综英5 U6 how america lives
Americans still follow many of the old ways.In a time of rapid change it is esntial that we remember how much of the old we cling to.Young people still get married (2.41 million couples last year as oppod to only 1.52 million in 1960).Of cour,many do get divorced,but they remarry at astonishing rates.They have children,but fewer than before.They belong to churches,even though they attend somewhat less frequently,and they want their children to have religious instruction. They are willing to pay taxes for education, and they generously support institutions like hospitals, muums and libraries. In fact, when you compare the America of today with that of 1950, the similarities are far greater than the differences.
新年绘画图片大全Americans em to be growing conrvative. The 1980 election, especially for the Senate and Hou of Reprentatives, signaled a decided turn to the right insofar as political and social attitudes were concerned. It is as if our country spent the 1960s and 1970s jealously breaking out of old restraints and now wishes to put the brakes on as cautious people often
do after a binge. We should expect to e a reaffirmation of traditional family values, sharp restraints on pornography, a return to religion and a rejection of certain kinds of social legislation.
Patterns of courtship and marriage have changed radically. Where x was concerned, I was raid in an atmosphere of suspicion, repression and Puritanism窗外的风景, and although husky young kids can survive almost anything, many in my generation suffered grievously. Without rervation, I applaud the freer patterns of today, although I believe that it’s been difficult for some families to handle the changes.
American women are changing the rules. Thirty years ago I could not have imagined a group of women employees suing南昌到庐山 a major corporation for millions of dollars of salary which, they alleged, had been denied them becau they had been discriminated against. Nor could I imagine women in universities going up to the men who ran the athletic programs and demanding a just share of the physical education budget. At work, at play, at all levels of living women are suggesting new rules.
America is worried about its schools. If I had a child today, I would nd her or him to a private school for the sake of safety, for the discipline that would be enforced and for the rigorous茶叶有哪些 academic requirements. But I would doubt that the child would get any better education than l did in my good public school. The problem is that good public schools are becoming pitifully rare, and I would not want to take the chance that the one I nt my children to was inadequate.
Some Americans must live on welfare. Since it ems obvious that our nation can produce all its needs with only a part of the available work force, some kind of social welfare assistance must be doled out to tho who cannot find jobs. When I think of a typical welfare recipient I think of a young neighbor woman who husband was killed in a tragic accident, leaving her with three young children. In the bad old days she might have known destitution, but with family assistance she was able to hold her childrentogether and produced three fine, tax-paying citizens. America is esntially a compassionate society.
America cannot find housing for its young families. I consider this the most rious danger confronting family life in America, and I am appalled that the condition has been allowed to develop. For more than a decade, travelers like me have been aware that in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Russia and India young people have found it almost impossible to acquire homes. In Sweden the customary wait was 11 years of marriage, and we ud to ask, “what went wrong?” It emed to us that a major responsibility of any nation would be to provide homes for its young people starting their families. Well, this dreadful social sickness has now overtaken自驾出游 the United States, and for the same reasons. The builders in our society find it profitable to erect three-bathroom homes that ll for $220,000 with a mortgage at 19 percent but find it impossible to erect small homes for young marrieds. For a major nation to show itlf impotent to hou its young people is admitting a failure that must be corrected.巴黎圣母院敲钟人
Our prospects are still good. We have a physical tting of remarkable integrity, the world’s best agriculture, a splendid wealth of minerals, great rivers for irrigation and an unsurpasd system of roads for transportation. We also have a magnificent mixture of p
eople from all the continents with varied traditions and strengths. But most of all, we have a unique and balanced system of government.
I think of America as having the oldest form of government on earth, becau since we started our prent democracy in 1789, every other nation has suffered either parliamentary change or revolutionary change. It is our system that has survived and should survive, giving the maximum number of people a maximum chance for happiness.