1.We should all strive (努力) to reunify the motherland.
2.Xie Lei's preparation cour is helping her to get ud to the academic (学术的) requirements of a Western university.
3.It helped me grow from an attimes lfish (自私的) teenager into a reliable grownup.
4.She skipped (蹦跳着走) happily along beside me.
5.This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chine elements (元素).
6.It rained heavily and my new shoes were ruined (毁坏) in the mud.
7.The designers have sacrificed (牺牲) speed for fuel economy.
8.There were countless (数不尽的) trees in the forest.
9.We covered 20 kilometres in five hours. In other words, our average (平均的) speed is 4 kilometres per hour.
10.In a normal (正常的) night, of cour, you often change your sleeping positions.别有用心的女秘书
1.There are many professional (profession) publications printed in English.
2.Hikers and rock climbers will love the endless (end) options for exploring.
清鲜的近义词3.This is also regarded as effort in reaching longterm goals, and determination (determine) to continue one's efforts in spite of hardships.欧洲美食
4.They u information about life length (long), education and earnings to grade countries on human development.
5.It is a totally (total) different experience from either simply sunbathing or passing it in a car.
6.Nouns such as book, pen, apple are countable快乐学英语 (count) nouns.
7.My brother is one of the many applicants (apply) for the job.
8.Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely (extreme) uncomfortable.
9.Our troops took up defensive (defend) positions on high ground overlooking the river.
10.Tho who refu to take that risk lfishly (lfish) make others suffer.
count on, boil down to, stay in, apply onelf to, apart from, in ruins, at the sacrifice of, on average, no longer, rather than
1.He wrote a lot in his letter, which can boil down to it that he felt very sorry for his abnce.
2.Plea stay in and let me know how you are doing.
3.He has applied himlf to application chemistry in the past 20 years.
4.After the earthquake,the ancient building was in ruins.
5.He succeeded at the sacrifice of his health.
6.Few people can count on having a job for life.
7.It must know how to go away when its rvices are no longer required.
8.It was a fun and meaningful experiment to actively think about kind things to do rather than let it happen naturally.
9.Apart from everything el, we had financial problems.
10.By 2019, Chine women had received 9.5 years of education on average.
1.仇恨的反义词There is no reason to suppo she's lying.
2.You shouldn't have done it without consulting me.
3.No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them.
4.The dictionary has disappeared. Who could have taken it?
5.She needn't have come in person — a letter would have been enough.
Thousands of runners gather for the annual Marathon. The largest holiday race in California 1 folks of all ages, sizes, shapes, and 2 . The gun goes off and runners push for position. I just 3 at the new day and feel righteous for having gotten up and down to the event.
Before long, my 4 turns to depression as the venyearold pass me by. Elvis has already 5 the turn way before me and I fall behind a woman who must have 10 years. The n of 6 heats up and so does my 7 . I forget that I already run many miles and have 4.2 miles left to 8 . The runners around me t my pace.
Suddenly, as I make the turn, I am 9 by an overwhelming sight. Facing me, arms pumping runs a young man with one leg 痕迹怎么写 10 in the sun. The metal leg is 11 to his thigh.
He is unaware of anyone who pass him. He is running his own 12 at his own pace.
I slow down and take his lesson. I finish despite the 13 in my knee. Well behind the venyearold. Ahead of the shiny bodied teenager. It doesn't matter. It is my race, at my pace.
How many times do we let others 14 the pace, 15 our own goals, our abilities? How many times do we judge our success or our failure by what others have done?
1.A.impress B.influences
C.attracts D.directs
解析:选C 此处表示感恩节这个最大的节日活动应该是吸引了各种各样的人。
2.A.standards B.abilities
C.grades D.results
解析:选B 文章中谈到了几个不同的人,有不同的能力,因而速度就不同。