiago instead finds the fish pulling his skiff. Two days and two nights pass in this manner, during which the old man bears the tension of the line with his body. Though he is wounded by the struggle and in pain, Santiago express a compassionate appreciation for his adversary, often referring to him as a brother. He also determines that becau of the fish's great dignity, no one will be worthy of eating the marlin.
西西人体艺术照片On the third day of the ordeal, the fish begins to circle the skiff, indicating his tiredness to the old man. Santiago, now completely worn out and almost in delirium, us all the strength he has left in him to pull the fish onto its side and stab the marlin with a harpoon, thereby ending the long battle between the old man and the tenacious fish.
Santiago straps the marlin to his skiff and heads home, thinking about the high price the fish will bring him at the market and how many people he will feed.
While Santiago continues his journey back to the shore, sharks are attracted to the trail of blood left by the marlin in the water. The first, a great mako shark, Santiago kills with his
harpoon, losing that weapon in the process. He makes a new harpoon by strapping his knife to the end of an oar to help ward off the next line of sharks; in total, five sharks are slain and many others are driven away. But by night, the sharks have almost devoured the marlin's entire carcass, leaving a skeleton consisting mostly of its backbone, its tail and its head, the latter still bearing the giant spear. The old man castigates himlf for sacrificing the marlin. Finally reaching the shore before dawn on the next day, he struggles on the way to his shack, carrying the heavy mast on his shoulder. Once home, he slumps onto his bed and enters a very deep sleep.
A group of fishermen gather the next day around the boat where the fish's skeleton is still attached. One of the fishermen measures it to be eighteen feet from no to tail. Tourists at the nearby café mistakenly take it for a shark. Manolin, worried during the old man's endeavor, cries upon finding him safe asleep. The boy brings him newspapers and coffee. When the old man wakes, they promi to fish together once again. Upon his return to sleep, Santiago dreams of lions on the African beach.
智能手机价格  这本书讲了古巴的一个名叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫,独自一个人出海打鱼,在一无所获的84天之后钓到了一条无比巨大的马林鱼。这是老人从来没见过也没听说过的比他的船还长两英尺的一条大鱼。鱼的劲非常大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把大鱼刺死,拴在船头。然而这时却遇上了鲨鱼,老人与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,结果大马林鱼被鲨鱼吃光了,老人最后拖回家的只剩下一副光秃秃的鱼骨架和一身的伤。最后却得到了人们的赞赏。夏侯惇铭文

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