1424年Japane electric chopsticks阅读
视而不见什么意思Japane rearchers have developed electric chopsticks that enhance the salty taste of foods. The devices could help people who need to reduce theirintakeofsodium.
绿色卫士The chopsticks were developed by Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita and drink manufacturer Kirin Holdings Company.
友的成语Wiring connects the chopsticks to a small computer device attached to the eater's hand.
门第什么意思>车制A weak electrical current transports sodium ions from food through the chopsticks to the mouth, said Miyashita.
As a result, the salty taste enhances 1.5 times,he said.
Miyashita and his rearch team have explored different ways that technology can interact with human ns. He has also developed a television screen that a person can lick to taste different food flavors.