引用函数 The practice of eating fruits immediately after meals is not a common one in China, although some people may choo to do so. In China, it is more common to wait a while before snacking or eating fruits, typically until after the postprandial gluco level has stabilized. This is becau Chine culture emphasizes the importance of eating slowly and mindfully, and waiting a while after a meal allows for this mindful eating approach.
Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that eating fruits immediately after meals is harmful. In fact, some studies have shown that eating fruits shortly after meals can help lower blood gluco levels and reduce the risk of diabetes and other chronic dias. However, it is important to consume fruits in moderation and not replace main meals with snacks.
Overall, the practice of eating fruits immediately after meals is not recommended in China due to cultural and health considerations. It is important to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, and to prioritize mindful eating practices.。