Influence of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic respon of continuous and integral bridge subjected to moving loads
期刊名称: International Journal of Rail Transportation
作者: Anand M. Gharad,Ranjan S. Sonparote
年份: 2020年
关键词: Dynamic SSI;double track continuous bridge;FE model;moving
loads;resonance;railway bridge起伏的日子
摘要:In this paper, the effects of high-speed moving train loads over a non-prismatic continuous and integral bridge are investigated, in which the dynamic soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis is comprehensively considered. Initially, a
complete-pile model and an equivalent spring model of the continuous bridge are analyzed and compa
red. Two complex cas of track loading for the complete-pile model Ca-I (C-I): one train moving on the single track, and Ca-II (C-II): two trains moving on both the tracks entering at same instant but in opposite direction),
under the CRH3 train loading, are studied. The variations in dynamic respons of the bridge for the cas confirm the influence of soil-structure interaction. C-II
reprents higher vertical displacement and acceleration bridge respon
compared to the C-I for both,