那么,托福阅读细节题的出题情况有哪几种呢?为大家详细介绍: 豆芽炒肉丝
1. 直接对应特定词汇
2. 寻找定位句解题
3. 多项选择项分散对应
4. paraphra对应
During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, the glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The surge often progress along a glaci
er like a great wave, proceeding from one ction to another. Subglacial streams of meltwater might act as a lubricant, allowing the glacier to flow rapidly toward the a. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overing the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill. Surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes. However, many of the glaciers exist in the same area as normal glaciers, often almost side by side.
Some 800 years ago, Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advanced toward the a, retreated, and advanced again 500 years later. Since 1895, this venty-mile-long river of ice has been flowing steadily toward the Gulf of Alaska at a rate of approximately 200 feet per year. In June 1986, however, the glacier surged ahead as much as 47 feet a day. Meanwhile, a western tributary, called Valerie Glacier, advanced up to 112 feet a day. Hubbard's surge clod off Rusll Fiord with a formidable ice dam, some 2,500 feet wide and up to 800 feet high, who caged waters threatened the town of Yakutat to the south.
咏诗About 20 similar glaciers around the Gulf of Alaska are heading toward the a. If enough surge glaciers reach the ocean and rai a levels, west Antarctic ice shelves could ri off the afloor and bee adrift. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued ri in a level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing a levels to ri even higher, which in turn would relea more ice and t in motion a vicious cycle. The additional a ice floating toward the tropics would increa Earth's albedo and lower global temperatures, perhaps enough to initiate a new ice age. This situation appears to have ourred at the end of the last warm interglacial (the time between glacations), called the Sangamon, when a ice cooled the ocean dramatically, spawning the beginning of the Ice Age.
1. What is the main topic of the passage ?
(A) The classification of different types of surge glaciers
英语字母手抄报通天岩(B) The caus and conquences of surge glaciers
(C) The definition of a surge glacier
(D) The history of a particular surge glacier
2. The word intervals in line 2 is clost in meaning to
(A) records
(B) speeds
(C) distances
(D) periods
3. The author pares the surging motion of a surge glacier to the movement of a
(A) fish 12306退票手续费
(B) wave
(C) machine
(D) boat
4. Which of the following does the author mention as a possible cau of surging glaciers?
(A) The decline in a levels
(B) The ourrence of unusually large ocean waves
(C) The shifting Antarctic ice shelves
(D) The pressure of meltwater underneath the glacier
5. The word freeing in line 7 is clost in meaning to
(A) pushing
(B) releasing