Abstract: The paper elaborates on the influence of cultural faction and then puts forward the view that domestication translation and foreignization translation should be the two desirable and basic strategies in dealing with the influence of cultural differences on translation. In the end, it points out that domestication translation and foreignization translation are not contradictory but complementary. In view of cultural exchange in cross-cultural communication / translation, foreignization translation should be adopted as much as possible to convey the source language culture to the target language culture readers, while dometication translation may be ud, if appropriate, to supplement foreignization
Key words:Cultural differences; domestication translation; foriegnization translation
Translating is not simply the act of transferring the meaning of a text from one language into another language, and it is really a complex and fascinating task that requires much effort. The author of the paper believes that translation is the transformation from one language and culture(the source language-culture)to another different language and culture(the target language-culture). Eugene A. Nida(2001)states that “the role of language within
a culture and the influence of the culture on the meanings of words and idioms are so pervasive that can scarcely any text be adequately understood without careful consideration of its cultural background.”According to Larry A. Samovar(2000),“intercultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.” Here I’d like to u the term of cross-cultural communication when referring to communication between people from different cultures. Therefore, translation, as an interlingual communication, is both the transformation from one language to another and the transference from one culture to another. In a way, we can say translation is cross-cultural communication, and cross-cultural communication is translation. Anyway, Language is a part of culture, so when translating a text from one language to another, we cannot ignore the necessary knowledge of the two cultures involved.
刮痧YANG Chun-quan (1977-), male, master student, majoring in theory and practice of translation.脸圆 Origins, cultural origins, religions and customs etc., what exists in one culture may not be found or have an exact equivalent in another culture. For instance, I have eve
r en the film Guasha Treatment (刮痧) which was a boxoffice success, and the name of Guasha makes many English learners feel it is a knotty problem in translation. As Gussha (skin-scraping for acute filthy dia) is a traditional Chine treatment that can cure many dias, and in America it doesn’t exist and, therefore, Americans don’t know this kind of treatment. Naturally, cultural conflict in translation or communication occurs. We may describe this phenomenon as vocabulary vacancy. What is more, in the film Xu Datong (the main character and the father of the son who received the treatment of Guasha) said“ ven Jing and eight Mai”(七经八脉) when explaining the treatment to the judge, but the judge just understood nothing. Actually,“经”and“脉”don’t have the equivalent words in English either and they are really too difficult for the Americans to understand, so Xu Datong had no choice but to translate them into“ ven Jing and eight Mai”. The translation by Xu Datong is not ridiculous, but makes us realize that cultural differences do make the translation difficult. Also, in the filmthe American lawyer named“炼丹炉”as the workshop of“太上老君”(the Most Senior).
The dragon is the symbol of Chine nation, and it is the imaginary creature in Chine le
gends. According to the Contemporary Chine Dictionary(2002), it is a legendary creature with a long body, scales, horns, wings and feet, which can walk, fly, swim and gather clouds to pour down rain. What is more, the dragon was a symbol of the emperor in feudal China, and the character“龙”can also be affixed to things connected with the emperor, like“龙体”“, 龙袍”“, 龙颜大怒”“, 龙子龙孙”, etc. In Chine culture, the dragon is regarded as a fortunate and promising supernatural creature that can bring people good luck. It often symbolizes a powerful and honorable person. Chine people address themlves as “龙的传人” and the English-speaking people just fail to understand this phenomenon, 西柚热量becau the English-speaking people regard the dragon as a dreadful animal like a crocodile or a snake and believe it is an evil omen. Therefore, when we translate the well-known“亚洲四小龙”, we should turn them into“four tigers”which is much easier for the English-speaking people to accept. eople to accept.
There are also many idioms either in Chine culture or in British & American cultures. Some of Chine idioms originate from many historical allusions, like“霸王别姬”“, 东施效颦”“, 破釜沉舟”“, 名落孙山”, etc.. Most of the English idioms originate from the Bible or the
Greek and Roman legends, like“the Pandora’s Box”(潘多拉之盒,灾难、祸害的根源)and“meet one’s waterloo”(在比赛中惨败). As language and culture are cloly connected with each other, and the cultural connotations of English and Chine idioms have similarities or differences, idiom translation is both the interlingual translation and the cross-cultural communication. The connotations and cultures of both idioms should be transferred exactly in translation.
Here I also want to mention the difference between the English“east wind”and the Chine“east wind”as well as that between their“west winds”. In China, east wind usually refers to the vernal breezes (spring wind)汤圆 which are warm and comfortable. There are such lines from some ancient poems which contain“east wind”like“东风夜放花千树”(Xin Qiji, Song dynasty),“东风变梅柳,万汇生春光”(Li Shi, Tang dynasty)and“东风无力百花残”(Li Shangyin, Tang dynasty). The“east wind” in each line above refers to the vernal breezes(spring wind). Meanwhile, east wind in England comes from the north of the European continent and is always very cold and even piercing. For instance, in Charles Dickens’David Copperfield, there is“how many winter days have I en him, standing blu
e-nod in the snow and east wind!”On the contrary, the English west wind is very similar to the Chine east wind and thus always connected with spring or warmness. Let’s take a look at John Mafield’s Song of the West Wind: It’s warm wind, the west wind, full of birds cries,媒体传播 I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes, For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hills, And April’s in the west wind, and daffodils. Therefore, we should know the differences before translating west wind(east wind)into Chine or translating西风(东风)into English. In the Chine culture, we often say“西北”,“西南”, “东北”, and“东南”while in the English culture they are respectively“northwest”,“southwest”,“northeast”and“southeast”. “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(U.K.公司制度管理制度范文)is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and a number of smaller islands around them.”(Lai Anfang, 1988). The United Kingdom is an island country and“in Britain no place is over 250 kilometres away from the a”.(Lai Anfang, 1988)As a result, there are many English idioms concerning“water”,“fish”or“a”, like“to be in/get into hot water”(惹来麻烦或羞辱),“to keep one’s head above water”(奋力图存), fish in troubled waters(混水摸鱼), fish in t
he air(缘木求鱼), at a (不知所措), etc. In Chine, when describing a person who us money wastefully, we u the Chine idiom“挥金如土”, but the English people say“spendmoney likewater”. We may also turn“挥金如土”into“throwmoney about like dirt”. Generally, people talk about two groups of colors: 澳门历史简介warm colors and cool colors. In Chine, there are about ven basic colors, namely,“赤橙黄绿青蓝紫”, ud to describe all kinds of colors, while in English there are at least eleven terms for colors, such as white, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange, and grey. Colors often have different meanings in different cultures. Here I will just talk about veral typical colors to invite us to focus on the differences in colors in translation. “Red”should be number one among the warm colors. In both Chine culture and British culture, red is usually ud as an accent and decorators, and red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention. In either of China or Britain, they usually lay out red carpet for the reception腊肠怎么煮 of an important visitor. However, Chine people and British people still view red differently. For the Chine“红色”(red)symbolizes such happy events as success and wedding. For instance, we often say“开门红”(get success at the very beginning), 红娘(go-betw
een), 走红(have good luck/ in favour/in demand),“红火”(flourishing/prosperous), etc.. For English-speaking people, red is the most emotionally inten color and stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. They think it is an extreme color which is likely to cau strong rentment, anger, violence, etc. For example,“red for danger”(红色为不祥之兆)and“a red rag”(令人恼怒的事物). According to the western traditional public entertainment of bullfight, there comes the English idiom“a red rag to a bull”. Therefore the British people say that red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations and red cars are popular targets for thieves. Also there is an interesting story about the translation of“《红灯记》” during the Cultural Revolution. The title of“《红灯记》” was translated literally by some translator, and the westerners just felt confud and considered the translation as funny becau in English the red light district refers to the part of a town where there are many prostitutes. In Chine, when referring to some pornographic magazines, films or records, we u the term“黄色”and name themas“黄色书刊”,“黄色电影科技节活动”and“黄色录象”. However, in English they u“blue”to mean pornography, such as“blue films”(黄色电影),“blue jokes”(下流的笑话) and“blue videos”(黄色录象).
What is more, British and American people always connect“blue”with some high social status/position, especially with aristocratic descent or birth, such as“blue blood”(贵族身份/贵族血统) and“ blue book of American Industry”(美国工业界名人录). In China, we always connect high social status or the most distinguished with“黄色”, like“黄袍马褂”and“黄袍加身”, while in British and American cultures“yellow”has been given the meaning of being cowardly, despicable, mean or shameless, like“yellow belly”(胆小鬼),“yellow streak”(生性怯懦),“yellow dog”(卑鄙的人), etc. According to New Testament the Gospel According toMatthew, Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus for thirty silver dollars, wore yellow at that time.What is more, many Chine people and westerners agree that peaceful, quiet blue caus the body to produce calming chemicals and caus the opposite reaction as red while people get angrymore often in yellow rooms where babies will cry more.
In Chine culture,“白色”is always connected with death and funerals. The Chine character“白”in“红白喜事”just refers to funerals. However, in the English culture“white”has something to do with happiness and purity. Brides wear white to symbolize innocence an
d purity, and doctors and nurs wear white to imply sterility. There are some other English expressions with the word“white”which has nothing to do with“白色”in Chine, like whiteman (善良的人/有教养的人), a white lie (善意的谎言), white elephant (昂贵而有无用之物), white coffee(加牛奶或奶油的咖啡with“白色”which has nothing to do with the), white slave (被迫为娼的女子), etc. Meanwhile there are also some Chine expressions with“白色”which has nothing to do with the color of white in English. For instance, 白开水(plain spoiled water), 白菜(Chine cabbage), 白字(wrongly written character), 白搭(no u/hopeless), 白痴(idiot), etc. Similarly, the English-speaking people name the Chine“红茶”as“black tea”, and“红糖”as“brown sugar”.