布置任务1. Rebecca knew that to finish her project she must overcome her tendency toward ______ and learn to make up her mind.
A. indecision
B. independence
C. buoyancy
D. exaggeration
E. experti
2. Jane Eyre is among the most ______ of feminist novels: it is still widely ______ more that 150 years after its publication.
问题整改报告A. confusion…mimicked
B. provocative…ignored
C. enduring…read
D. powerful…overlooked
E. irrelevant…taught
3. Led by Massasoit and William brad ford, the Wampanoag communities and Ply mouth Colony created a military and economic ______, drawing upon one another's resources for decades.
A. experiment
B. stalemate
C. dilemma
D. rivalry
E. alliance
4. Jason's gullibility was remarkable: he ______ the most outrageous asrtions and was therefore much too easily ______.
A. trusted…duped
B. procesd…misjudged
C. propod…deluded
D. repeated…apprehended
E. believed…imitated
5. Becau curiosity is deemed the ______ of the scientific temperament, theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, renowned for his cealess questioning, was regarded by some as an ______ of the scientific spirit.学二胡
A. esnce…incarnation
B. bane…advocate
C. crux…inception
D. hallmark…adversary
E. inver…assimilation
6. The editorial charged that some contemporary music ______ fundamental social values by glamorizing what is esntially an outlaw lifestyle.
A. enjoins
B. erodes
C. augments
D. spawns
E. sanctions
7. Some people believe a parrot can comprehend the words it utters, but most biologists
believe parrots lack such ______ ability.
A. auditory
B. cognitive
C. obrvational
D. mimetic
E. prophetic
8. Nothing in the essay is ______: every ntence contributes in an esntial way to the overall meaning.
A. cohesive
B. querulous
C. paramount
D. mandatory
E. superfluous
The passages below are followed by questions bad on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also be bad on the relationship between the paired passages. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.
Questions 9-12 are bad on the following passages.
Passage 1
In a recent survey concerning plagiarism among scholars, two University of Alabama economists asked 1,200 of their colleagues if they believed their work had ever been stolen. A startling 40 percent answered yes. While not a random sample, the respons s
till reprent hundreds of cas of alleged plagiarism. Very few of them will ever be dragged into the sunlight. That's becau academia often discourages victims from eking justice, and when they do, tends to ignore their complaints. "It's like cockroaches," says the author of a recent book about academic fraud. "For every one you c on the floor, there are a hundred behind the stove."
Passage 2
Words belong to the person who wrote them. There arc few simpler ethical notions than this, particularly as
15 society directs more and more energy toward the creation of intellectual property. In the past 30 years, copyright laws have been strengthened, fighting piracy has become an obssion with Hollywood, and, in the worlds of academia and publishing, plagiarism has gone from being bad literary
月亮拼音20 manners to something clo to a felony. When a noted historian was recently found to
have lifted passages from other historians, she was asked to resign from the board of the Pulitzer Prize committee. And why not? If she had robbed a bank, she would have been fired the next day.
9. Both passages discuss which of the following?
(A) Reactions to plagiarism committed by scholars
(B) An increa in plagiarism by college professors
(C) The impact that academic fraud can have on the communication of scholarly ideas
(D) A major change in copyright laws that occurred within the past three decades
(E) Recent and highly publicized cas of plagiarism
10. The "author" (line 10, Passage 1) would likely argue that the historian's having "lifted passages from other historians" (lines 21-22, Passage 2) is
(A) a relatively harmless error
(B) an example of academic collaboration
(C) derving of harsh punishment
(D) far from an isolated incident
(E) a comparatively recent problem
11. The author of Passage 2 would likely respond to the actions attributed to "academia" in lines 8-9 in Passage 1 (" complaints") by asrting that
(A) the actions are consistent with the approach common in publishing
(B) academic plagiarism has usually been misreprented in surveys