Hazard | Risk reduction (Before action | Risk reduction action | Risk reduction (after action ) | Acceptable Level of Risk | ||||
The device may not carry our auto power off process after operation for a long time (more than 25 mins). 使用过程中,有可能会出现码率25分钟后不自动关机现象 | S4 | P4 | R | The IC is equipped with dual automatic timing function. If there are any errors in one of the timing functions, the remaining timing function will work properly for auto power off process. 蜻蜓的简笔画IC内部设有双重自动计时功能,如果其中一个计时功能出错,另一个计时功能还在正常工作,可正确计时关机 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
During u, operation faults may cau buttons out of order or in error. 在使用过程中,因操作失误有可能会出现按键无功能或出错现象 | S3 | P4 | R | The IC is equipped with automatic error correction function and every button with operation delay function. If operation fault is caud by continuous/ multiple pressing buttons, the system will justify as invalid input for operation fault during delay time. IC内部设有自动纠错程序,每一个按键设有操作延时功能,如操作失误连续按或多次按时,在延时时间内错误操作无效 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
When the device encounters power failure during u, it may not work properly after start again. 在使用过程中,如遇供电异常,可能会造成再次开机无法工作 | S4 | P5 | R | The hardware circuit is quipped with large capacity voltage storage device, which can let IC stop working until delayed to safe time. Plea refer to EMC test report (Ref. GZ10071005-1). 在硬件电路上设有大容量电压贮存器,可让IC延迟到安全时间内停止工作,可见EMC测试报告。编号: | S1 | P1 | A | ACC海外留学申请 |
When changing program, the output intensity may not returned to zero level. 在使用过程中,模式转换时,有可能会出现输出强度不归零情况 | S2 | P2 | R | The IC has the ret process on intensity level during program changed and synchronous processor to program change. When the program is changed, the intensity level will return to zero. In the ca for the intensity is not returned to 00, the total output voltage will not cau any injury to patient at highest intensity and the value of square root of maximum output is not exceeded 10V. IC内部设有模式转换输出强度检测归零处理,且设有与模式转换同步处理器,当模式发生转换时的同时,输出强度就归零,另就是输出不归零,共输出电压在最高档对人体不会造成伤害。最强档输出的平方根值未超过10V。 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
When holding down the intensity increa or decrea button, the intensity level may be adjusted disorderly. 在使用过程中,按强度“+”或“-”键时,强度出现降低或增加,可能出现强度加减功能错乱 | S2 | P2 | R | The IC is equipped with verification function on button signal and the intensity interval for each level is 1V only, which will not cau patient injury. Plea refer to EMC test report (Ref. GZ10071005-1). IC内部设有按键信号检测纠错功能,另本产品强度“+“或”-“每档仅间隔1V,对人体不会造成伤害。可见EMC测试报告。编号: | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
During u, there may be no EMS output or feeling to patient but normal operation showed on LCD display. 在使用过程中,LCD显示功能正常,但是输出端使用者有可能感觉无EMS输出 | S3 | P3 | R | The IC has the synchronous detection processor between LCD display and EMS output signal which can minimize this hazard. However, there is another possible cau: the patient skin is too dry causing high resistance for EMS transition. This cau is mentioned in ur manual and cannot be solved by dampen the skin of treatment area in order to reduce skin resistance. IC内部设有LCD显示与EMS信号输出同步检测处理器,出现LCD 有输出显示,但是无输出,IC出错的机会是无,另有可能是使用者的皮肤太干燥,电阻值过大造成,此况有在说明书中指出,在使用前,须在接触位皮肤喷少量水份或导电液。 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
When simultaneous u for all 4 electrodes to body & soles, the intensity of EMS output may be reduced due to high workload. 在使用时,身体与脚底四个导电片同时使用时,输出强度因负载被拖弱鲁滨逊漂流记的读书笔记 | S3 | P3 | R | The bands for sole massager and body massager are completely independent channels. Also, the hardware applied is high-power components which will not reduce the EMS output during simultaneous u for all 4 electrodes. 本产品身体与脚底是两个完全独立的通道,且硬件使用的为大功率元器件,使用时产品不会出现因为四个导电片同时用时而拖弱输出强度,有可能是使用者的皮肤太干燥,两极间的电阻值过大造成,此况有在说明书中指出,在使用前,须在接触位皮肤喷少量水份或导电液。 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC |
屈原郭沫若 |
Hazard | Risk reduction (Before action ) | Risk reduction action | Risk reduction (after action ) | Acceptable Level of Risk | |||||
Strong external EM wave interference may cau failure or error for button function. 因为外界强电磁波信号干扰,按键功能有可能出现失灵或出错, | S3 | P4 | R | The IC is equipped with anti-interference process and the external hardware with anti-interference circuit, which can block or reduce signal interference. Plea refer to EMC test report (REF. NO. GZ10071005-1) IC内部设有抗干扰处理程序,且外部硬件另有增加抗干扰电路,可屏蔽或减少干扰信号,见EMC测试报告。 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC | |
External interference to IC may disable the auto power off function after 25 minute operation. 使用过程中,因为外界干扰IC,25分钟后有可能不会自动关机 | S4 | P4 | R | The IC is equipped with dual automatic timing function. If there are any errors in one of the timing functions, the remaining timing function will work properly for auto power off process. IC内部设有双重自动计时功能,如果其中一个计时功能出错,另一个计时功能还在正常工作,可正确计时关机 | S1 | P1 | A | ACC | |
Extreme environment temperature and humidity may cau instable functioning or other conditions 使用过程中,因为环境的影响造成功能不稳定或其它情况 | S4 | P4 | R | The high & low environment temperature/ humidity tests are conducted during product design and after production. The operating temperature and humidity is 0°C ~ 50°C, ≤80% RH listed in ur manual. Plea find further detail in ur manual. 产品设计时与生产后有做高低温测试,另说明书中有规定使用环境温度为0-50度,相对湿度:≤80%;详见说明书。 | S1 | P1 | A 潮州景点 | ACC | |
Level | Code | Definition |
Disastrous | S4 | Potential risk for multiple deaths or rious injuries |
Fatal | S3 | Potential risk for death or rious injury |
Moderate | S2 | Moderate injury |
Mild | S1 | Mild injury or no injury |
Level | Code | Probability (Number of Events/ Year/ Unit of Product) |
Often | P6 | 10-1 ~ 10-2 |
Sometimes | P5 | 10-2 ~ 10-3 |
Occasional | P4 | 10-3 ~ 10-4 |
Seldom | 西红柿鸡蛋炸酱面 P3 | 10-4 ~ 10-5 |
Impossible | P2 | 10-5 ~ 10-6 |
Incredible | P1 | < 10-6 |
Probability | Severity | |||
S4: Disastrous | S3: Fatal | S2: Moderate | S1: Mild | |
P6: Often | U | U | U | U |
P5: Sometimes | U | U | 防火征文U | R |
P4: Occasional | U个人简历下载 | U | R | R |
P3: Seldom | U | R | R | A |
P2: Impossible | U | R | A | A |
P1: Incredible | A | A | A | A |
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