Prervice science teachers' concerns and
approaches for teaching socioscientific and毛线粘贴画
纡尊降贵controversial issues
期刊名称: Journal of Science Teacher Education
作者: Lisa A. Borgerding,Murat Dagistan
搞笑桌面壁纸年份: 2018年
期号: 第9期
关键词: Climate change;evolution;prervice teacher education;socioscientific issues
摘要:The teaching of socioscientific issues (SSI) holds promi for advancing functional scientific literacy, promoting critical thinking, and providing an interesting context for learning required science content, but few teachers actually employ this teaching method in K–12 classrooms. One common rea
son cited by teachers is their concern about the controversial aspects of teaching the topics. This study attempts to better understand the tensions by exploring prervice condary science teachers' ideas, concerns, and approaches for teaching SSI as they move through a mester-long science methods class that specifically address teaching about controversial and SSI. Classroom artifact data and individual interviews were ud to explore the science concepts deemed most controversial by prervice condary science teachers