大快人心Uncle Sam is a common national personification of the American government originally ud during the War of 1812. He is depicted as a stern elderly man with white hair and a goatee beard. Typically he is dresd in clothing that recalls the design elements of the flag of the United States-for example, a top hat with red and white stripes and white stars on a blue band, and red and white striped trours. The first u of Uncle Sam in literature was in the 1816 allegorical book The Adventures of Uncle Sam by Frederick Augustus Fidfaddy.
The American icon Uncle Sam was in fact bad on a real man, albeit a beardless one.
A businessman from Troy, New York, Samuel Wilson, provided the army with beef in barrels during the War of 1812. The barrels were prominently labeled "U.S". for the United States, but it was jokingly said that the letters stood for "Uncle Sam". Soon, Uncle Sam was ud as shorthand for the federal government.
The man himlf looked nothing like the gaunt, steely-eyed patrician of popular lore. The Ab普特英语
e Lincoln look, along with the starspangled outfit, was a product of political cartoonist Thomas Nast, who was one of the most popular artists of the 1800s.
企业授权委托书模板Uncle Sam became a uful icon in cartoons, much like the John Bull character who reprented the United Kingdom. John Bull and Uncle Sam have squared off in hundreds of political cartoons throughout the years.