关于social networking apps的博文
杜伦大学Have you ever thought how much your life has changed over the last few years? Whether we accept this reality or not it’s happened and still, it’s been changing and we have no control on it. Why is this happening to us? Why could we not stop this change? It is becau change is unpreventable and it’s the universal truth. The modern technology and the innovations are grasping our lives and making our lives depended on it. But, we need to do the things which can do effectively. The social networking apps and its influence on society are unbelievable. The youngsters are skipping their meals and spending most of the time on digital media platforms without realizing and having awareness fully. On the other hand, we happily bring technological creatures in the shape of smartphones and provide to kids along with the internet connection. What are we doing? Do we have to do this? If, yes then we need to think what is in our hands. We still have plenty of things in our hands and we educate our young generation the Good and bad of social networking apps.
The Good Side of Social Digital Apps:
The following mention attributes we need to adopt and then spread it in our young generation. We should teach them, that is why the social media apps need to be ud rather than just wasting our precious time on it. We should encourage our young generation to follow the positive aspect of the social networking platforms. However, we have mentioned the good side of the instant mesngers as under.
The instant messaging apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, Vine, Viber, Instagram and much other alike are the best tools to connect with the friends in a reasonable way. It is true that many of us have found old school fellows with the help social networks we have had. That’s why the social platforms are very effective in a positive way for relationships. The social messaging apps tethered the whole world in hands. We can talk from thousand miles away from our hous with families, friends, and spous and even with our employers and employees. It truly has provided us the opportunity to connect with the whole world and we are now able to make relationships even with whom we cannot meet in real world.
Lack of Communication Barriers:
Everyone knows that the instant mesngers enable us to communicate with the huge audience available within single social platforms and we have dozens of digital platforms. We can share our thoughts, our ideas, and opinions and even we can get a wi tip from the digital world. When we share our idea or thought on social networking apps, it reaches out even to tho who are even not our friends. We can make online groups with the people who think similar to us and can give importance to our feedback and opinions. We can starts campaign against any issue and in the favor of a social or noble cau. In short, we have a broader medium to communicate with the people of the world.
The Gateway of Opportunities:
The social media networks have become a huge part of our lives. When we get access to the browr on the social apps we got updated. The modern world of business is heavily dependent on the social media platforms. They always consider their first priority to publish their advertising of their products. Now we have customized applications for the s
ake of the promotion of the products. We can build a business online and then promote the product online. Becau every-one of us have their accounts on social media accounts and no one gets access more than any other thing than the social apps in particular. The whole activity of promoting goods on social networking apps is known as social media marketing.
The Bad Side of Social Apps:
An Addiction:
Mostly in young teenagers, we have en that an addiction of using multiple instant mesngers and reason can be different to one another. People do text messages hours-an-hours, do calls from the morning and till to the end of the battery of the cellphone device, videos calls and some u the internet in order to get entertainment. All of the moves made by the young teenagers lead them towards the extreme addiction. They could not bear when they forget their smartphone devices in their homes or anywhere el. Let’s imagine for a while when the internet connection becomes limited and what th
飘摇吉他谱ey do in the leisure time. According to some studies, the excessive u of social media can create addiction among the urs. The addiction among the urs leads them to check their inbox, notifications, and status and finally it becomes part of their routine life.
Without the shadow of the doubt technology in the shape of social networking apps creating the complete n of isolation. People just gazing their mobile phone’s screens even at breakfast, talking within the company of friends and even in family events and their minds works multi purpo things. They cannot do communication with their friends convincingly and even cannot pay attention what is happening around them.
Social Issues:
周亚平The modern day social media apps are creating mess in the life teens and kids and they often become the victim of plenty of issues which are following. Every parent should need to aware of. They are responsible for their curity.肾积水怎么办
观书有感其二朱熹Cyber Bullying:
When young teens and kids u multiple instant messaging and dating apps, without the connt of their parents they could be trapped by cyber bullies. Ultimately, the effects of bullying online could long last. They could have plenty of health issues such as deep depression, anxiety and as well as psychological issues.