帕瑞昔布納预防性给药对老年创伤患者在重症 监护室术后谵妄发生的影响
l P^临床急诊急救\中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志2020年7月第15卷第7期ChinJEmergResuscDisasterMed.July 2020,V〇1. 15N〇.7
患者分为安慰剂组(A组)和帕瑞昔布钠组(B组),分别在术前给予生理盐水或帕瑞昔布钠40 nig。谵妄评估采
怎样写诗歌36例发生了术后谵妄(33%),13组的发生率明显低于A组(43.8% vs. 21.2%, P=0.015);B组的谵妄平均分和疼痛
Effect of prophylactic administration of parecoxib sodium on postoperative delirium in elderly trauma patients in intensive care unit
T A N Qin, H U A N G Weifeng.Shanghai Jiao T o n g University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital 200233, C h i n a组织结构图怎么做
Corresponding author: H U A N G Weifeng, E-mail: h r e e z e_h u a n g@s o h u.c o m
Abstract: Objective T o evaluate the effect of prophylactic administration of parecoxib s o d i u m o n postoperative deliri
u m of elderly orthopedic patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods In this prospective, single-center, r a n d o mized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, a total of 109 elderly tr a u m a patients wer e included, from J u n e to D e c e m
ber 2019, admitted to o ur hospital a n d planned to enter the I C U postoperatively. Patients wer e r a n d o m L y divided into placebo group (group A) a n d parecoxib s o d i u m group (group B) with normal saline or parecoxib s o d i u m 40 m g given respectively before operation. T h e o u t c o m e s w ere the incidence of delirium within 48 hrs after operation, the average d e
lirium a n d average pain scores. During the study, inc idence of adver events wer e cloly monitored, including gastro- intestinal hemorrhage, cardiovascular events a n d w o u n d infection.
Results Finally, 36 of 109 patients developed P O D (33%), of w h i c h the incidence of group B w a s significantly lower than that of group A (43.8% vs. 21.2%, P=0.015). T h e average delirium scores a n d pain scores of group B were lower than that of group A(P<0.05). N o adver events o ccurred in the both two groups. Conclusion Prophylactic administration of parecoxib can effectively reduce the inci
d e n c e of postoperative delirium in elderly orthopedic patients.
熟练度Key words:Postoperative delirium; Parecoxib soudim; T r a u m a; Prophylactic administration物业管理机构
术后擔妄(postoperative delirium,POD)常见于术 后的老年患者,其主要临床特点包括认知减退,注意 力障碍以及可逆性的思维障碍等m。对于重症监护病 房(intensive care unit,ICU)接受机械通气的患者,PO D 的发生率可高达80%|M|。POD的出现往往会增加 ICU住院天数,严重影响了老年骨科患者术后关节功 能的恢复,提高了护理难度,增加了医疗保健支出,给 家庭和社会都带来巨大的经济负担|61。
临床上目前对于药物干预POD,最常见的是各类 抗精神病药物,而应用非甾体抗炎药(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drug,NSAID)进彳了干预的研究相对 较少m。在Cattabriga I等人纳入了 113例行择期心 脏手术患者的随机双盲对照试验中,NSAID的术后应 用显著减轻了患者术后疼痛,改善了患者
的谵妄状 态|81。但此类研究大多不是针对谵妄进行,仅将POD 作为次要结局指标进行观测,其证据效应均未达到理
努沙登加拉群岛基金项目:科技部数字诊疗重点专项(编号:2017Y F C0113800);上海市综合医院中西医结合专项(编号:Z H Y Y-Z X Y J H Z X-2-2017010);上海市浦江计划(编号:I8PJ1409200)
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